• 我们意识已经签下了一份合同拍摄一部电影

    We are aware that you've signed a contract for participation in a feature film.


  • 能看到他们如何实际拍摄一部电影以及他们付出工作体验

    It has been a wonderful experience seeing how they actually make a movie and all the work that goes into it.


  • 1988年拍摄一部电影《旺角卡门》,此后平均拍摄一部电影

    He made his first film, As Tears Go By, in 1988 and since then he has made an average of one film every two years.


  • 澳大利亚联合新闻社第九电视网妮可圣诞前夕就回到了悉尼,目前正在那里拍摄一部电影

    Kidman has been in Sydney since before Christmas and is making a movie in Australia, AAP and Nine Network television reported.


  • 因为近来一直瑞典北部拍摄一部电影拍摄地点距离斯德哥尔摩5小时路程。

    I am currently working on a movie in the north of sweden, about 5 hours from Stockholm.


  • 而且,还是非常有热情很多事情画画或是自己一部电影,而且现在正在拍摄一部电影

    On top of that, I'm a really ambitious person with a lot of things that I want to create and do, like painting or making my own film, which I'm in the process of doing right now.


  • :“将要拍摄一部电影,我并不感到担心这部电影中,我将会表现出特质,我也不感到有所失败。”。

    "I don't worry about it," he said. "I'm shooting a film. I'm going to show my character in that film. I don't feel a failure."


  • 们为了对它表示敬意,拍摄一部名为《中国女排》的电影

    To honor it, a film named Zhongguo Nvpai or Leap in English has been made.


  • 他们正在拍摄一部自己生活方式电影-不是自己,而是作为类似行善社区工作坊一部为我们作,带有毫不妥协讯息

    They are making a movie about their way of life - but not for themselves, as part of some kind of do-gooding community workshop; it is for us, and it carries an uncompromising message.


  • 最佳真人短片《爱神》,一部关于一个现代比特电影导演卢克·马西尼特别感谢了影片拍摄期间后勤工作的母亲。

    Live action short went to "God of Love" by Luke Matheny, who thanked his mother for doing craft services during shooting the film about a modern-day Cupid.


  • 个知情人士透露,这个爱分心的歌星,有段时间,曾非常专注于这样个计划:《颤栗》音乐录影基础拍摄一部长篇电影

    One person close to the famously distractible singer says that for a time he became preoccupied with making a feature-length movie based on the music video for the album's title track.


  • 莱奥纳多曾就泰国遭受的飓风向联合国儿童基金会匿名捐赠大笔款项,曾经泰国个月的时间拍摄一部于2000年上映的电影“海滩”。

    Leonardo has made a large but unspecified donation to UNICEF for tsunami relief efforts in Thailand, where he spent four months shooting the 2000 movie The Beach.


  • 因在梦露去世周前拍摄照片而出名的摄影师巴特斯特恩说:“还未曾看过任何一部关于她的电影

    I’ve never seen a good movie made of her, ” says Bert Stern, who famously photographed Monroe weeks before her death.


  • 因在梦露去世周前拍摄照片而出名的摄影师巴特斯特恩说:“未曾看过任何一部关于她的电影

    I've never seen a good movie made of her,” says Bert Stern, who famously photographed Monroe weeks before her death.


  • 最近美国电影制片人奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)罕见地被获准拍摄一部关于老卡斯特罗的纪录片。

    The American film maker, Oliver Stone, was recently granted rare access for a documentary to be released soon.


  • Google新闻报道韩国导演朴赞郁拍摄世界上一部iPhone电影并非关于iPhone的电影,确切地说,它是完全iPhone拍摄电影

    According to Google News, director Park Chan-Wook from South Korea has shot the first iPhone movie in the world. No, it is not a movie about the iPhone, it is a movie shot completely with the iPhone.


  • 明年主打电影,是关于海军抵抗外来入侵一部电影,现正在路易斯安那拍摄

    Hitting cinemas next year, it is a film about marines fighting an alien invasion. And it is being shot in Louisiana.


  • 1940年,千代子凭借满洲国拍摄一部电影开始了职业生涯,满洲国日本扶植起来满族国家,是日本统治亚洲企图一部

    The heroine Chiyoko begins her acting career in 1940 with a movie filmed on location in Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria that was part of Japan's attempt to rule Asia.


  • 然后拿出下一部电影可能是《终结者2》,我看到直到今天仍然站得住脚拍摄技术我们一直在进步

    Then I get to the later films, probably 'T2' on, and I see the technique that still holds up. But we get constantly better.


  • 哈萨克斯坦一部商业电影——拍摄制作发行没有国家毛钱,全靠票房收入——上片引起博客众多讨论回响。

    The first Kazakh fully commercial movie - shot, cut and promoted without state support with the purpose to extract money from the box-office - has produced a big debate in the blogosphere.


  • 帕尔默对自我欺骗感到内疚一部IMAX电影公司拍摄关于狼群的纪录片中,电影制作团队发现很难拍摄到狼嚎的特写,于是他们就去野生动物饲养租了一些狼来完成拍摄

    Palmer is guilty of deception himself. While working on an IMAX film about wolves, the film team found it was too hard to get shots of roaming wolves, so it went to a game farm and rented them.


  • 如果一部学生电影镜,那么这类型电影大部分都是在室外拍摄手持摄像机而且没有灯光,你的妆容要稍淡一些,粉底微薄一些。

    If you're auditioning for a student film-most of them are shot outdoors with handheld cameras and no lighting-make sure you wear a little less makeup, a little less powder in particular.


  • 寄来一封很棒的信,随信寄来一部做了注解电影剧本一张由签名的照片,上面是他与库珀格蕾丝·凯莉1951年正午拍摄现场穿便服拍的合影。

    I got a great letter from him with a copy of his annotated script and an autographed picture of himself with Cooper and Grace Kelly in street clothes on the High Noon set in 1951.


  • 上周末哈马斯制作拍摄一部电影加沙地区上映,各路名流纷纷在摄影师前摆好造型,来庆祝这时刻到来。

    The first feature film produced by Hamas debuted last weekend complete with a crowd of local celebrities posing for photographers at the Gaza movie premier.


  • 上周末哈马斯制作拍摄一部电影加沙地区上映,各路名流纷纷在摄影师前摆好造型,来庆祝这时刻到来。

    The first feature film produced by Hamas debuted last weekend complete with a crowd of local celebrities posing for photographers at the Gaza movie premier.


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