Like when populations of the same species are isolated from each other and then develop into two different directions and end up as two distinct species.
In the forest, for example, there can be a number of very different microclimates close to each other, because of all the variables I just mentioned.
The growth of higher education manifests itself in at least three quite different ways, and these in turn have given rise to different sets of problems.
This way, a user is differentiated from another test user based on the distinct data requested from all of the test pages.
“We are thinking about a totally different world, with a totally different taste and image from the Shiseido brand,” says Mr Harada.
The combination of these different options creates three distinct claim handling charge calculation rules.
As you can see, even though the same home page is called, it appears significantly different from each link.
In such a case, we might nearly double performance by assigning the two distinct and time-consuming calculations to different processors.
He is managing it quite well-as opposed to me-and enjoys Posting and getting feedback from so many people.
The missions do vary location - from snowy mountains to vast deserts to forests.
It's a different, appealing kind of power that allows a woman to influence her world in a way quite distinct from the way a man influences the world.
Appreciate and understand your spouse's distinctive style, approach and personality - especially when it diverges from yours.
Even though they're designed for very different situations, both Hansel and Gretel have some unique and interesting features that set them apart from other tools of this type.
"By using a different assay, we were able to pick up a completely distinct yet equally important type of genetic mutation that is likely to persist throughout a child's lifetime," Grant said.
Spotted hyenas have a rich vocal repertory; they emit about a dozendistinct vocalizations, most of which can be modulated in various ways to altertheir meaning to listeners.
The Dreyfus model divides the learning process into five distinct stages or levels.
这样的话,通过从所有测试页面中被请求的截然不同的数据,就能够将不同用户彼此区分开来。 。
This way, a user is differentiated from another test user based on the distinct datarequested from all of the test pages.
Individuals and companies have different approaches to risks, which determines that drivers for property insurance demands are different between individuals and companies.
Analysis and simulation results show that different harmonic currents flowing into the capacitor circuit is different due to different reactance ratio of series reactor.
The international monetary system and the international trading system are usually considered distinct entities that serve different functions.
Every host city has a story to tell when they bid to stage a Games, London's story is different to Beijing's. Not worse, not better, different.
China has diverse natural, conditions across its land. As a result, Chinese people living in different areas enjoy absolutely different but rich staple food.
ABSTRACT: With great adaptability, Chardonnay can be shaped into various styles with different growing environment and wine-making techniques.
So the Labor Dispatching is triune employment form that differs from traditional form in which the employee service for the employer under his instruction and supervision directly.
So the Labor Dispatching is triune employment form that differs from traditional form in which the employee service for the employer under his instruction and supervision directly.