• 拉格比19世纪初创立于沃尔威克拉格比学校,因此而得名。 㩢。

    The game "Rugby" was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19th century.


  • 新西兰决赛击败法国韦伯埃利斯奖杯因传说中发明了橄榄球拉格公学学生得名

    New Zealand beat France in the final to become the first team to lift the newly crafted Webb Ellis Cup, named after the Rugby school pupil credited with inventing rugby union.


  • 那时他们自由退出烧了他们格瓦拉海报搁置许久的大提琴谈一亚细亚生产方式更有趣的东西

    They would thenbe free to bow out, burn their Guevara posters, take up thatlong-neglected cello again and talk about something moreintriguing than the Asiatic mode of production.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪奥拉位列曼联队中的教练人选之一,一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法奥·卡佩罗、胡斯希丁克、马丁·奥尼尔阿瑟纳·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 参加婚礼的宾客有120位,包括蕾妮齐薇格马修麦康纳 马奎尔、罗伯特唐尼艾莉莎 米兰诺、艾拉 菲舍尔萨尔玛海耶克等明星

    Stars including Renee Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey, Jr., Alyssa Milano, Isla Fisher and Salma Hayek were also among the 120 guests.


  • 好莱坞领军人物马丁·斯科塞斯斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格佛朗西斯·科波拉朱丽叶·诺什都谴责被捕

    Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.


  • 29岁霍尔茨·伯格28岁妻子瑞夫卡举行的葬礼仪式十分感人。

    It was an emotional service for 29-year-old Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his 28-year-old wife, Rivkah.


  • 1940年,美国犹太教拉考古学家尼尔森·格鲁伊克(NelsonGlueck)公然宣称发现所罗门控制以东就在此地。

    It also happened to be where the American rabbi and archaeologist Nelson Glueck unabashedly proclaimed in 1940 that he had discovered the Edomite mines controlled by King Solomon.


  • 一个最畅销格兰·诺拉燕麦卷近乎含有等同于14g糖,而且营养素草莓葡挞巧克力蛋糕

    A top-selling granola bar contains nearly the same amount of sugar-14 g-and fewer nutrients than a strawberry Pop-Tart or a slice of chocolate cake.


  • 我伸长头颈观望,就是犹太中心奈芮门大楼,布鲁克林来伽弗雷。霍尓兹伯格妻子莉卡就是在这儿杀害的。

    That was the Nariman House, where a rabbi from Brooklyn, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were killed.


  • 希廷格尔(Hittinger博士怀疑基本形式酿造拉格(贮陈)啤酒---时间很而且还是低温发酵---确实真贝酵母(eubayanus到来之前发生,但是这些早期拉格啤酒质量不太好。

    Dr Hittinger suspects lagering in its basic formlengthy and cool fermentationdid precede the arrival of eubayanus, but that these early lagers were poor.


  • 分手物品博物馆用来纪念失败恋爱关系的博物馆。该馆设在克罗地亚萨格勒布市奥林卡·韦斯·蒂卡德拉任-格鲁希奇创建

    The museum of Broken relationships is a museum dedicated to failed love relationships. It is located in Zagreb, Croatia and established by Olinka Vistica and Drazen Grubisic.


  • 还有一场特别回合重量级之战,巴尔迪莫拉文思安全”,托米科维斯基对阵来自芝根的佳乐布格鲁姆梅特。

    And in a very special feature four round heavyweight bout Baltimore Raven's safety, Tommy Zbikowski will take on Caleb Grummet of Michigan.


  • 应用拉格朗日方程求解椭圆周期牛顿力学的方法简明方便

    It is more conciseness and convenience to solve the period of elliptical pendulum by using Lagrange equation than using Newtonian mechanics.


  • 的建筑优美,对着红衣主教拉格喷泉

    It is more coquettish. It is opposite the fountain of Cardinal DE Birague.


  • 不知道本来如此还是因为施了魔法拉格霍恩办公室一般教师房间大多。

    Whether it had been built that way, or because he had used magical trickery to make it so, Slughorn's office was much larger than the usual teacher's study.


  • 参加婚礼的宾客有120位,包括蕾妮齐薇格马修麦康纳马奎尔、罗伯特唐尼艾莉莎米兰诺、艾拉菲舍尔萨尔玛海耶克等明星

    Stars including Renee Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey, Jr. , Alyssa Milano, Isla Fisher and Salma Hayek were also among the 120 guests.


  • 这个新的分析方法常用拉格朗日方程更加有用

    This novel method seem to be more useful than conventional Lagrange equations.


  • 托马斯·阿诺德,拉学院名誉校长文学教授托马斯·阿诺德小说家兼殖民管理者威廉姆·迪尔菲尔德·阿诺德的兄弟

    He was the son of Thomas Arnold, the famed headmaster of Rugby School, and brother to both Tom Arnold, literary professor, and William Delafield Arnold, novelist and colonial administrator.


  • 指控BP石油公司说服释放洛克空难爆炸格·拉希问题发挥作用卡梅伦巴马为相关问题做好了准备

    David Cameron and Barack Obama were peppered with questions about allegations that BP played a role in securing the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.


  • “70年前犹太人移居到这里为了生存”,一位和蔼以色列籍拉沙洛姆·格林伯格讲坛说,“现在他们来到这里是为了发达”。

    "Seventy years ago Jews came here to survive, " Rabbi Shalom Greenberg, an affable native of Israel, announced from the pulpit. "Now they come here to prosper.


  • “70年前犹太人移居到这里为了生存”,一位和蔼以色列籍拉沙洛姆·格林伯格讲坛说,“现在他们来到这里是为了发达”。

    "Seventy years ago Jews came here to survive, " Rabbi Shalom Greenberg, an affable native of Israel, announced from the pulpit. "Now they come here to prosper.


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