• 即使是我们决心保持节食状态之时,我们依然潜移默化地受到来自其他所有选择习惯影响。

    Even when we are determined to maintain our diet, we are still subtly undermined by the choices and habits of everyone else.


  • 然而礼貌拒绝了所有选择让塔尼在116小学继续接受教育

    However, the family have politely refused all of them and chosen to continue Tani's education at P.S. 116.


  • 电视现在普及提供各种各样节目选择吸引几乎所有兴趣

    Television is now widely available and it offers a variety of program choices that appeal to almost every interest.


  • 就像你们所有人祈祷地区各个民族选择曾经还未走过自由的路。

    Like all of you, I pray that the peoples of the region choose the path less travelled, the path of liberty.


  • 如果患者网络世界中有着稀稀拉拉所有人信息是否可以理解选择放弃保留信息的机密性

    If a patient has scattered personal information in cyberspace for all to see, can it be interpreted as his or her choice to relinquish confidentiality on this information?


  • 纯粹威胁——一个选择殃及我们所有危险分子

    Except a menace -a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.


  • 所有软件相同某个用户来说是最好选择,并不是所有人来说是最好的。

    As with all software, the best choice for one user isn't always the best for all.


  • 要在工作日期间寻找一个所有人可以待命的时间可能相当棘手,因此下班后也许是不错时间选择

    Finding a time when everyone is available during the day can be tricky, so after hours may be a good time.


  • 合法选择限制存在时候,所有都会破坏法律;当每个都破坏法律的时候,法律就失去正当性而且实际上不复存在了。

    When legal options are limited or nonexistent, then everyone breaks the law, and when everyone breaks the law, the law loses its legitimacy and essentially ceases to exist.


  • 影片最后尽管所有人取笑他们两个男孩还是选择登上选秀舞台实现他们最初的梦想

    At the end of the movie, the two old boys walk onto a talent show to realize their dreams, even though everyone is making fun of them.


  • 自体移植最好选择不是所有人都能适应这种治疗带来的创伤,这种治疗带有很大的风险,包括死亡

    Autologous transplant is the preferred approach. Not everyone is a candidate for this aggressive treatment, and it has serious risks, including death.


  • 这里一项竞赛结果其他所有的都好像这场竞赛中,除了第一别无选择

    It's the outcome of a race one's running faster than all of the other guys and it's as if to have a career at all one has no choice but to come in first.


  • 所有人马刺糟糕的投篮选择其实不然马刺最差的投篮是他们球不中的篮。

    Everyone says this was the worst shot San Antonio could have taken, but this isn't true: the worst "shot" the Spurs could have taken was two free throws.


  • 美国并不自认知道什么所有人最为有益做法,正如我们不会主观选择和平选举结果一样。

    America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful election.


  • 是的父母选择一个很高意识层次做的决定实际上,你所遇到所有你灵魂深处选择好的。

    Yes, and your parents pick you. That is, at a very high level, a joint decision. In fact, it's true of the coming together of all people.


  • 这样的小改变影响所有——并不只是影响那些收到健康短信目标群众。通过每个自觉选择使变得健康。

    Little changes like these reach everyone-not just the people targeted with a health message. And they get us healthier just by letting us stay on autopilot.


  • 信用债券的所有人没有选择权。

    Owners of debentures do not have voting rights.


  • 他们NBA球员中做了一份问卷调查询问他们心中绝杀投篮的最佳,他们几乎所有选择科比

    They polled a bunch of NBA players asking them who they would want to shoot the ball in a game winning situation and they voted Kobe in a landslide.


  • 船舶登记船舶所有人依据住所或者主要营业所所在地就近选择但是不得选择个或者二个以上船舶登记港。

    The owner of a ship may choose a port closer to his residence or his principal place of business as the port of registry, but he is not allowed to choose two or more ports as the port of registry.


  • 所有人最佳选择就是待在原地,同时3个传送队员彼此远远开。

    It's best for everyone in the camp to just stay put as the 3 teleported players get away from each other.


  • 我们知晓所有人两种选择——要么无所事事拖拖拉拉要么开始追逐我们梦想,努力实现我们心中的愿景想法

    Know that we all have two choices: Either we do nothing and give into procrastination, or we start chasing our dreams, our visions, our ideas.


  • 所爱们,选择喜悦重视所有人的较高利益

    Beloved ones, choose your joy and consider the greater good for all! I am the Metatron.


  • 这个技巧我们所有人受益匪浅即使我们做出的选择微不足道

    All of us can benefit from this little technique, even if our poor choices aren't major ones.


  • 这个技巧我们所有人受益匪浅即使我们做出的选择微不足道

    All of us can benefit from this little technique, even if our poor choices aren't major ones.


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