Under electricity market, the effective measurement to avoid risk resulted from arrears with electricity charge is to enhance analysis of clients' credit.
"I think there is a risk that the U. S. debt default may happen," the adviser, Li Daokui, said at the time.
To avoid the risk of having to buy back a defaulted loan, Mr Miller says the banks routinely demand tougher standards from borrowers than even the GSEs require.
Most of these threats stem from the rising risk of default by some countries in the euro zone and the knock-on damage to the European Banks that hold their bonds.
The portfolio at risk (percentage of borrowers 30 days delinquent on their loans) for the top 150 institutions has edged up from 1.2 percent pre-crisis to 2-3 percent now.
But the risk of default grew when low interest rates cut bank revenue and prompted lenders to scramble for new customers.
The credit squeeze that evolved into recession began in August 2007 with widespread defaults on high-risk home loans.
The European Union is racing to draft a second bailout package for Greece to release vital loans next month and avert the risk of the euro zone country defaulting, EU officials said on Monday.
Besides market risks, Goldman also assesses credit risks, based on whether a counterparty might default on a loan or fail to honour a derivative contract, and liquidity risk.
The term sub prime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers, who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers.
In this context, wages in arrears to the construction industry the question of risk research has important theoretical and practical significance.
The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers, who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers.
信用互换/ 信用违约互换能够将有价证券的信贷风险转移给第三方的互惠信贷、对拖欠的本息支付负责的互换。
Credit Swap/Credit Default SwapA swap that allows the transfer of credit risk of a security to a third party, responsible for payment of principal and interest on default.
In the case of considering the influence of the default probability, the paper establishes a credit risk decision model and gives corresponding credit risk d.
As market is fiercely competitive, marketing risks grow with each passing day, especially with the clients capital credit declining and loan seriously defaulting.
Loan default is the main reason that bank's get into trouble and it is for this reason that many Banks have dedicated credit risk management departments.
The basic reason of delay payment is that company internal management need improving and be in short of professional credit risk management regulation.
The basic reason of delay payment is that company internal management need improving and be in short of professional credit risk management regulation.