• 搜查的目标已经缩小条街道了,持枪的歹徒可能那里的什么地方。

    The search has narrowed down to a few streets where the gunman might be hiding.


  • 伊朗,数名冒充警察持枪的歹徒拦劫辆小汽车并且杀死了12名乘客

    In Iran, gunmen posing as its police officer waylaid four cars and killed 12 passengers.


  • 尼日利亚阿比亚发生了一起持枪绑架事件。 持枪的歹徒登上了一校车,绑架了15名学生并索要赎金两千万奈拉(约合十三万美元)。

    Gunmen in the Nigerian state of Abia boarded a school bus and kidnapped 15 schoolchildren before demanding a ransom of 20m naira (around $130, 000).


  • 尼日利亚阿比亚发生了一起持枪绑架事件。 持枪的歹徒登上了一校车,绑架了15名学生并索要赎金两千万奈拉(约合十三万美元)。

    Gunmen in the Nigerian state of Abia boarded a school bus and kidnapped 15 schoolchildren before demanding a ransom of 20m naira (around $130,000).


  • 两个女儿一伙闯入家中歹徒持枪挟持。

    She and her two daughters were held at gunpoint by a gang who burst into their home.


  • 几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运送食物恐吓救援人员

    Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.


  • 机场的路上,遭到拦截,被4名持枪歹徒绑架了。

    He was on his way to the airport when his car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen.


  • 这些持枪歹徒凶神恶煞般地打楼里走过,寻找袭击的目标。

    The gunmen stalked the building, looking for victims.


  • 听说多拉工作银行一个面具持枪歹徒抢劫了

    I just heard the bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.


  • 巴士马尼拉中心的落伦礼公园持枪歹徒突然闯了进来。

    The bus was stationary at Luneta Park in central Manila when the gunman appeared.


  • 名AQIM持枪歹徒枪战击毙

    Several AQIM gunmen were killed in the shoot-out.


  • 2007年,持枪歹徒袭击了南非处核设施。在打退(始终未抓获)之前,他们突破了严密的保安措施。

    In 2007 armed gunmen attacked a nuclear facility in South Africa, breaching heavy security before they were chased off (and never caught).


  • 搜捕中警察捕获了名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒

    Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid.


  • 早前报道持枪歹徒于下午1:30剧院圆形体育场附近开火士兵预备地区,当时有7死亡至少12人受伤

    Earlier reports said seven people were dead and at least 12 injured when gunmen opened fire at about 1:30 p.m. in an area near a theater and a sports dome, also known as the soldier readiness area.


  • 2004年1月开始超过2800因此死亡大部分平民都是隐蔽的持枪歹徒杀死或者遭遇爆炸身亡

    More than 2,800 people have died since January 2004, mostly civilians slain by shadowy gunmen or caught in bombings.


  • 1984年,伦敦街上利比亚持枪歹徒杀害了一名英国女警察

    In 1984, Libyan gunmen murdered a British policewoman on the streets of London.


  • 丹尼尔·克雷扮演扎克朗尼根,1875年亚利桑那州一个持枪歹徒沙漠醒来手腕上带着神秘铁环记忆也荡然无存。

    Daniel Craig plays Jake Lonergan, a gunslinger in 1875 Arizona who wakes up in the desert with a mysterious shackle around his wrist and his memory wiped clean.


  • 他们提到2007年发生的事故,全副武装的持枪歹徒闯入科罗拉多州一家教堂

    They point to an incident from 2007, when a heavily armed gunman entered a Colorado church.


  • 告诉,有人看见安帕图恩持枪歹徒在一起,但他拒绝透露四的身份。

    He said four people whom he refused to identify told him that Ampatuan was seen with the gunmen.


  • 持枪歹徒据说是从阿尔及利亚入境的

    The gunmen were said to have entered the country from Algeria.


  • 描述持枪歹徒小店卷闸门打死两个儿子24,一个26岁,他的一个受伤兄弟也死了

    He describes how the gunmen pulled up the steel shutters of his little shop, shot dead his two sons, aged 24 and 26, and injured a brother who died a few weeks later.


  • 周日下午不明持枪歹徒打死2证券交易所警卫劫持市中心教堂包括牧师在内的数十名人质。

    Unidentified gunmen held some hostages, including a priest in a church located in central Baghdad Sunday afternoon after killing two guards in a stock market.


  • 2008年1月,提华纳警长杀害,遇害时,持枪歹徒包围的住所,杀害了妻子以及两个女儿

    It happened to the deputy police chief in Tijuana in January, 2008, when a large contingent of gunmen surrounded his house and killed him and his wife and two daughters.


  • 持枪歹徒首都金斯袭击了警察局支持他们头目克里斯托弗·杜杜斯•科克(Christopher“DudusCoke)。科克因为毒品案件美国要求引渡

    Gunmen in the capital, Kingston, had attacked police stations in support of their leader, Christopher "Dudus" Coke, who was wanted in the United States on drug charges.


  • 检方正在调查这起抢劫案是否属于内部人员作案,因为持枪歹徒似乎知道车队路线

    Prosecutors are investigating whether the robbery was an inside job, as the gunmen appeared to know the convoy's route.


  • 据哥伦比亚广播电视台报导,2004年8月22日,一伙持枪蒙面歹徒挪威奥斯陆蒙克博物馆光天化日之下偷走了爱德华·蒙克的名作《呐喊《圣母》。

    On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.


  • 在那里面对的不光嗜血的持枪歹徒长着翅膀的黑暗天使

    Where he has to face not only the bloodthirsty gunmen, more dark angel with wings waiting for him.


  • 在那里面对的不光嗜血的持枪歹徒长着翅膀的黑暗天使

    Where he has to face not only the bloodthirsty gunmen, more dark angel with wings waiting for him.


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