• 可能出现拖欠债务评估机构评为投机性(更为人知也是适宜垃圾级”)。

    Debts where default is a possibility are rated speculative grade (better, and more aptly at this point, known as "junk") by the rating agencies.


  • 看上去很奇怪,更重要的是因为欧盟成员国没有义务为其它成员国拖欠债务负责,而且也明令禁止这样做。

    This seems strange, not least because the euro's members are not liable for-and are explicitly banned from assuming-the debt of fellow members in default.


  • 如果迪拜拖欠债务2001年阿根廷之后最大主权债务违约国。

    If Dubai defaults on its debts, it would be the largest sovereign default since Argentina in 2001.


  • 布鲁塞尔欧盟峰会行将召开之际,关于欧盟是否希腊施以某些经济援助避免拖欠国家债务猜测之声四起。

    Speculation rose ahead of a European Union summit in Brussels that Greece would be offered some sort of financial assistance to help it avoid default on its sovereign debt.


  • 正当开发国家试图赶走欧洲主权债务拖欠风潮时,巴西经济如同2008年一样火红。

    WHILE the developed world tries to stave off a wave of sovereign debt defaults in Europe, the Brazilian economy is partying like it's 2008.


  • 这些事件,有29最终没有出现拖欠债务的情况。

    In 29 of these episodes there was no eventual default.


  • 欧盟和国际货币基金组织希望现在就能够发放最新纾困基金避免希腊拖欠债务

    The European Union and the IMF are now expected to release the latest tranche of bail-out funds that Greece needs in order to avoid defaulting on its debt payments.


  • 到目前为止企业债务拖欠保持历史的低点,市场价格变化预示情况将会有所改变

    So far, defaults on corporate debt remain at record lows, though market prices predict this will change.


  • 116日发出可能拖欠债务警告之后,11月10日金沙宣布澳门的长期扩张计划无限期推迟节约可用资金

    On November 10th Sands said that a long-planned expansion on Macau was being postponed indefinitely to preserve capital, having given warning on November 6th that it might default on its debt.


  • 但是哈特先生大多数够能呼风唤雨,那些已经折磨其他金融奇才债务契约违约拖欠对他却并无影响。

    But Mr Hart weathered the storm better than most, suffering none of the breaches of debt covenants or defaults that have afflicted other financial wizards.


  • 尤其对于设立针对美国拖欠债务保险想法感到不解。

    I'm especially baffled by the idea of taking insurance against a U.S. default.


  • 家庭努力偿还债务脱离不断深陷泥潭,如果他们放弃拖欠债务,就周围负债借款人造成更大压力

    Households are struggling to pay down debt to get out of the hole they're in, and if they give up and default, that places more pressure on indebted borrowers around them.


  • 摩根大通公司首席执行官杰米·戴蒙告诉他们银行已经债务拖欠事件保护全球商业活动制订了应急计划

    Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, told them that his bank had devised contingency plans to protect its global business in the event of a default.


  • 于是依赖银行资金影子银行系统”,开始拖欠债务了。

    Theshadow banking system”, which relied on bank finance, started to default.


  • 收效甚微,主要因为所欠的债务总额远远高于房产本身的价值时,减轻供对控制债务拖欠几乎不到任何作用。

    But these have not worked well, mainly because reducing payments does little to prevent default when houses are worth a lot less than the outstanding debt.


  • 然而这些测试没有大说服力明显,并不包括希腊拖欠债务可能

    The tests’ assumptions were far too tame: most obviously, they did not allow for the possibility of a Greek default.


  • 1998年的俄罗斯2001年的阿根廷都只是拖欠并且后来几年大都良好履行债务并未危及债务本身

    Russia in 1998 and Argentina in 2001 nevertheless defaulted and in later years made mostly good on their obligations without lasting damage to themselves.


  • 这些威胁大都源于欧元区一些国家拖欠债务风险加剧还有来自那些持有这些国家债券欧洲银行遭受的撞击

    Most of these threats stem from the rising risk of default by some countries in the euro zone and the knock-on damage to the European Banks that hold their bonds.


  • 拖欠银行债务的借方不同

    The Banks' troubled debtors are also different.


  • 不会,从另外一个角度看,如果世界陷入种连美国都被证实如法偿还债务境地的话,大量资产在此之前就首先拖欠了。

    To put it another way, if the world ever got into a state where America did prove unable to pay, lots of other assets would have defaulted first.


  • 财政政策方面作为提供债务上限防止出现美国债务拖欠代价共和党要求削减开支。

    On the fiscal side, Republicans are demanding immediate spending cuts as the price of raising the debt limit and avoiding a U.S. default.


  • 国内某些市场受到惊吓。这个国家信用违约掉期表明到了2015年委内瑞拉拖欠债务可能性起码50%。

    Some in the markets have taken fright, too: the country's credit-default swaps imply a 50% chance of default by 2015.


  • 西班牙债务拖欠会毁掉整个欧元可信度,也有可能毁掉货币本身至少目前形势来看是这样的。

    A Spanish default would destroy the credibility of the euro, and quite possibly the currency itself, at least in its current form.


  • 西班牙债务拖欠会毁掉整个欧元可信度,也有可能毁掉货币本身至少目前形势来看是这样的。

    Spanish default would destroy the credibility of the euro, and quite possibly the currency itself, at least in its current form.


  • 近来信贷违约掉期的市场交易者们不寻常的也许并不令人惊奇:美国可能会拖欠债务

    Perhaps it is no surprise that traders in the credit-default swaps market have recently made bets on the unthinkable: that America may default on its debt.


  • 事实上即使是萧条时期债务拖欠违约增加大多数欧洲银行仍然声称它们资产安全正在提高。

    Indeed, even during the Great Recession, as delinquencies and defaults increased, most European Banks were saying their assets were becoming safer.


  • 其时阿根廷采取拖欠债务国有化外资企业物价监管的措施。而乌拉圭则债权人静悄悄达成友好重整债务协议

    While Argentina defaulted on its debt, nationalised foreign businesses and imposed price controls, Uruguay quietly reached an amicable rescheduling agreement with its creditors.


  • 其时阿根廷采取拖欠债务国有化外资企业物价监管的措施。而乌拉圭则债权人静悄悄达成友好重整债务协议

    While Argentina defaulted on its debt, nationalised foreign businesses and imposed price controls, Uruguay quietly reached an amicable rescheduling agreement with its creditors.


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