In places like Bali and New Guinea, people tend to slip in and out of sleep as they need it, napping more during the day, and getting up more at night.
But for the most part, I just want to do a few things each day, and then take a nap.
I feel tired and would like to take a nap. In the meantime, you may do some reading.
If you have the opportunity, take 10-20 minute naps when you are hit with a wave of drowsiness.
One morning the husband came back from fishing after getting up real early that morning and took a nap.
Day and night Tung and Fong stayed in the room, spelling each other off only for short naps.
Sometimes while watching his flock, he would curl up in a quiet corner and go off to sleep.
Collected here as well are more photographs of people everywhere lucky enough to find a few winks.
Take a break each day from the stresses and reduce your risks, find a quiet, comfortable spot and take a nap.
I preferred to doze on Bianca's couch rather than argue about the merits of this or that painter.
So a sound sleep may help you find your car keys. Especially if they [car keys chirp sound] while you [snore sound].
Just looking at these slumbering giraffes is enough to give you a crick in the neck - which is why the world's tallest animals don't often stop for a snooze.
The big thing is that the brain needs a rest every now and then, and apparently, the brain can refresh itself and go on "like with a full tank of gas" with just a short, 20-minute power nap.
But enjoying a snooze on Christmas Day will no longer mean missing your favourite programme thanks to a wristwatch-style device that will record it for you when you fall asleep.
Or if one of our cats comes up to say hello, rubs itself on my leg and settles down for a nap near me... yep: great day!
Sleep experts say that if you feel groggy or tired during the day, feel the urge to nap, or if you fall asleep within five minutes of lying down, you could possibly be sleep-deprived.
Because a new study in the journal Science shows that a quick snooze after a mental workout helps to consolidate learning.
But in the UK it is culturally unacceptable for us to be found napping with our head on the keyboard.
那么如果你真的疲惫了,你可以抽10 - 15分钟出来打个小盹儿。
Hence if you are really tired, you could take 10-15 minutes off and take a short nap.
那么如果你真的疲惫了,你可以抽10 - 15分钟出来打个小盹儿。
Hence if you are really tired, you could take 10-15 minutes off and take a short nap.