As we were about to cross a busy street that was filled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, "Hang on to me, Mom," then led me safely across.
As early as when I come back the eldest brother come and took my hand and I play together.
I kissed his forehead as he held my hand and gazed up at me.
She tried to hold my hand crossing the street, but I pulled away and told her not to.
Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me. "Just pray with me," she said, holding my hand.
For example, I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently.
She handed Jessica back to Dad before taking my hand and quietly leading me into the room.
So, my father took my hand, I go to pick another hand holding a branch, finally got the scoop up plastic bags.
Today at the Atlanta airport, as I walked off a plane dressed in my Army uniform, a little girl grabbed my hand and asked me if I would be going back overseas soon.
Nevertheless, I'll fix it in my mind how you held my hand, when I was traipsing, barefoot, on the flagstone walkway touched with hints of emerald moss.
At one point there were a few dozen kids swarming around me to ask me about America, tug at my hands and try to rub the freckles off my arms.
Grampy held my hand tightly. Together we looked up the street and down, and back up again. He stepped off the curb and told me it was safe to cross.
When I said good bye Mrs. Scott took me by the hand and wept. "Why did you come to us," she said, "if you must go so soon?"
Many years ago, when my first marriage was failing, my six-year-old son once led me by the hand into the kitchen where his mom was standing and tried to tape our hands together.
It was worked entirely with the knees, so that I could still hold the hands of the people on either side of me.
And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.
Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is that thou hast to tell me?
"He is a free soul surely," I answered; and holding her hand, I led her on deck.
Charlie was speechless. The man grabbed Charlie's hand and pumped his arm and said, "I guess it worked," and walked off.
Say that finish, just and mother's hand took mine, and striding to the pearl tower.
Gradually he was able to control the defecation and gained self-confidence. The patient took her hand and said excitedly, thank you for letting me return to life again.
I think it is our responsibility to carry their hands and lead them go across the street.
After closing the door of our shop, I brought one child by the hand, carried the other child and pulled my husband beside me to walk to our home slowly.
After closing the door of our shop, I brought one child by the hand, carried the other child and pulled my husband beside me to walk to our home slowly.