Abstract Factory vs Factory method: Composition vs Inplement?
But forcing the public API to accommodate factory objects or abstract factories, just because the test code wants it to, is the wrong design.
Factories and Abstract Factories can be used as dependency frameworks, but there are specialized frameworks for that, known as Inversion of Control Container.
If an abstract factory object must be passed in, then you must add a new public constructor or mutator.
Now that we've covered all the bases (no pun intended), we'll create automobiles with our abstract factory using a builder method.
For the design of protocol manager, we use the Proactor Pattern and abstract factory to increase the scalability of the system and reduce the coupling degree between modules.
At this point, you may be tempted to go one step further and replace the factory method with a full-fledged abstract factory object, as detailed in Design Patterns by Erich Gamma, et al.
A type can be abstract, and the data factory will not allow you to create an instance of that type.
Other JMS artifacts are JMS connection Factories that abstract from the connection handling for JMS Destinations, for example, pooling concepts are hidden from the JMS API user.
An abstraction and factory layer has been created so that multiple SOAP transport providers can be supported.
对于此问题,JSR- 166专家创建了一个更加有用的抽象(ExecutorService接口),它将线程启动工厂建模为一个可集中控制的服务。
For this, the JSR-166 experts created a far more useful abstraction, the ExecutorService interface, which models the thread-starting factory as a service that can be controlled collectively.
The next-highest layer of abstraction is the BeanFactory interface, an implementation of the Factory design pattern that enables objects to be created and retrieved by name.
The process of building a factory is taking these parts (assets) and applying abstractions and automation to them, and integrating them into one tool.
One layer above the core object is the factory code. The factory object provides a basic abstraction of the core XPCOM object.
One layer above the core object is the factory code. The factory object provides a basic abstraction of the core XPCOM object.