• 每次时,准备支付银行1%至2%费用

    You can expect to pay the bank a fee of around 1% to 2% every time you change money.


  • 每一个电子商务网站,目前顺利航行换钱

    Every ecommerce website that is currently profiting has smooth navigation.


  • 为了游戏他们工地钢筋混凝土卖掉换钱

    They steal reinforced concrete from construction sites, and sell it to get money for playing games.


  • 一位失业珠宝商用镊子捡拾纽约街头珠宝金子换钱

    An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold.


  • 曾经回收可乐换钱,靠克利什那庙里免费食物生活

    He used to return Coke bottles for money and live on free meals at the Hare Krishna temple.


  • 可以手机换钱但是它们更好发挥余热如何

    You could trade your old cell phone for cash, but how about putting it to better use?


  • 这时候朋友我会去挨个儿晒日光浴游客搜集空饮料瓶子换钱

    My friends and I would them comb the beach for returnable bottles, going from blanket to blanket asking sunbathers for their empties.


  • 尽管起起落落仍然可以块钱一个多月

    And despite its ups and downs, you can still cash a coin for five bucks, and have been able to do so for more than a month now.


  • 有两种粮食分发方法可以使用直接提供食品,和换粮以工换钱

    Two methods for food distribution can be used: providing food directly or using the food-for-work or cash-for-work methods.


  • 冯英龙开始学校周围易拉罐可乐瓶换钱同学们也一起收废品。

    Feng began to pick up cans and bottles around the campus for recycling for money and his classmates helped him.


  • 部分价值可以折现,可以通过个人交易换钱新车——或是别的什么东西。

    That value can be used as a trade-in; or the vehicle can be sold privately to help raise money to pay for a new oneor for some other need.


  • 确实我们一想到屠宰场——动物在那里只是被当做换钱的工具,这足够我们倒胃口

    And indeed when we consider slaughterhouses where animals mean only money, such knowledge is enough to turn one off meat for life.


  • 拐杖垃圾堆,然后有塑胶塑胶起来,然后换钱那些小孩读书

    She uses her cane to rummage through the dump and pick out plastic bags and bottles to exchange for money in order to pay for her children's schooling.


  • 不是非常精明就是非常天真有时很难判断,总之她我等酒馆换钱

    Either she was very clever, or very innocent - it's hard to tell sometimes - but, at any rate, she wanted me to wait until she ran to the bistro for change.


  • 这项研究分成两个步骤,共有32个志愿者参加。首先每个志愿者4个工作人员换钱

    In the two-part study, 32 men and women volunteers played a game in which they exchanged money with four other people who were actors playing a part.


  • 五月汶川地震,翌日就开幅大尺寸画册静物,曰《中国山川》,换钱捐献

    But in May, and the earthquake in Wen Chuan, I began painting one the very next day, its title was "Mountains and Rivers of China. "I sold this work and donated the money to relief funds.


  • 所有国际机场货币兑换处,到达换钱可能方便,同时旅途也一定很劳累了。

    There are money exchanges at all international airports, but it will probably be inconvenient for you to stop and exchange money when you arrive, and you will no doubt be tired from the trip.


  • 漂亮长发因此决定将长发换钱,这样可以给吉姆一根漂亮表链了。

    Then she gets an idea. She has beautiful long hair. So Della decide, to cut off her hair and sell it buy the fancy chain for Jims watch.


  • 到了这里,也不能回去换钱了,最后1比13.1汇率身上人民币全部换成了尼

    But here, can not go back for money, and finally to 1 to 13.1 exchange rate will be replaced by the whole body of the Renminbi currency.


  • 到了这里,也不能回去换钱了,最后1比13.1汇率身上人民币全部换成了尼

    But here, can not go back for money, and finally to 1 to 13.1 exchange rate will be replaced by the whole body of the Renminbi currency.


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