• 大地摇晃那些悬崖似乎颤动

    The ground shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate.


  • 放声大笑,身子椅子里摇晃

    He roared with laughter, shaking in his chair.


  • 科利特抓住双肩摇晃她。

    Colette took her by the shoulders and shook her.


  • 车把松动摇晃了。

    The handlebars developed a wobble.


  • 有的桌子摇晃

    Some of the tables wobble.


  • 爸爸一边回答一边摇晃绿色蔬菜。

    Dad answered, shaking a handful of greens.


  • 洗衣机开始摇晃起来

    The washing machine starts shaking.


  • 地面有时会摇晃

    The earth sometimes shakes.


  • 一个狂风暴雨夜晚小屋狂风摇晃所有木板嘎吱作响

    It was a wild, stormy night; the hut was shaking in the gusts and all the boards were creaking.


  • 一走大门抓住栅门使劲摇晃大声喊道:“开门!把栅门打开!”

    As soon as he reached the great gate, he seized the bars, and tried to shake them, shouting, "Open! Unbar the gates!"


  • 科学家认为这些内脏挤压挤压摇晃就像果冻移动汽车里

    The scientists had assumed that the guts were squished or squeezed or wobbled about like a bowl of jello in a moving car.


  • 例如果蝇身上,研究人员发现基因震荡器这种突变导致果蝇麻醉剧烈摇晃

    For example, in the fruit fly, researchers have identified the gene Shaker, mutations in which cause flies to shake violently under anesthesia.


  • 如果小心翼翼地竖立装置建造玩具不管怎么摇晃桌子都不会倒塌。

    If you carefully build a toy house with an Erector set, it will still stand no matter how much you shake the table.


  • 莫娜爬上摇晃楼梯

    Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairs.


  • 感觉天旋地转摇晃起来。

    His head swam and he swayed dizzily.


  • 进去的时候,那条破船摇晃起来。

    The frail boat rocked as he clambered in.


  • 台北建筑物前后摇晃

    In Taipei buildings rocked back and forth.


  • 小船海浪波谷中剧烈地摇晃着。

    The boat rolled heavily in the troughs between the waves.


  • 摇晃晃地高低不平表面上

    He staggered on the uneven surface.


  • 抓着肩膀使劲摇晃

    He shook her violently by the shoulders.


  • 坐在摇椅前后摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.


  • 醉醺醺摇晃着站起来。

    He staggered drunkenly to his feet.


  • 拖着身子摇晃晃地梳妆台

    She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.


  • 摇晃一阵狂笑

    He tossed back his head in a howl of berserk laughter.


  • 艾伦两侧摇晃着,一头栽过矮墙掉进湖里

    Alan staggered sideways, pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake.


  • 孩子轻轻摇晃

    He rocked the baby gently in his arms.


  • 大声地摇晃门把手。

    He jiggled the doorknob noisily.


  • 他们摇晃梯子时,看起来滑稽

    They looked really comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.


  • 驶过渡船掀起波浪把小艇冲得摇晃。

    The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.


  • 维基摇晃倒下了

    Vicky swayed and fell.


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