Each layer of a digital picture often contains data about where and when a shot was taken.
Often, Mantle wouldn't get to see locations before he had to film in them.
That got us thinking: What are some of the craziest filming locations in movie history?
The point is not where the photographs were taken: the places are identified only in an annex at the end.
This shoot was from the very beginning of our last trip, so we were still sort of testing the waters.
The first two shoot days were in Los Angeles and our Third Shoot day was in NYC.
Perhaps that is as it should be for a film set in Iraq. But what about “Battle: Los Angeles”?
"This time I knew there was a certain amount of money, there was a date, a place to shoot," he says.
Using those signals, the app figures out who is nearby and then displays their photos.
Getting the picture of the dolphin shape was just about being in the right spot at the right time.
The photo was captured by photographer Lee Fisher at a lake in the highlands of Scotland.
Surveyed by experts, the place shown on the picture is now a Library and a stadium of Hunan University.
Beyond the stacks of info contained within standard picture files, a new breed of applications can pile on even more detailed signals about where a photo was taken.
I also took the leisure to visit our director Joe wong from the series, who was filming another at a near by filming site.
I am currently working on a movie in the north of sweden, about 5 hours from Stockholm.
Director Werner Herzog is no stranger to weird movie locations, as we saw in his last film 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams.'
You can show me nearly any often published photograph from the 20th century and I can tell you who took it and where.
Apparently no one in the immediate vicinity of where these pictures were taken has contracted cholera yet, but three deaths were recorded a few kilometres north of the area.
Environmental portraits add context and allow the viewer to learn something about the person; the location is an integral part of the picture.
The popularity of blockbusters in China and financing from companies there have influenced both where some blockbusters are filmed and who stars in them.
The app is free from the iTunes app store and allows users to find locations where some of Britain’s most famous movies have been shot over the years.
I'm not surprised photographers keep discovering new locations because the world is so large and there are so many beautiful nooks and crannies to explore.
在威尔特郡的巨石阵的是并列第五,与Holkham Beach,在诺福克,在恋爱中的莎士比亚的最后场景的拍摄地点。
Stonehenge in Wiltshire's was joint fifth, along with Holkham Beach, in Norfolk, where the final scenes of Shakespeare in Love were filmed.
节目将以世界知名的美食国家为拍摄地点, 介绍当地的历史、 地理、 天气和经济如何影响当地人的饮食习惯。
Planet Food takes viewers on a culinary journey through regions of the world renowned for the richness and diversity of their food.
Beaches and lakes — where water, dirt and sand can tear up a gown — are some of the most popular locations for trash the dress shoots.
"The African Queen", starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn and shot on location in Uganda and Congo, has aged particularly well.
"The African Queen", starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn and shot on location in Uganda and Congo, has aged particularly well.