• 他们一整天跟着这些动物拍摄研究收集事实信息图片

    They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures.


  • 我们通过关注扁桃体拍摄惊悚,因为扁桃体大脑中是处理那些恐吓恐惧信息部位

    We will however be able to make scarier films by focusing on the amygdala, the part of your brain that processes information pertaining to threats and fear.


  • 如果确有此事人们应该对这些信息当做小报新闻发布的行为加以谴责,其追求市场金钱拍摄成果嗤之以鼻

    And if this is true, it is criminal to treat this information like a tabloid news story, and tease the final product while trying to build a market and make money.


  • 照片中看可怜羊羔死是活。照片是一位鸟类爱好者拍摄的,不愿意透露姓名认为透露自己信息暴露出金雕巢穴位置,那样以来那些愤怒山区农场主会对金雕采取扑杀行动。

    It was taken by a bird-watcher who does not want to be named as he fears that could identify the location of the eagles’ nests, and put the birds at risk from angry hill farmers.


  • 它最长可以拍摄2小时640x480分辨率高清晰视频,足可以容纳任何重要信息

    This tiny little gem will record up to 2hours of resolution 640x480 clear video, so you don't forget any important pieces of information.


  • 临近案发之前,哈里斯列出了拥有武器份杀人名单。 克莱伯德在此方面公布信息较少,但也同哈里斯秘密制作了录像拍摄他们拥有的武器。

    Closer to the massacre, Harris listed his stockpile of weapons and posted a hit list.


  • 可能编辑过程丢掉这个最初脚本但是拍摄具有不会迷失时间压力信息过载的重要价值。

    You may discard this initial script during the edit, but on shoot it is invaluable to keep you on track amid time pressures and information overload.


  • 汤姆影片拍摄期间没在赞比亚她的封信基于欧文斯夫妇美国广播公司制片人摄像师提供信息

    Tomlin who was not in Zambia during the filming says that she based the letter on information from the Owenses and from ABC's producer and cameraman.


  • 拍摄图片形状组成的,你无法拍摄真正的树,你只能通过拍摄树的形状颜色传达一棵树视觉信息

    Everything you photograph is composed of shapes. You cannot photograph a tree, you can only photograph a form and colour that conveys the visual information of a tree.


  • 汤姆影片拍摄期间没在赞比亚她的封信基于欧文斯夫妇美国广播公司制片人摄像师提供信息

    Tomlin, who was not in Zambia during the filming, says that she based the letter on information from the Owenses and from ABC's producer and cameraman.


  • 拍摄到的生物明艳而且罕见,让渴望探索了解有关它们生命信息

    The creatures I photograph are so bright and unusual that you want to explore and learn something about their lives.


  • 通过这些信息软件可以找到拍摄地点附近然后显示出他们的照片。

    Using those signals, the app figures out who is nearby and then displays their photos.


  • 照片拍摄确定使得照片天气人口密度植被地形土地等地理信息联系起来成为可能

    Determining the location of photos also makes it possible to combine them with geographic data bases related to climate, population density, vegetation, topography and land use.


  • 不过专业摄影记者电视制片人依然可以用他们的专业技巧拍摄我们生活这个世界里发生的事情,并这些信息传播给我们其他人

    But professional photojournalists, and more recently videographers, have continued to make good livings at a craft that helps inform the rest of us about the world we live in.


  • 接着有关寻找演员参与拍摄一个讽刺《欢乐合唱团》的小品的最新信息梅丽尔·斯特里普

    Then an update on the search for a female star to make a cameo in their upcoming Glee takeoff: Meryl Streep said no.


  • 有了那些记录信息,导演就能进行编辑:比如重新拍摄失败镜头调整电影音乐,提升视觉效果以及运用其他各种改进方式完善替换掉那些效果平平的场景。

    From that info a director can edit, re-shoot an actor’s bad performance, adjust a score, pump up visual effects and apply any other changes to improve or replace the least compelling scenes.


  • 近期谷歌公司承认很多国家拍摄街景期间无意收集到了个人电邮密码信息

    The internet company recently admitted that it had unintentionally gathered e-mail and password data in many countries while mapping its Street View service.


  • 除了标准照片文件包括大量信息之外,一项技术运用甚至可以找到照片拍摄地点详细信息

    Beyond the stacks of info contained within standard picture files, a new breed of applications can pile on even more detailed signals about where a photo was taken.


  • 卢卡斯旨在拍摄一部有趣科幻史诗,而卡梅隆意在传递沉重环境信息

    Unlike Lucas’ more playful science fiction epic, Cameron reaches for a heavy environmental message.


  • 段视频风暴追逐们所拍摄,这些是冒着自己生命冒险帮助收集信息警告公众关于龙卷风危险的人。

    This video was shot by storm chases, people who put their lives at risk to help gather information and warn the public about tornadoes.


  • 打开应用软件部分信息立刻就通过互联网上传到Color服务器而不只是等到拍摄照片才会上传。

    Some of that info is sent over the Internet to Color's servers moments after the app is opened, not just when pictures are taken.


  • 城市移动拍摄建筑物时,名为Layar应用平台根据手机取景器中的图像提供可以查看的信息数据

    Called Layar, the app is a platform that makes sets of data viewable on top of the viewfinder of your mobile phone as you pan around a city and point at buildings.


  • 谷歌Google正在开发具有人脸识别功能的移动应用程序帮助用户获得被拍摄的谷歌个人主页(GoogleProfile联系信息

    Google is developing a mobile app with facial recognition technology that pulls up the Google Profile contact info for people snapped in photos.


  • 例如一款叫作Color新型照片分享应用软件可以改变智能手机部分传感器从而获得更为精确照片拍摄信息

    For example, a new photo-sharing app called Color leverages a smartphone's various sensors to determine more accurately the setting where a picture is taken.


  • 2006年6月25日—人造卫星拍摄全世界城市图像发出的信息可以加上这样标题城市扩张

    June 21, 2006-satellite images of cities around the world tell a story that could be titled, Urban Sprawl.


  • 以及选择拍摄对象时应考虑一些普遍标准新鲜性、接近性、人情味信息问题普遍性对象的可拍性。

    Then it discusses general criteria for choosing a subject, such as originality, human interest, sentiment, informative content, universality of problems and visual potential of the topic.


  • 介绍如何屏幕得到适当的调整最好的结果包括详细信息大小色彩管理拍摄图像

    Ben describes how to take images from looking good onscreen to being properly adjusted for best results on paper, covering details such as sizing, sharpening, and color management.


  • 这些照片是从警方直升机拍摄美国广播公司根据信息自由法案规定美国国家标准局取得发布。

    The photos, taken from a police helicopter, were obtained by ABC News under a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


  • 这些照片是从警方直升机拍摄美国广播公司根据信息自由法案规定美国国家标准局取得发布。

    The photos, taken from a police helicopter, were obtained by ABC News under a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


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