• 用户打开最近应用程序窗口应用程序切换另一个应用程序。

    The user opens the Recent Apps window and switches from your app to another app.


  • 奇尔在最近给这家四星级酒店的道歉信中写道:“我记得我走过长长的大厅,打开房门,发现有一整群海鸥。”

    "I remember walking down the long hall and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls," Burchill said in a recent letter of apology to the 4-star hotel.


  • 弹出对话框中的历史记录允许快速重新打开最近使用过工作物件

    The history in the pop-up dialog allows you to quickly reopen a recently used work item.


  • 干电池燃料电池技术直到最近才取得突破——其重量大大减轻,从而打开市场的大门。

    But batteries and fuel cells have only recently become light enough to open up a large market.


  • 伊朗俄罗斯印度都会帮助北部联盟,印度最近首次打开了,塔吉克斯坦,阿富汗北部海外基地

    It was Iran and Russia and India and that will help the northern alliance and India has opend its first ever overseas base in Tajikistan, north of Afghnastan in recent years.


  • 最近经济不景气已经产品打开机会之门,同时用工成本低廉熟练技工也大有人在

    The recent recession has definitely opened up opportunities for new products, and skilled people at lower costs are abundant.


  • 正像最近维也纳举行欧洲神经科学论坛上听众解释的那样,如果的,那么她或许已经打开治疗其他形式的持续性疼痛大门

    If she is right, as she explained to an audience at the recent Forum of European Neuroscience in Vienna, she may have opened a door to the treatment of other forms of persistent pain.


  • 除了去医院时候,一天的重要事情就是靠着他母亲,打开邮箱。母亲最近告知阑尾结肠发现良性肿瘤

    The highlight of his day is lumbering to the mailbox, leaning on his mother, who was told recently by doctors that she had carcinoid tumors in her appendix and colon.


  • 最近养成这个习惯,我走路时(我每天至少步行公里),随时发现有趣东西,我打开相机下来。

    I recently developed this habit and anytime I'm walking (I walk a few miles at least daily) and I see something I find interesting, I turn my camera on and take a picture of it.


  • 多亏了优秀的缓存功能,用户打开最近阅读信息撰写邮件可以在此类情况下工作良好

    Thanks to aggressive caching, opening recently read messages and composing new email will still work fine.


  • 工作区的deployment_root文件夹中,打开最近修改的子文件夹,并分析此处的CommonBaseEvents日志

    In the workspace's deployment_root folder, open the most recently modified subfolder and examine the CommonBaseEvents logs there.


  • 最近研究中,科学家利用一种基因技巧使在p 53基因打开时候斑马鱼变成绿色探索这种基因的调节方式

    In the latest study, the scientists used a genetic trick to make zebrafish turn green when the p53 gene was switched on to explore the way it was regulated.


  • 我们可以设置归档功能,使其根据LastAccessed属性最近18个月以来没有打开或者读取过文档归档。

    We may set up our archiving feature to archive any document that was not opened or read in the last 18 months based on the LastAccessed property.


  • 看来长寿既然打开他们最近请求查询潜在放款

    It looks at the longevity since you opened them, recent requests and inquiries asked by potential lenders.


  • 通过打开团队区域编辑器Artifacts部分可用AlleventsforthisteamareaFeed可以查看团队中最近发生的事情。

    She can look into what recently happened in the team by opening the All events for this team area feed available in the Artifacts section of the team area editor.


  • 每个用户一个最近打开工程列表

    Each user also has a catalog of recently opened projects. A project may be opened after it is retrieved from the catalog.


  • 最近阁楼打开尘封箱子找到了她家的纪念品。

    Recently she had opened a dusty steamer trunk in the attic and found several family keepsakes .


  • 基于区域任务显示玩家相应区域现在。当几个任务打开最近区域确定哪个任务显示。

    Area-based quests are only displayed when the player is in the corresponding area now. When there are several quests open, the nearest area determines which quest is displayed.


  • 不仅仅央行银行家们打开货币闸门而且最近几个月里美国消费者今后通胀预期几乎就没改变过

    Not only have central bankers opened the monetary floodgates, but American consumers' expectations for future inflation have barely changed in recent months.


  • 现在事情变得有趣了。模块系统最近一个新增功能模块运行打开

    Now it gets interesting. A pretty recent addition to the module system is the ability for modules to open up packages at run time only.


  • 一个序列打开一家医院在哪里最近订婚女人无意识的未婚夫是她一边

    Next sequence opens in a hospital where the recently engaged woman is unconsciousness, and her fiancé is by her side weeping.


  • 最近佳酿酒应该品尝小时内打开促进香味形成

    A recent vintage should be opened one hour before tasting in order to allow the bouquet to develop.


  • 美国芝加哥南部地区男孩打开了大门,让有机会看到一个最近街角以外远大人生

    To the young boy on the south side of Chicago who sees a life beyond the nearest street corner.


  • 有名,我们换了新的发行商后,最近以来芬兰的名气稍稍打开还是

    No, not really. With our new distributor, we have a better name in Finland nowadays but it's still very small.


  • 这样做使程序之间转换快速而稳定并且可以确保应用程序再次被打开的时候可以反应用户最近修改

    Doing so allows a fast, smooth transition between applications and ensures that your application can reflect the user's most recent changes the next time it starts.


  • 一家南宁的酒店最近雇佣了一位印度为到访的客人打开车门。

    A hotel in Nanning recently employed an Indian man to greet its patrons by opening their car door before its main entrance.


  • 千万不要打开潘多拉——没有人想要知道薪酬过低,或者你被低估了,或者你的公司正面临经济困难最近要求你接受降薪

    Try not to open Pandora's boxnobody needs to know you are underpaid or how undervalued you are or that your company is in financial trouble and recently asked you to take a pay cut.


  • 千万不要打开潘多拉——没有人想要知道薪酬过低,或者你被低估了,或者你的公司正面临经济困难最近要求你接受降薪

    Try not to open Pandora's boxnobody needs to know you are underpaid or how undervalued you are or that your company is in financial trouble and recently asked you to take a pay cut.


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