• 拍摄当天最好小宝宝穿贴身连体衣,以露出胳膊和最好;

    It is best to dress your baby with a thin and close-fitting one-piece, uncovering his or her four limbs;


  • 拍摄当天,有时可能前一个拍摄宝宝状态不佳造成拍摄后,预先恳请谅解我们最大努力减少为您带来的不便;

    Here we earnestly request that you can understand the delayed shot arising from the former baby's out of form on the very shot day. We will make our efforts to reduce the inconvenience caused to you.


  • 据悉,拍摄当天费恩曼哈顿的巴特利公园手握相机守候了将近两个小时,摆了80多个角度照片,最终在晚上845分有幸一罕见时刻。

    Fine spent nearly two hours poised with his camera in Battery Park City, Manhattan, and took more than 80 other shots before striking lucky with this particular bolt of lightning at 8:45 pm.


  • 2010年722日地图PDF文件显示预计ISS照片拍摄当天(2010年7月23日),“油污”地带北部边缘三角洲堆积起来

    The map from July 22, 2010, (PDF file) shows that on the day this image was taken from the ISS (July 23, 2010), the north edge of the “oiled” zone was expected to bank up against the Delta.


  • 陆地座泥火山,直到2011年111日看见,图1为美国航空航天局地球观测1号卫星高级陆地成像器当天拍摄

    The tiny dot of land was a mud volcano, and it was still visible on January 11, 2011, when the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite acquired the top image.


  • 单曲封面的照片就是列侬当天拍摄

    Famous photographer Annie Leibovitz took the photo for the release of this single on the same day Lennon was murdered.


  • 拍摄18-24电视剧一周工作每天小时是很平常的事,《间谍明月》里有很多“快餐拍摄“, 晚上要播出的剧集当天白天就可以完成。

    It’s common to work six days a week with only two hours of sleep every day when you film these 18 to 24 episode TV dramas, e.g. “Myung Wol the Spy.”


  • 累,澳大利亚(在那里拍摄电影了不起的盖茨比》)洛杉矶当天早上就接受采访

    He was tired, arriving at a morning interview the day after flying back to Los Angeles from Australia, where he had been filming "the Great Gatsby."


  • 当天,九六年杰克逊拍摄音乐录影带导演斯派克-纽约布鲁克林这位昔日合作过的朋友举行了纪念仪式,另外,洛杉矶偶特里艺术中心MJ的歌迷提供了追忆偶像的活动场合。

    Filmmaker Spike Lee - who directed two of the singer's music videos in 1996 - also led tributes to the star, hosting his second annual free bash to celebrate his late pal in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.


  • 当时当天拍摄快要结束,零食袭击了一样(所剩无多)。

    It was toward the end of the shooting day, so the craft table had been pretty much raided.


  • 当天拍摄早晨一直延续晚上宋承宪金泰熙寒冷天气里还是卖力进行拍摄营造出了浪漫气氛

    The day's shooting lasted from morning to evening, even in the cold weather SSH and KTH worked very hard to create a romantic atmosphere.


  • 拍摄婚礼当天情况,就一对夫妇场景拍摄的排练晚餐上进行。

    This was filmed on the wedding day, with the exception of a couple of scenes shot at the rehearsal dinner.


  • 可惜当天的片片都是远距离拍摄的,不是清晰

    Photos were taken from a far distance on that day, pity they are not too clear.


  • 但是数码技术让我有机会当天拍摄进行评估可以在第二尝试使用新的方法视角提高拍摄效果。

    But digital offers the immediate opportunity to evaluate the work done during the day and improve it positively the next day by trying new approaches and angles.


  • 其他24小时拍摄活动一样,当天下午举行了一次会议将成员划分几个队伍

    Like other "24 hours" events, a meeting was held that afternoon and members were divided into groups by drawing.


  • 回到家中晚上9点32分Facebook页面发布了一张照片,是夫妇当天早些时候救护车微笑着出生儿子拍摄的合影。

    Back at home, at 9:32 p. m., he posted a photo on Facebook of the couple, smiling with their newborn son in the ambulance earlier that day.


  • 老特福德值班管理员利物浦结束比赛后偷偷地拍摄了已被损坏物品照片,它刊登在英国当天报纸上。

    A steward on duty at the Liverpool end of the stadium secretly took photographs of the damage and sent them to The Daily Express, a British newspaper.


  • 请看我们最近举办《傲骨贤妻第2首映会当天拍摄的照片影片

    Please check out some pictures and videos of our latest event promoting Season 2 of The Good Wife.


  • 海上云雾般的超现实画面,是文台圆顶打开旋转时采用镜头长时间曝光拍摄

    In this surreal twilight scene above a sea of clouds, the dome's interior was revealed by the single, long exposure as the open slit rotated across the field of view.


  • 考试当天拍摄数码照片打印考生雅思成绩单上,扫描指纹数据作为考生参加口试身份认证

    Test-day photographs will appear on the IELTS test Report Form; and the finger scan data will be used to confirm the identity of candidates when they return to the test venue for their speaking test.


  • 考试当天拍摄数码照片打印考生雅思成绩单上,扫描指纹数据作为考生参加口试身份认证

    Test-day photographs will appear on the IELTS test Report Form; and the finger scan data will be used to confirm the identity of candidates when they return to the test venue for their speaking test.


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