• 房屋租赁登记备案制度国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理设立的。

    The system goes house tenancy register records and house tenancy Certificate are legal and valid for tenants renting.


  • “芭沙系统”公司创始人特·罗兰所在公司的软件在组合某类房地产租赁合同时所需时间40小时减少1小时。

    Seth Roland, the company's founder, says that his company's software reduced the time needed to put together a certain type of real-estate lease from 40 hours to one.


  • 而且许多类型债券不同,房地产看作对冲通胀的利器,因为可以承租者重新协商租赁协议,以此反映上涨的物价

    And unlike many types of bonds, property is seen as a useful hedge against inflation because rental agreements can be renegotiated with tenants to reflect rising prices.


  • 房地产租赁收入带来债券现金市值上升得来的股票式收益的混合体。

    The asset is a hybrid of bond-like cash flow from rental income and equity-like gains from rises in value.


  • 亲戚朋友了解到全球房地产公司仲量联行当地办事处有一租赁专员的空缺,就立即通知凯默若前去面试

    A friend of a relative knew of an opening for a leasing associate at the local office of global real estate firm Jones Lang Lasalle and referred Kammerer for an interview.


  • 乙方付清租金其他费用(支付违约金滞纳金)合同约定迁离,返还租赁房地产

    Party B pays off rental and other charges (including liquidated damages and overdue fine and so on) and moves out as per the contract after returning the house.


  • 租赁市场上房地产开发商常常需要同时决定进入-退出时机及开发能力扩张的的时机。

    In lease market, real estate developers often meet the problems of simultaneously making decision for entry-exit as well as capacity expansion.


  • 其中金融业就业吸纳能力最强租赁商务房地的就业吸纳能力也很强

    Which to absorb the financial sector the strongest, leasing commercial real estate industry, and strong employment absorption capacity.


  • 房地产投资信托基金所持租赁物业举例说明之,可以公寓楼

    An example of rental real estate owned by REITS would be apartment buildings.


  • 擅长于中国房地产市场的灰色交易,很多城市低价租赁到了店面。

    He proved to be an adept operator in China's murky property markets, adding low-cost leases in numerous cities.


  • 房地产行业租赁公司需要有丰富经验高层次的教育背景

    The experience and educational background of a leasing firm requires the highest degree of skill in the real estate industry.


  • 安排房地产交易出售租赁代表代理人帮助买主找到最适合房子。需要注册许可

    Arranges the conduct of real estate transactions such as sales and leasing, and assists buyers to find suitable properties, on behalf of an agency. Registration or licensing is required.


  • 本文四个部分一部分房地产抵押权租赁冲突解决

    It is divided into four parts: the first part is to solve the conflict between the right of real estate mortgage and the right of renting.


  • 本法所称房地产交易包括房地产转让房地产抵押房屋租赁

    "Transaction of real estate" as used in this Law includes transfer of real estate, mortgage of real estate and lease of houses.


  • 所谓事实存在形式包括该州拥有或者租赁房地产,为当地销售业务保持一定量的存货,在当地雇用员工等等

    This would include the ownership or leasing of real property, the maintenance of a stock of goods for local sale, employees and the like.


  • 本法所称房地产交易,包括房地产转让房地产抵押房屋租赁

    The transactions of real estate referred to in this law shall mean transfer of real estate, mortgage of real estate and leasing of buildings.


  • 办理信托投资抵押租赁房地产开发信息咨询等业务

    Handle trust, investment, mortgage, leasing, real estate development and information consultancy.


  • 房地产抵押权实行在先存在优先权租赁权的制约。

    The implementation of the hypothec of the real estate should be limited by priority and leasehold that formerly exist.


  • 一个额外的工作处理老板私人房地产租赁叹息合同承租人,合同公证使记录

    I have an extra work dealing with the boss's private real estate such as renting, sighing a contract with the lessee, the contract's notarization and putting on records.


  • 笔者在这一部分阐述房地产抵押权租赁并存可能性理论依据

    The writer illustrate the possibility and theory foundations of the existence of the real estate mortgage right and the renting right.


  • 公司的数量有所增长,而建筑许可需求有所增加。 此外,马德里最近一家私募股权的公司魔法房地产百事通售出了价值一亿两千八百万欧元(折合一亿七千两百万美院住房租赁单位

    There is an increase in new firms, requests for planning permission are up and the city recently sold 128m ($172m) of housing rental units to Magic Real Estate Blackstone, a private-equity firm.


  • 协调房地产代表房产销售租赁活动确保符合法律要求需要注册许可

    Coordinates the activities of real estate representatives in selling and leasing real estate, ensuring compliance with legislative requirements. Registration or licensing is required.


  • 只有齐全,才是合法房地产经纪机构可以从事房地产咨询租赁买卖中介活动

    Only two permits complete, the real estate brokerage agency is legitimate, it may be engaged in the real estate advisory lease, sale, and other intermediary activities.


  • 谈判管理特许经营协议运输协议,房地产开发协议,租赁及其他房地产相关文件

    Negotiate and administer franchise agreements, conveyance agreements, real estate development agreements, leases and miscellaneous real estate related documents.


  • 签订租赁合同房地产交易中心查询租赁房产无抵押查封

    Before signing a lease, a lessee should check with a real estate trading centre whether a leased property is mortgaged or has been repossessed.


  • 租赁合同书原件2房地产复印件。(租赁合同要求合资公司法人代表姓名租用;50平米以上租期一以上;

    Leasing contract(2 Original) and the copy of Property Card. ( Request:should Rentaled by the joint venture legal Representative. more than 50km2, longer than 1 year;


  • 第五上海市房地产管理部门本市房屋租赁行政主管部门。

    Article 5 the Shanghai municipal land and housing administrative department is the authority in charge of house leasing in this Municipality.


  • 国际租赁金融公司之外AIG在考虑出售其他业务包括房地产意外伤害保险有关资产

    In addition to ILFC, AIG was considering selling other parts of its business, including assets related to property and casualty insurance.


  • 国际租赁金融公司之外AIG在考虑出售其他业务包括房地产意外伤害保险有关资产

    In addition to ILFC, AIG was considering selling other parts of its business, including assets related to property and casualty insurance.


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