• 例如解释用于拍摄电影技术

    For example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.


  • 这位市长使得纽约拍摄电影低廉、更容易并且能够得到更多的协助。

    This mayor has made it cheaper, easier, and more cooperative to make movies in New York City.


  • 2002年,安吉丽娜拍摄电影古墓丽影》访问柬埔寨一家孤儿院,并收养当时只有个月的马多克斯

    Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2002.


  • 没有任何正规训练的情况下,开始拍摄电影

    With no formal training, he started making films.


  • 用于拍摄电影哈利·波特房子本月伦敦拍卖

    The house used for scenes from the Harry Potter films is to be auctioned in London later this month.


  • 那些期望在堪萨斯拍摄电影的人这次不再会得到课税扣除的优待了。

    Those yearning to film in Kansas will no longer get a tax credit for doing so.


  • 解决的办法只能拍摄电影然后对话进行翻译剪辑拼接成完整故事

    It was only after we shot the film and received the translations of the conversations that we could then piece together the story.


  • 而且如果真的喜欢某个男孩我会邀请一起合作拍摄电影某个片段

    Sometimes if I really liked the guy, I would ask to have him do a scene with me in one of the main movies.


  • 赫本曾经遭遇过流产包括1959年拍摄电影过程马上坠落导致流产。

    Hepburn had suffered two miscarriages before, including one in 1959 after she'd fallen off a horse during a movie and broken her back.


  • 真的很开心水下那些事因为拍摄电影之前我就已经很热爱深水潜水

    I really enjoyed doing all the underwater stuff because I loved scuba diving before I did the film.


  • 兹认为日军袭击珍珠港美军舰队后,好莱坞就一直紧跟当时的战况拍摄电影

    He says Hollywood was fully behind that wartime effort, after the Japanese attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor.


  • 开发电影剧本撰写需求类似拍摄电影实施类似,制作电影项目管理类似。

    Developing the screenplay is analogous to writing requirements, filming corresponds to implementation, and producing the movie is more or less like project management.


  • 五十年代晚期以及六十年代猫王登台演唱次数不多,大部分时间都在拍摄电影创作电影原声

    He staged only a limited number of concerts during the late 1950s and 60s and spent the majority of his time making films and writing movie soundtracks.


  • 累,澳大利亚(在那里拍摄电影了不起的盖茨比》)洛杉矶当天早上就接受采访

    He was tired, arriving at a morning interview the day after flying back to Los Angeles from Australia, where he had been filming "the Great Gatsby."


  • 拍摄电影并非主要为了孩子而是献给我们每个人心中的孩子不管我们6还是60岁。

    I do not make films primarily for children. I make them for the child in all of us, whether we be six or sixty.


  • E-3空中预警机,在灯光摄像机以及录音设备拍摄电影曾让一点点的紧张,”

    "Filming the scene on the E-3 was a little stressful with the lights, cameras and recording equipment," he said.


  • 而无数影迷知道约翰·韦恩这个名字,是导演拉乌尔·沃尔什拍摄电影追踪》时给起的。

    Billions of moviegoers knew his as John Wayne after Raoul Walsh renamed him for The Big Trail.


  • 1963年拍摄电影《埃及后》时,于理查德·伯顿的荧幕下恋情传闻遍布好莱坞八卦杂志

    The movie "Cleopatra" (1963) catapulted Taylor further as her off-screen romances monopolized Hollywood gossip magazines.


  • 数码单反相机不仅仅摄影爱好者中非常受欢迎而且越来越多有抱负电影导演也正在使用单反拍摄电影

    Digital SLR cameras are not just popular with photography buffs, there is a growing community of aspiring directors who are filming with these consumer cameras.


  • 起来似乎很多,实际上,如果是拍摄电影的话,成功拍摄一个秒钟情节常常要花好几的时间。

    This may sound like a lot, but on film sets, it can often take days just to successfully direct a mere few seconds of action.


  • 这两位明星最初拍摄电影时所的报酬相较而言少得可怜不过他们对于暮光系列电影变得不可或缺

    Both stars were paid relatively little for their initial work on the films but they have become indispensable to the Twilight franchise.


  • 2002年,安吉莉娜柬埔寨拍摄电影古墓丽影》访问了当地的一家孤儿院之后便收养了当时只有个月马德克斯。

    Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old, after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2002.


  • 下午一点-避开拥挤的人群来到位于铜锣灯光暗淡的金翅咖啡厅本土文艺片导演王家卫就曾拍摄电影“花样年华”。

    1 p.m. - Duck into the dimly-lit Goldfinch Cafe in Causeway Bay, used by local arthouse director Wong Kar-wai for "In the Mood for Love".


  • 这位好莱坞未来1988年进入哈佛大学,在大二时请假拍摄电影Rising Son”,这是专门在电视上播放的电影

    The future Hollywood star entered Harvard in 1988 and took time off during the second semester of his sophomore year to act in "Rising Son," a made-for-TV movie.


  • 片场就不用担心这些事情,所以某种程度上来说,时间拍摄电影要比照看家务来得轻松不少因为对于后者来说,你每天都会得精疲力竭。

    You get spoiled on a film set and in some ways it’s easier to be working long hours on a movie than taking care of a large family just because you do get very tired at the end of the day


  • 片场就不用担心这些事情,所以某种程度上来说,时间拍摄电影要比照看家务来得轻松不少因为对于后者来说,你每天都会得精疲力竭。

    You get spoiled on a film set and in some ways it’s easier to be working long hours on a movie than taking care of a large family just because you do get very tired at the end of the day


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