• 业余爱好包括徒步旅行摄影

    Her hobbies include hiking and photography.


  • 那些摄影摄像师们向前去。

    The photographers and cameramen surged forward.


  • 大学毕业干起了特约摄影

    After leaving college, he set himself up as a freelance photographer.


  • 决定艺术摄影引起了恐慌

    His decision caused consternation in the art photography community.


  • 摄影记者发生了肢体冲撞。

    He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.


  • 得到一位顶级摄影服务

    I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures.


  • 照明程度闪光灯摄影应该足够了

    Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.


  • 指责新闻摄影记者侵犯隐私

    She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy.


  • 一直担任一家摄影公司销售代表

    I'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company.


  • 摄影满街捕捉拍摄对象

    The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets.


  • 一位摄影子孙后代摄下了这个场面

    A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity.


  • 一个摄影周三史密森尼博物馆开幕。

    A photographic exhibition opens at the Smithsonian on Wednesday.


  • 要价其他同时代摄影师相比

    His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers.


  • 记者们打趣摆姿势摄影师拍照

    He bantered with reporters and posed for photographers.


  • 摄影成功抓拍到了设防瞬间

    The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment.


  • 摄影爱好之一

    Photography is one of her hobbies.


  • 航空摄影已经考古学研究带来了一场革命

    Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology.


  • 摄影停止按动快门匆匆绕过那个拐角。

    The photographer stopped clicking and hurried around the corner.


  • 成群摄影不停地拍照,好像浑然不觉

    She seemed oblivious to the crowds of photographers snapping away.


  • 不但是个摄影而且还是个天才音乐家

    She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.


  • 猛扑向那个摄影了他,砸碎了相机

    He pounced on the photographer, beat him up, and smashed his camera.


  • 屋里时,她下了摄影擦肩而过。

    She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside.


  • 摄影吸引力部分在于它那些小装置机械玩意儿

    Part of the attraction of photography is gadgets and mechanical doodads.


  • 作为摄影发现地方有点儿令人失望

    As a photographer, he'd found both locations just a trifle disappointing.


  • 那位德国出生的摄影受到奥斯卡·王尔德作家的尊重。

    The German-born photographer was admired by writers such as Oscar Wilde.


  • 蒂姆一位摄影老手,过去13年里一直以拍摄野生动物业余爱好。

    An old hand at photography, Tim has been shooting wildlife as a hobby for the last 13 years.


  • 朋友非常喜欢摄影

    My friend really likes taking photographs.


  • 终于摄影展了。

    She's finally going to the photography exhibition.


  • 看起来摄影

    He looks like a photographer.


  • 看起来摄影

    He looks like a photographer.


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