• 租约明确规定一切损坏必须赔偿

    The lease plainly states that all damage must be paid for.


  • 离合器使用不慎可能会损坏传动装置。

    Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.


  • 他们拆卸损坏飞机以使用其零部件

    They cannibalized damaged planes for the parts.


  • 丢失损坏邮件赔偿事宜邮政部门处理

    Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service.


  • 一场地震袭击首都造成建筑物损坏人们的惊慌

    An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.


  • 一些银行还有一个他们威胁提起损坏起诉人员名单

    Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages.


  • 这种食品吃,但是通常因为错误标签损坏包装而卖不出去。

    The food is edible, yet often unsalable because of incorrect labeling or damaged packaging.


  • 我们同意夹板加固损坏部分

    We agreed on a form of splint to reinforce the damaged portion.


  • 他们拒绝损坏货物

    They rejected the damaged goods.


  • 房东通常退还租户押金借口租户损坏房子

    Very often landlords don't return tenants' deposits on the pretext that tenants have done damage to the house.


  • 例如太多使树木窒息雪崩积雪蔓延损坏摧毁树木。

    Too much snow, for example, can smother trees, and avalanches and snow creep can damage or destroy them.


  • 不负责任地使用灭火器其他居民造成危险可能损坏个人财产

    Irresponsible use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property.


  • 过去中断可能原因意外损坏故障这些通常可以迅速处理

    The most probable causes of interruption in the past have been accidental damage or breakdown, and these can usually be dealt with expeditiously.


  • 那天莱罗拉米斯工厂撞上了扇卷帘门造成严重损坏

    That day he ran into a roll-up door at the Lummis facility in Valero, causing significant damage to the door.


  • 经过新奥尔良设备处理邮件转移上层这样可以避免对邮件造成损坏

    Mail that was already processed in New Orleans facilities was moved to an upper floor so it would be protected from water damage.


  • 然而消防官员表示大教堂结构认定为安全之前,可能损坏情况进行全面清点

    However, fire officers have said a complete inventory of the damage will not be possible until the cathedral structure has been deemed safe.


  • 法院推翻陪审团决定因为法院认为铁路的疏忽只是造成最近建筑物损坏直接原因

    The court overturned the jury's decision because it argued that the railroad's negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings.


  • 由于修理损坏财产需要4000美元,那么我们将剩下的8000美元交给了学生活动基金

    Since repair expenses of damaged property required only 4,000 dollars, the remaining 8,000 dollars was turned over to the student activity fund.


  • 当被问到为什么时,令人钦佩逻辑解释说雨水损坏帽子头发淋一下却也无伤大雅

    Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting.


  • 我们必须测试多种类型叶片避免这种情况的发生或者至少确保不会损坏涡轮降低其性能

    We have to test a number of blade types to avoid this happening or at least make sure it does not damage the turbines or reduce performance.


  • 幸运的是,建筑里面的东西所有设计图纸保存了下来所以我们能够更换损坏严重家具

    Fortunately, all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been preserved, so we've been able to replace badly damaged furniture.


  • 当被问到为什么时,令人钦佩逻辑解释说雨水损坏帽子头发淋一下却也无伤大雅

    Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic , that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting.


  • 其中一个毁坏物建于18世纪30年代风琴据说逃过大火却因受到严重损坏

    One casualty of this was The Great Organ constructed in the 1730s, which was said to have escaped the flames but been significantly damaged by water.


  • 由于工厂基础设施损坏程度严重需要数周甚至数月的时间这个国家供应链才能恢复正常

    Owing to the level of the damage to factories and infrastructure, it will be weeks or even months before the country's supply chain returns to normal.


  • 公司货运经理建议客户订单应该更新昂贵包装材料包装,这样几乎可以消除运输过程中的损坏现象。

    The company's shipping manager is proposing that customer orders be packed with newer, more expensive packing materials that virtually eliminate damage during shipping.


  • 有时候艺术品真迹看起来是赝品,是因为很多修护人员添加了很多层保护膜覆盖油画上的损伤而随着时间的推移,画作上损坏地方已经恶化了

    Sometimes original art works appear questionable or inauthentic because they've had so many restorers add touch-up layers to cover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time.


  • 要挪动地毯又损坏可能的。

    It is not possible to reposition the rug without damaging it.


  • 他们认为这项修改会逐渐损坏加拿大联邦主义

    They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.


  • 的部分将被拿走。

    Damaged parts will be taken away.


  • 损坏要花掉你两千美元。

    The damage will cost you two thousand dollars.


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