• 爱是那么深切,从身体到灵魂,我的一切都给了你。

    The love was so deep that I gave you my all from my body to my soul.


  • 一阵风暴卷走一切拿去;劈开睡眠抢走我的梦。

    Sweep me away like a stormtake everything I have; break open my sleep and plunder my dreams.


  • 1945年,何克罹患破伤风不幸英年早逝,年仅30岁临终留下遗言:一切献给培黎。

    Unfortunately, in 1945 Hogg died young from tetanus at 30. His last words were "Give my all to Bailie School." new.


  • 一切完完全全地交给了阿根廷”,周四,4比1,在世界杯赛中轻取了韩国,一心只装着蓝白军团,只求的战将能顺利出线,挺进第二老马如是说

    I'm giving my everything for the Argentine team, "he said after a 4-1 World Cup victory over South Korea on Thursday that all but assured the Albiceleste of advancing to the round of 16."


  • 一切安排相信一次美妙的旅行

    I've taken care of everything and I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful trip.


  • 想了几分钟从哪里开始,然后把我悲惨童年的一切都告诉了她。

    Having thought for a few minutes about where to start, I told her all the story of my sad childhood.


  • 只是思想引领这样种程度不再需要头脑保留任何知识一切网站上去行了

    It has only led my thoughts to the extent that I no longer retain any knowledge in my head, I just look everything up on its website instead.


  • 抬举到您的世界里去吧,高高兴兴失去一切自由

    Life me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 自己现行时,你可以说:“好吧知道一切只是兜圈子。”

    Once you catch yourself, you can say, "Okay, I know all I'm doing is going around in circles."


  • 因为已经准备一切电影上了,一直坚持事情做完。

    Because I prepared to bet all on this (new film), I want to do all of what I've endured so far.


  • 所以你们要谨遵行一切律例典章免得你们你们吐出。

    Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.


  • 自己现行时,你可以说:“好吧知道一切只是兜圈子。”

    Once you catch yourself, you can say, "Okay, I know all I'm doing is going around in circles." So I'm getting off this bus.


  • 想起卡车,“老”,可惜出发它卖了,那车世界上一切,被得实在漂亮

    The truck is just my old beater, "old Red", I had so regrettably to let go before the trip, and the boxes are more or less everything I own in the world, packed up nice and tight.


  • 这个戴墨镜的服务员:“这位大姐是个瞎子看不见不过要是他们柜台上就能通过它们落地发出声音判断出一切

    He says, ''Ma'am, I'm blind but if you drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound that it makes.''


  • 20:22所以你们遵行一切的律例典章,免得你们你们吐出

    Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out.


  • 可怜的劳拉宝贝曾经狄恩一切告诉过她,这时她几乎了:“不能这么。”

    Poor little Laura, my baby, to whom I had told everything about Dean, began almost to cry. "Oh, we shouldn't let him go like this.What'll we do?"


  • 知道一切装满自己那么还有什么空间装你所知道的一切呢?

    Had I filled myself with all that you know what room should I have for all that you do not know?


  • 这个小小的世界里,生怕使再缩小一丁点儿抬举到您的世界里去,让高高兴兴失去一切自由

    I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less.Life me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 肯定的是,希望他们想起我的时候,记得不管去哪他们在身边,想起如何总是他们放在一切之前

    To be sure, I would like them to remember how I always wanted them with me wherever I went, how I always tried to put them before everything else.


  • 所以达拉斯;除了兜里一点找到工作吃饭用的零钱外,基本上所有一切都交了出去那家公司停业,倒闭了。

    So, I was in Dallas; I had turned over virtually everything I had but some pocket change so I could eat until the job came in, and that company went out of business. It went bankrupt.


  • :“一定上面行船了:他——爱他胜过爸爸妈妈;他——时时刻刻在想念他;一生的幸福放在他的手里。 牺牲一切来争取他和一个不灭的灵魂。

    Then she heard the bugle sounding through the water, and thought- "He is certainly sailing above, he on whom my wishes depend, and in whose hands I should like to place the happiness of my life.


  • 这种目空一切心态归入大路货的档次。

    This supercilious attitude relegates me to the level of the commonplace.


  • 发生的一切告诉格雷格,现在起来还时常觉得内疚撒谎行为归咎于我的年轻愚蠢

    I never told Greg about what happened, which occasionally makes me feel guilty, but I chalk my cheating up to being young and silly.


  • 不过最终还是习惯一切而且渐渐地官邸中的服务人员工作觉得感激他们使能够更多时间投入工作中去。

    In time I got used to it and came to appreciate the work the folks at the mansion and the troopers did; they gave me more time for the job.


  • 现在已经跑过了一半距离知道一切不会问题所以只是注意力集中在跑步上面。

    Now we have passed half way, I know that will be fine, so I just concentrate on the running.


  • 一次父亲来信晚了责备顿:一通信渠道很快就要关闭了,只能在记忆中会议这里一切

    Once when I was late replying to a letter from my father he chided me: This account will be closed soon, and then you will have only memories - ashes of thoughts.


  • 一切急难中出来。眼睛看见了仇敌遭报

    For he has delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.


  • 面前一切忧愁化为不熄的欢乐了,愿意自己奉献给祂。

    Before Him all my sorrow is melting away into deathless love and gladness, and I give myself to Him forever.


  • 就那样着,看着着,一切一切都刻印记忆中。

    But months later I still remember just standing there, watching, listening, taking it all in.


  • 就那样着,看着着,一切一切都刻印记忆中。

    But months later I still remember just standing there, watching, listening, taking it all in.


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