• 地球宇宙射击场中的一个靶子容易随机遭遇各种猛烈撞击事件数十年前从未受到过怀疑

    Earth is a target in a cosmic shooting gallery, subject to random violent events that were unsuspected a few decades ago.


  • 全新的预碰撞安全系统可以预先检测到撞击事件

    The all-new Prius pre-collision system can detect a potential impact before you do.


  • 1908年发生西伯利亚通古斯就是这样撞击事件

    That's just what happened in 1908 at Tunguska, Siberia.


  • 一个晴朗夏天撞击事件怎样发生目前清楚

    It was a clear summer day and it's not yet clear how the mid-air collision came about.


  • 关于此次撞击事件的最新报道暗示反对鲸的活动人士负有责任

    New reports of the clash suggested the anti-whaling activists had been to blame.


  • 来说,月球撞击事件不过一个轨道测算练习的有趣结果罢了。

    To him, the object striking the moon was an interesting outcome to a mathematical exercise in trajectory and nothing more.


  • 埃及北部列火车撞击事件中造成至少51死亡,130多人受伤

    At least 51 are dead and more than 130 injured in a train crash in northern Egypt.


  • 美国委员会说:每年,鸟撞击事件导致美国民用军事航空业大约6亿美元损失

    Bird strike Committee USA says bird strikes cause about six hundred million dollars in damage to American civilian and military aviation each year.


  • 过去年中由于低劣铁路维护驾驶培训造成的铁路撞击事件已经致使42死亡。

    Rail crashes blamed on shoddy maintenance and poor driver training over the past five years have killed 42 people.


  • 油驳撞击事件橙色栏已设置在维克茨附近域,工作人员正在河里油。

    Orange containment boom is stretched across part of the river near Vicksburg, and crews are skimming oil from the water a day after the barge crashed.


  • 电视网播放国外有关“昭南丸”撞击事件视频录像家报纸头版刊登了此次撞击事件的画面。

    TV networks showed video footage of the collision taken from aboard the Shonan Maru, while two newspapers carried front-page photographs of the incident.


  • 多年文学家们一直行星撞击事件忧心忡忡,以上两件事件不仅需要天文学家关注,还需要我们的重视。

    This pair of unrelated events ought tofocus minds, and not just among the small group of astronomers who have been worrying about asteroid strikes for many years.


  • 警方周日透露,警察这起高速撞击事件之前不久看见这辆小汽车道路护栏抬起那个郊区路口

    The officer had spotted the car sitting stationary on the rural crossing with the road barrier up moments before the high-speed crash, police said on Sunday.


  • 设计受力极限头盔破裂撞击点处残缺吸收大部分冲击力量一般比较重大撞击事件应当更换头盔。

    Design stress limits, helmet will burst, impact site will be incomplete, to absorb much of the brunt force in generally significant should replace the helmet after the impact event.


  • 尽管目前有些组织收集分析数据,以避免潜在碰撞。但最近撞击事件透露出这些数据分析偶尔也出差错,数据收集量不足

    Although some organisations collect and analyse data on potential collisions, they are not always precise and there are gaps in their knowledge-as the recent collision has shown.


  • 不过英国阿伯丁皇家学院大卫乔利一个研究小组认为,乌克兰博提施撞击地球事件之前墨西哥希克苏鲁伯撞击事件要晚5,000

    But according to David Jolley of King's College in Abaerdeen, U.K. and a team of researchers, Bolytsh slammed into the planet less than 5, 000 years before the giant Chicxulub impact in Mexico.


  • 他们是否是撞击影响还是其他天气影响导致后冰河世纪的新仙女事件存在分歧

    They also disagree about whether an impact or some other climate event caused the Younger Dryas at the end of the ice age.


  • 根据联邦航空局野生动物撞击数据库,肯尼迪国际机场每年都会发生喷气式飞机撞上海龟事件通常是六月末七月初

    Jets hit turtles a few times each year at JFK, usually in the final days of June or earliest days in July, according to the FAA's wildlife strike database.


  • 天外来客对地球的撞击白垩纪物种灭绝事件有着最为密切的联系。

    An extraterrestrial impact is most closely linked to the Cretaceous extinction event.


  • 这次撞击2500万,也就是三叠纪-侏罗纪灭绝事件中,crurotarsan其它至少一半动物灭绝了。

    Then, 25 million years after that, in what’s known as the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event, the crurotarsans and at least half of all other animal species vanished.


  • 平均而言,类似于博提施陨石坑规模更大一些撞击地球事件的发生频率是百万左右。

    On average, a crater the size of Boltysh or bigger should hit Earth once every million years or so.


  • 最近一次撞击发生当日,海默尔小组正好发布2009年撞击木星事件照片分析报告。

    The recent impact happened the same day Hammel and her team released new photos and analysis of the 2009 Jupiter collision.


  • 与此同时撞击木星时间如此接近一诡异巧合天文学家破脑袋不得其解,因为,长久以来撞击木星事件认为相对罕见的。

    Meanwhile, the odd coincidence of two Jovian smashes so close together has astronomers scratching their heads, since impacts on Jupiter have long been thought to be relatively rare.


  • 原则上我们可以估算陨石撞击引发多大程度的灾难性事件

    We can, in principle, now estimate how large a meteorite would have to have been to cause catastrophic events.


  • 新闻博物馆选取了60联邦调查局收藏的用于恐怖事件审判证据其中包括撞击世贸大厦后残留的大块飞机碎片。

    The Newseum selected 60 pieces of evidence the FBI had in storage for use in terror trials, including huge pieces of an airplane that survived ramming into the World Trade Center towers.


  • 国际文传电讯社援引俄罗斯海岸警卫队发言人的话称,周一事件其中中国渔船试图撞击俄罗斯巡逻船。

    During Monday's incident one of the Chinese vessels tried to ram the Russian ship according to a Russian Coast Guard spokesman quoted on Russian news agency Interfax.


  • 橄榄球比较普遍的事件分卫触地得分,朝后方倒下头部就会猛烈撞击草坪上

    Take, for example, a common incident during a football game. The quarterback is hit, falls backwards, and bangs his head on the turf.


  • 橄榄球比较普遍的事件分卫触地得分,朝后方倒下头部就会猛烈撞击草坪上

    Take, for example, a common incident during a football game. The quarterback is hit, falls backwards, and bangs his head on the turf.


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