• 短期不会考虑经营性的房地产征收房地产

    In the short term will not be considered for the collection of non-operating real estate property tax.


  • 发现房地产经济增长损害最小其次消费

    He found property taxes were the least damaging to growth, followed by consumption taxes.


  • 由于消费房地产下降国家财政继续暴跌

    And State revenues continue to plunge due to drops in sales tax and property tax revenues.


  • 房地产场地使用费印花车辆使用牌照

    Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc.


  • 房地产的确不会影响经济增长,可得不到选民的支持。

    Property taxes may be non-distorting, but they are deeply unpopular with voters.


  • 一旦成熟经验试点城市房地产征收理所当然的。

    Once the mature experience of the pilot cities, real estate tax levy will be a matter of course.


  • 符合第二规定企业项目免缴车船牌照房地产

    Enterprises and projects which fulfill the requirements of Article 2 of this Provisions are exempted from the vehicle and ship license tax and the property tax...


  • 政策尤其是房地产应该做出一定调整激励富豪慈善贡献。

    Tax policies, particularly estate taxes, need to be devised to stimulate charitable activity among China's super-rich.


  • 房地产,作为调节房产土地资源重要手段理应发挥积极作用

    Tax on the housing property, an important means by which real estate industry and land resources can be readjusted, should play an active role.


  • 我国应该通过正确处理物业现行房地产关系健全房地产体系

    The real estate tax system should be developed more perfect through the bitter way of dealing with the relationship between property tax and current real estate taxes.


  • 进入21世纪以后我国房地迅猛发展使得房地产备受人们关注

    In the 21st Century, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, people in China pay much more attention to real estate taxation.


  • 第一城市房地产另行规定者外,条例规定机关征收之。

    Article 1. The Urban Real Estate tax (hereinafter called the tax), except otherwise stipulated, shall be collected by the tax offices in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation.


  • 笔者论述了房地产概念和特征房地产税作用以及房地产税法律关系的性质。

    The part discusses the characteristics of real estate tax, the important role taken in market economy of it and the nature of our real estate taxation law relation.


  • 同样地房地产可能低于邻近城镇相比其他潜在退休社区可能高出很多

    Similarly, real estate taxes may be lower than those of surrounding cities but may still be much higher relative to those of other potential retirement communities.


  • 房地产计入本表C其他租户根据租约规定类似于这样规定建设租户程度; ;

    Real Estate Taxes to the extent not charged to the Tenant pursuant to this Schedule C and to other tenants of the Building pursuant to lease provisions similar to such provisions;


  • 同时,“房产作为房地产”中主要全部房地产市场必定调理感化

    At the same time, the "real estate tax" as the main part of the real estate tax ", have a certain effect on the entire real estate market regulation."


  • 这项研究表明系统中的所得转变消费房地产人均GDP产生巨大影响

    The study suggests that shifting tax revenues from income to consumption and property taxes could have a significant impact on GDP per head.


  • 例如理论上房地产有效然而没有愿意房地产疲软采取措施抑制房地产市场

    For example, the case for a property tax is theoretically powerful, but no one wants to do anything that might subdue housing markets while they remain weak.


  • 那以后列出7话题范围关于创造就业机会征收房地产这个计划限额收取2%。

    Since then he has issued seven more manifestos, on topics ranging from job creation to farming to property taxes, which he wants to cap at 2%.


  • 本文通过分析目前我国房地产现实问题,借鉴国际经验,提出物业开征方面若干建议。

    This paper provides some Suggestions on levying the real estate tax by analyzing the present realistic problems in China's real estate tax system and taking internation...


  • 投资者关注的焦点北京方面是否实施新的住宅房地产上海重庆大城市正在就此进行讨论

    Investors are focused on whether Beijing will impose new taxes on residential property, a move that is being discussed by big cities including Shanghai and Chongqing.


  • 房地产实际上不动产,是对土地房屋所有占有者征收种,依据不动产评估价值

    Real estate tax actually refers to the real estate tax, land, housing or occupants of all taxes levied, the tax basis for the assessment of real property value.


  • 文中物业内涵特征基础上通过现有房地产公平功能分析提出增强物业公平的对策建议。

    Property tax in the text of the content and features on the basis of the existing real estate taxes through a fair functional analysis, to enhance the fairness of property tax policy proposals.


  • 第二问题源于文章作者两个主张住房成本过去一年中大幅度下降且当地房地产低于邻近城镇

    The second problem arises from the writer's claims that housing costs have fallen consistently in the past year and that real estate taxes are lower than those in surrounding towns.


  • 最后说明征收房地产对于房地产市场影响房地产资源有效利用的作用,也简单介绍了房地产税一些缺点补救方法

    Finally, it explains what effects the property tax has on the property market and introduces some disadvantages of property tax and methods to remedy them.


  • 我国现行房地产存在”、房地产业的分布结构合理设置欠科学、内外资房地产企业不统一问题

    In real estate there are problems such as charges replacing taxes, unreasonable tax structure, incomplete tax items and non-unified tax systems between foreign and domestic real estate enterprises.


  • 州参议院Jim DeMint指责这个法案“提高了死亡”(法案只是在2010年暂停了房地产实际上这个种得到恢复,只是原计划中恢复得少)。

    Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina complains that the deal "raises the death tax" (in fact it would reinstate the estate tax, suspended in 2010 only, at a lower level than planned).


  • 州参议院Jim DeMint指责这个法案“提高了死亡”(法案只是在2010年暂停了房地产实际上这个种得到恢复,只是原计划中恢复得少)。

    Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina complains that the deal "raises the death tax" (in fact it would reinstate the estate tax, suspended in 2010 only, at a lower level than planned).


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