Applicants for a job interview with LG Electronics in Chile had the scare of their lives when the company played a cruel prank on them that has been turned into an amusing TV advertisement.
I always used green paper, and recorded each game pitch by pitch, using an elaborate code I made up.
They record every word he says, including his frequent obscene outbursts of rage.
YouTube could record those moments of salience, could use them to build a model, a data shadow, which could reinforce your own ability to make decisions about who should see what.
I had no choice but to write it down, so I could prove to my friends that nothing ever changes.
Just sit there and let your mind wander through everything in your life and write down everything that concerns you, that you're trying to remember, that you're working through.
It's great to document this because once a system is up and working well; the tendency is for the project sponsors to direct more users to it.
Learn to note, to record things rather than keep it all in your head or on scraps of paper.
Just make a note that if you find yourself discounting the information you receive from anyone, make sure you ask yourself why.
The job, which involved the transcription of oral history tapes, had about it a quality of penance that suited me, though after a time I discovered to my chagrin that I was having fun.
Being able to detect damage to a bridge or tunnel and report it automatically would be very useful.
If all you do is write thingsdown, then you’ll probably forget fewer ideas you have while outhitting golf balls or whatever.
A careful reader wants to argue with the author, or amplify a point, or jot down an insight inspired by something freshly read.
If a compute node crashes, the management node can log it and you will know that while the benchmark that ran is not accurate, the proper action is being taken to restore the failed compute node.
Just pull out your paper and pen when you feel the need to release whatever you're currently dealing with.
I would like to type the thoughts that have just sprung up in my mind. Read and ponder on each line.I admit that it's a sad aim at poetry, but I am allowing my mind to control my typing.
WebUrbanist: is your goal with "Vanishing America" to perform a commentary on the state of the country, or do you see your role more as a documentarian?
Make a list of notes of things you need to learn, need to improve on, skills you want to master, people to talk to.
Cut out all of the details of the scene and just rehearse the lines out loud. Listen to yourself for changes in your tone and then try to capture that on the page.
None of it is recorded - or at least, it's not recorded by any of us, for any of us (though the NSA has expressed some interest in it) - because it hasn't been seen as valuable.
And the point of this is so that you don't come to class heads down the whole time thinking everything I say is absolutely worthy of being written down.
For years, he'd had the habit of taking notes of his mother's words.
Ask them what data they need to make better decisions and document the answers. The information you collect should be the driving force for your implementation.
Doodle, scribble, and inscribe your memory in a special way so that you may share it.
Don't forget to take note of important points that could be raised in a discussion such as birthdays.
Write the actual and expected system behavior as a series of bullet points on a story card or on a wiki.
Write the actual and expected system behavior as a series of bullet points on a story card or on a wiki.