All you'll have to do is look at it and your mobile handset or AR-equipped eyeglasses will identify the object and look up the best price and retailer.
它利用内建于许多手机和平板电脑上的GPS和数字罗盘来直接标记这些站点在一个显示于设备屏幕的活跃的feed上——这是一项被称为AR (augmentedreality增强现实)的技术。
It USES the GPS and digital compass built into many phones and tablets to mark these sites directly on a live feed displayed on the device's screen-a technique known as augmented reality.
荷兰软件公司SPRXmobil不久将发布一款Android手机应用,称其为“世界上首款增强现实(Augmented Reality)技术浏览器”。
Dutch software firm SPRXmobile will soon release an application for the Android phone that it calls "the world's first Augmented Reality browser."
The game relies on a type of technology called augmented reality in which players try to capture digital creatures that are overlaid onto the real world with the help of the phone's camera.
The game relies on a type of technology called augmented reality in which players try to capture digital creatures that are overlaid onto the real world with the help of the phone's camera.