Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones!
Not everyone is looking for a relationship, and sometimes people who are both looking for relationships are actually looking for different ones!
The photographer continues to look for subjects and is inviting people to come forward until he finishes the project next year.
Since I'm not making enough money to pay rent, I gave up my apartment and decided to couch-surf with a different friend each week for 52 week.
Usually a little knowledge is a dangerous thing too. But it is difficult to know all, so find different real specialists and make good relation with them.
I am looking for papers that have ideas about something that happened one way in the Northern colonies happened a different way in the Southern colonies.
Find students from different parts of the country, record them talking to each other in different combinations, report on how they accommodate their speech or not, that kind of thing.
Such an analysis may prompt you to revise your business plan or its execution, to think about completely different business or... to apply for a regular job.
Look for books or crafts that give children opportunities to feel different textures.
Your puzzle solving strategy may be different. But as long as you have one, your puzzle will be finished.
He added: "We are also getting taller ever year, and guys are not only getting bigger but they are also coming in different shapes which makes it harder for them to find clothes that fit.
If you're not getting the opportunity to grow at your workplace, you need to find a different job or strike out and learn new skills and information on your own.
Several colleagues from different departments helped me with that.
My colleague tackled my request for a new name with vigor, spending the better part of an hour scribbling down different combinations of characters on a piece of paper.
Don't worry about money until you're 30. Until then, find great mentors and make sure you do things that give you exposure to different industries--and, importantly, a little sales experience.
Of course, many new parents are always on the prowl for new and unusual names - perhaps they just liked the sound of it.
Because unlike the previous examples, with social networking the purpose is interaction, finding new friends and showing yourself to others.
Your puzzle solving strategy may be different.But as long as you have one, your puzzle will be finished.
Formatting, finding your personal style, learning how to articulate thoughts, finding other examples, and relating to different types of people are all needed skills.
"I'm looking for that TV in the AD" but can't tell which of the 25 TVs on sale in various sizes, brands and technologies is the right one.
Not only because you will likely have to wade through dozens of different options, but also because there is some amount of pressure involved.
Now that you see how to find and get around different files, it's time to start reading, copying, and moving the files around.
your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have the same birthday as you, he gets $2.
If she took a similar job with a different employer, she would likely be just as dissatisfied.
If she took a similar job with a different employer, she would likely be just as dissatisfied.