• 测试结果表明利用数据平滑处理方法可以提高传感器测量准确抗干扰能力

    The result demonstrates that the measurement accuracy and the anti-jamming ability can be increased by using the data modification.


  • 样机测试结果表明系统抗干扰能力强、控制集成高、性能稳定

    Test results of the prototype truck demonstrate that the system has excellent interference resistance, high control accuracy, high integration level and stable performance.


  • 通过采用高隔离DC - DC电源噪低漂移放,使用光电隔离滤波器设计,采集装置具有了很强的抗干扰特性

    By using DC-DC power source, low drift operational amplifiers, optically coupled isolators and filter design, the system has a good characteristic of anti-disturbance.


  • 采用组合结构差动传感技术能够研制抗干扰性能良好和高灵敏新型涡街流量计

    Therefor, using the dual bluff body configuration and the differential sensing technique, a novel prototype of vortex flowmeter with excellent noise immunity and improved sensibility was developed.


  • 针对目前国内测量抗干扰能力、测量精不高,提出基于哈特曼光阑多点区域测量来实现焦全自动测量。

    Multipoint area measurement which based on Hartmann diaphragm is proposed for poor anti-jamming capability and poor measure accuracy of single-point measurement method at present.


  • 仿真结果表明导引跟踪回路的超调量、上升时间、隔离性能基本满足设计要求,且具有好的抗干扰能力

    The simulation result indicates that the performance of the tracking loop of the seeker already satisfy design specification. And the seeker has the good anti-interference ability.


  • 方波电源采用数字技术脉冲电源,具有相位严格频率稳定抗干扰能力强等独特的优点

    The square wave source is an impulse source in which digital technique is used. It has the advantages of rigid phase, high frequency stabilization and high antijamming.


  • 研究一种关于大型类件误差测量法·测量方法具有结构简便,实用可靠抗干扰性强等特点·。

    A measurement method of deviation from circular form of large-scale holes is discussed. It has the characteristics of simple, practical, reliable, and anti-interference.


  • 目的建立一种富集能力分析灵敏抗干扰能力强、精密快速的测定饮用水微量方法

    Objective To establish a rapid method having great capability for enrichment and anti-interference, higher sensitivity and good precision for determination of trace silver in drinking water.


  • 较高灵敏抗干扰能力得了扩散型真空电弧的弧后电流值;

    It is suitable for diffused vacuum arcs and of fairly high sensitivity and good anti-interference ability.


  • 结果精密灵敏回收率抗干扰能力各项指标均达到临床要求

    Results CLIA attained the clinical demand in terms of its precision, sensitiveness, recovery and anti-interference.


  • 模拟的二线制变送器相比变送器的抗干扰能力强,好的实用价值,测量准确可达0.2%。

    Compared with analogy one, the transmitter defends interference more powerfully and has higher practical values and high accuracy up to 0.2 %.


  • 其中选用MQ-2型半导体可燃气体敏感元件烟雾传感器实现烟雾的检测,具有灵敏响应抗干扰能力优点,而且价格低廉使用寿命

    Which use MQ-2 combustible gas sensor-type semiconductor sensors to achieve smoke smoke detection, high sensitivity, fast response, strong anti-interference, etc, and the price low, long service life.


  • 传感器具有良好线性,性能稳定灵敏抗干扰能力强,具有广阔应用前景。

    The sensor which has good linearity, reliable property, high sensitivity and strong anti interference ability can be widely applied.


  • 针对介质损耗测量准确抗干扰等方面不足,提出一种基于注入信号法的介损测量新方法

    Traditional methods for the measurement of dielectric loss are difficult to meet the requirement of accuracy and anti-interference.


  • ARM处理器具有抗干扰能力、存储量集成高等优点。

    ARM processor has strong anti-jamming ability, big storage, high speed and higher integration.


  • 感应技术采用人体红外线检测技术。具有灵敏抗干扰、待机功耗等优点。

    Sensitive technology: body heat releasing infrared ray testing technology is applied, with advantages of high sensitivity, strong anti-jamming capability and small power consumption.


  • 系统具有有效灵敏响应抗干扰能力测速范围广等特点。

    The system has advantage of higher sensitivity, large effective area, high response speed., powerful ability of resisting interference and wide scope of measuring velocity.


  • 采用集成电路接近开关作为检测元件使得信号采集具有较高灵敏、较好的抗干扰较长的使用寿命。

    The IC approach switches are used as test elements, making the signal collection highly sensitive and well jam-resistant and prolonging its service life.


  • 心电检测单元功耗高精集成抗干扰设计目标。完成心电信号放大功能

    ECG monitor has the function of ECG signal amplification. In which low power consuming, high accuracy, high integration and anti-interference play a great role in the design.


  • 设计准则基础上,建立产品健壮设计分位数优化模型保证了所设计产品抗干扰能力可靠

    Based on the proposed rules, the percentile based optimization model for robust design was presented, which assured a product's reliability and quality robustness to the noise.


  • 实验结果表明方法具有远距离检测灵敏抗干扰的特点。

    The testing results show that the method possesses a jamproof capability for distant testing with high sensitivity.


  • 系统采用模块化思想各个部分采用模块化设计使系统应用更加方便,同时抗干扰能力更强、灵敏更高、安全可靠

    Modular thinking is used in the system and each section is designed by modular, which make the system more convenient to apply to, stronger to avoid interference, more sensible and more reliable.


  • 传统原子技术相比,本法简便、灵敏抗干扰能力强

    Compared with conventional atomization technique, probe atomization results in both a much greater reduction of interferences and a higher sensitivity.


  • 方法抗干扰能力强,准确完全能满足监测聚氰胺装置废水含量需要

    This method provides a high degree of interference protection and high accuracy, fully meeting the requirements of monitoring the ammonia content in the wastewater from the melamine unit.


  • 结果表明选定的色谱条件对食品样品中混合色素分离具有分离效果好、抗干扰能力强测定灵敏的特点。

    The results showed that the chosen experimental conditions and method had preferable separated effect, strong anti-interference ability and high sensitivity.


  • 系统采取调制光源作为探测信号采用光敏二极管作为接收组件大大提高了系统灵敏抗干扰能力

    Modulated light is used as detecting signal in this system, photodiode area array is used as receiving module, which greatly improves the sensitivity and anti-interference ability of the system.


  • 糠虾和发光细菌法相比,发光海藻法具有抗干扰能力强灵敏检测时间优点

    This method has the advantage of good anti - jamming ability, higher sensitivity and short test time.


  • 本文通过雷达干扰、雷达抗干扰技术分析提出了雷达抗干扰有效概念

    The concept of the availability of the radar anti-jamming is put forward in this paper, through the analysis of the radar jamming and radar anti-jamming technologies.


  • 本文通过雷达干扰、雷达抗干扰技术分析提出了雷达抗干扰有效概念

    The concept of the availability of the radar anti-jamming is put forward in this paper, through the analysis of the radar jamming and radar anti-jamming technologies.


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