• 发誓背叛进行报复

    He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.


  • 发誓一定报复他们所有的人。

    She vowed to be revenged on them all.


  • 拘捕增加了报复攻击恐惧。

    The arrests raised the spectre of revenge attacks.


  • 这家报纸指责企图报复她以前的情人

    The paper accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.


  • 发誓报复自己不忠爱偷东西妻子

    He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful, thieving wife.


  • 非常报复

    I was sorely tempted to retaliate.


  • 攻击者报复名14岁男孩学校一霸

    The attackers were said to be taking revenge on the 14-year-old, claiming he was a school bully.


  • 社区教会领袖呼吁人们保持冷静不要采取报复行动

    Community and church leaders have appealed for calm and no retaliation.


  • 警方他们认为这起袭击那个毒贩而实施的报复

    Police said they believed the attack was in retaliation for the death of the drug trafficker.


  • 任何敌对活动都可能招致报复进而使联合国部队卷入战斗中。

    Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.


  • 完全是抢劫——报复

    Tain't robbery altogether--it's revenge!


  • 卧薪尝胆图谋报复

    He endured hardships to plan retaliation.


  • 报复知道监狱里,知道他绞死。

    The revenge was that I knew he was in prison and that I knew he would be hanged.


  • 报复一个女人的时候,你不用——胡说

    When you want to get revenge on a woman you don't kill her--bosh!


  • 昨日看见众子的血,我这块田上报复

    Yesterday I saw the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons, and I will revenge you in this field.


  • 遇到不文明行为时,只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机才能忍住报复

    It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to retaliate when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • 只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机,才能遇到不文明行为抵制报复诱惑

    It takes the most levelheaded and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to retaliate when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • 遇到不文明行为时,只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机才能抵制报复诱惑

    It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • Adonis后来野猪杀死——袭击可能安排报复 Adonis另一个浪漫阴谋

    Adonis was later killed by a wild boaran attack that may have been arranged to avenge another of Adonis' romantic intrigues.


  • 有人担心,一些西方人质可能会报复杀害。

    There were fears that some of the Western hostages might be killed in reprisal.


  • 第一能够直言不讳不怕家人遭到报复

    For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.


  • 指责存心报复

    He accused her of being vindictive.


  • 他们首领遭到暗杀,他们为了报复枪杀了名人质

    They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.


  • 要以愤怒或报复的方式处理问题。

    Don't deal with the problem in an angry or retaliatory fashion.


  • 声仍不停歇的时候,以一种愤怒或报复性的方式处理是不明智的。

    When the noise remains going on, it is wise not to deal with it in an angry or retaliatory (报复性的) fashion.


  • 其他孩子手里抢东西他推来推去时,感到困惑,不是报复

    He is puzzled, rather than vengeful when other children snatch things from him or push him around.


  • 如果政府军遭受重大伤亡,那么政府军就会把报复目标转向地区村民。”LaNan

    "If government troops suffer a lot of casualties, government troops turn on the villagers in the area, " said La Nan.


  • 如果政府军遭受重大伤亡,那么政府军就会把报复目标转向地区村民。”LaNan

    "If government troops suffer a lot of casualties, government troops turn on the villagers in the area, " said La Nan.


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