• 人们抱怨批准拒绝许可决定往往随意的,不是基于固定标准

    People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often arbitrary rather than based on fixed criteria.


  • 货仓开发许可批准开发商只是充实细节

    Permission for a warehouse development has already been granted and the developers are merely fleshing out the details.


  • 2006年,政府更进一步要求所有工厂许可延期必须经过佛蒙特立法机构批准

    In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant's license be subject to Vermont legislature's approval.


  • 尽管如此野生动物管理局还是批准许可

    Nevertheless, the wildlife agency approved the permits.


  • 几乎没有一个工厂得到相应排放批准他们的排放许可也没有改变防止未来污染

    Few of those plants have ever been sanctioned for those emissions, nor were their discharge permits altered to prevent future pollution.


  • 菲亚特FIAT意大利都灵汽车制造厂Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi LediTorino)的译文缩写“fiat”英语中的词意为“法会”、“许可”、“批准”。

    Fiat (FIAT) car factory in Turin, Italy (Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi Ledi Torino) translation abbreviation "fiat" in English word meaning "law would, " "License", "approval."


  • 即使这样OSI还是承认太多了,希望批准许可减少6个7个

    Even so, OSI has admitted that there are too many and that it hopes to reduce the number of approved licenses to perhaps six or seven.


  • 实际上,Opensource.org上列出了50多个各不相同的经opensourceInitiative (osi)批准许可各自都自己的机制要求限制

    In fact, there are more than 50 unique Open source Initiative (OSI) -approved licenses listed at Opensource.org, each with its own mechanics, requirements, and restrictions.


  • 由于书籍批准与否情况下应予以出版,弥尔顿将出版许可比作殷勤者为了赶走乌鸦关上公园大门的举动”。

    Since books would be published whether permitted or not, licensing is likened to "the exploit of that gallant man who thought topound up the crows by shutting his park gate."


  • 部分原因听到接下来的事,然后另外一部分是因为批准做的事,就好像她是如此渴望这些恰恰还要经过许可的坏坏感觉。

    Part of it was hearing what she was going to do to me next, and part of it was the idea that I was actually granting her favors, like she wanted it so badly but needed my okay.


  • 后来发现仅仅是申请飞行许可就要花费数千美金而且要举行跨部门会议尽管这样仍批准把握。

    Then he discovered that merely applying for permission to fly would cost thousands of dollars and require an interagency meeting with no guarantee of approval.


  • 阿尔戈斯二号首先批准运用伦敦曼彻斯特巴黎日内瓦医院——一旦获得美国食品药品检验检疫局许可,也将在美国开始出售。

    The Argus II will initially be made available via hospitals in London, Manchester, Paris and Geneva, and-once it receives approval from the Food and Drug administration-in America.


  • 中国实行监管许可政策监管层制定,要求所有外国投资者限定范围内进行经营,并事先取得批准

    China operates a licensing system, policed by regulators, that requires all foreign investors to seek approval to conduct business activities within a defined scope.


  • 理论上讲,风险评估计划通过放慢停止批准计划建设激光商业许可或者可能结果设计得到改进

    In theory, the risk-assessment plan, if adopted, could slow or stop the granting of a commercial license for the proposed laser plant or could result in design improvements.


  • 过去如果教授打算举行期末考试时,必须先得到校方的许可现在开始,只有他们举行期末考试的时候,才需要获得校方的批准

    In the past, professors were supposed to obtain approval if they did not intend to give a final exam; from now on, though, they will need to notify the university if they do wish to give one.


  • 尽管可能有些骇人听闻至少50个OSI批准许可,但是这些许可互不相同适合许可内容目的需求

    While it may seem shocking that there are at least 50 OSI-approved licenses, the licenses vary to suit the content, the purpose, and the needs of the licensor.


  • FDA基于瓦斯可以患者肿瘤在5半月内都增长的研究,批准了阿瓦斯丁的使用许可

    FDA gave its blessing based on a trial showing it offered breast cancer patients an extra 5.5 months of "progression-free survival," time when their tumors weren't growing.


  • 为了我们愿望请求女士(我们错误地认为使他们喜欢我们),我们总是某些事情获得女士们的许可批准

    In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), we guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission."


  • 月亮快车获得批准可能性未来私人太空活动例如太空探索技术公司2018年前往火星计划提供一个得到许可的蓝图。

    She said the potential approval for Moon Express could provide a framework for the future licensing of private space activity such as SpaceX's plans to go to Mars in 2018.


  • 需要取得省级区域专业工程师协会许可,才可以批准工程图纸报告作为专业工程师(专业工程师)进行实践

    Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a professional engineer (P. eng.).


  • 需要取得省级区域专业工程师协会许可,才可以批准工程图纸报告作为专业工程师(专业工程师)进行实践

    Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a professional engineer (P. eng.).


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