• 认为德国语言是从根本上拉丁语言不同

    He argued that the German language was fundamentally different from the Latin languages.


  • 拉丁语言引入…把…拼写拉丁字母表中的字母;使罗马化。

    To transliterate into the characters of the Latin alphabet; Romanize.


  • 贝克斯特罗姆先前提醒与会者许多年前说过域名使用拉丁语言不可能实现的。

    Beckstrom, in earlier remarks to conference participants, recalled that many people had said just three to five years ago that using non-Latin scripts for domain names would be impossible to achieve.


  • 了解这些语言更加容易去掌握其他拉丁语言例如意大利语葡萄牙语荷兰语

    Being able to master all these languages automatically makes it easier for me to understand other Germanic and Latin languages such as Italian, Portuguese and Dutch.


  • 典型希腊罗马翻译作品译成印刷成册并且他们上千拉丁语言胶囊习惯一样,希腊语言就像灾难温度计一样

    Translations of Greek and Roman classics were poured onto the printed page, and with them thousands of Latin words like capsule and habitual, and Greek words like catastrophe and thermometer.


  • 18世纪研究古代语言梵语拉丁希腊语)的学者注意三种语言许多相似之处

    In the 18th century, scholars who have studied the ancient languages, Sanskrit, Latin and Greek, noticed that these three languages had many similarities.


  • 认识梵语,即印度语言,与拉丁希腊语尔曼语凯尔特密切同源。

    He recognized that Sanskrit, the language of India, was related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.


  • 原始欧语门经过重构得出的语言也就是说就是语言学家总结梵语拉丁希腊语的母系语言样子

    Proto-Indo-European is a reconstructed language, meaning, it is what linguists concluded a parent language of Sanskrit, Latin and Greek would have to be like.


  • 主要用作宗教教学工具通常拉丁表达,也就是当时意大利影响相当大基督教语言

    It was used primarily as a vehicle for teaching religion and was generally presented in Latin, the language of the Christian Church which had considerable influence in Italy at that time.


  • 也许这些语言很久以前同一种源语言发展而来的;也就是说,也许它们“基因”上是有联系的,就是梵语拉丁希腊语的情况。

    Maybe the languages developed from the same source language long ago, that is, maybe they are genetically related, that was what happened with Sanskrit, Latin and Greek.


  • 他用拉丁问了汤姆一个问题,汤姆用同样语言结结巴巴回答了

    He asked Tom a question in Latin, and Tom answered him lamely in the same tongue.


  • 欧洲日常生活语言不断演变。在中世纪某个时期,真的只有商人贵族神职人员才使用拉丁

    The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats and clergy who could deal with Latin.


  • 那个时候,拉丁仍然学术界通用语言因此这个希腊语单词之所以能够得以进入英语医学术语,完全要归功于拉丁语写成的文章。

    Latin was still the language of scholarship and so it was a Latin text that sanctioned the use of the Greek word in English medicine.


  • 主要罗曼语言,现在已经放弃拉丁中的中性这个语法性别进程中大多数的中性拉丁语名词都变成了阳性的。

    The major Romance languages have dropped the neuter gender of Latin; in this process, most neuter Latin nouns became masculine.


  • 不过如果追溯到它的源头,我们得细数一系列语言——拉丁希腊语阿拉伯语,波斯语以及梵语

    But it goes back to Latin and Greek and Arabic and Persian and Sanskrit.


  • 她虽提到拉丁theodiscus使用首次提及了德语这门语言名称没说明theodiscus是如何演变而的。

    Ms Sanders reports that the Latin theodiscus is the first mention of German's name for itself (Deutsch), but not where theodiscus comes from.


  • 尽管哲学不再使用拉丁作为第一语言但是很多西塞哲学术语今天仍然频繁使用

    Although philosophy no longer USES Latin as its first language, many of Cicero's philosophical terms are still in common employment today.


  • 拉丁进入英语而且其他一些日耳语言出现。

    It came to English from Latin and shows up in a bunch of other Germanic languages as well.


  • 对于那些字母多于拉丁语系少于中文日语语言该怎么办呢?

    What of other languages that have more characters than Latin-based ones, but fewer than Chinese or Japanese?


  • 拉丁几乎是纯粹语音语言,即单词中没有不发音的字母每个字母都有固定发音

    Latin is an almost purely phonetic language. There are no silent letters, and each letter represents a single sound.


  • 古代阿拉伯语希腊语拉丁不同时期国际语言

    In ancient times, Arabic, Greek and Latin were international languages at different points in time.


  • 学习英语德语现代语言学习拉丁更为有用

    It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.


  • 先生哥伦比亚大学毕业完成关于语言毕业论文,同时研究俄语德语拉丁希腊语梵语波兰语

    Mr. Urdang graduated from Columbia and did graduate work there in linguistics, studying Russian, German, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and Polish.


  • 我们许多英语单词扎根拉丁同样mile也曾是欧洲许多语言中的一个长度单位

    For much the same reason that so many of our words have Latin roots, the word "mile" was used for a unit of distance in many languages throughout Europe.


  • 由于诺曼人自己语言保留很多拉丁,所以拉丁再次开始影响当时的英语

    Since there was still so much Latin in their own language, Latin again began to have an influence on English.


  • 虽然英语法语借来的词数目最多其它语言拉丁希腊语做出了贡献

    Although English has borrowed most heavily from French, other languages as Latin and Greek have also made their contributions.


  • 这个技巧同样适用其他罗曼语族西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语因为这些语言法语一样同一个拉丁单词

    This trick also works for the other Romance languages - like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian - since these languages use words with the same Latin roots as French words.


  • 解剖学日子作为门描写科学开始那时拉丁普遍科学语言

    Anatomy began as a descriptive science in the days when Latin was the universal scientific language.


  • 解剖学日子作为门描写科学开始那时拉丁普遍科学语言

    Anatomy began as a descriptive science in the days when Latin was the universal scientific language.


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