• 碎片撞击热量可以保留下来形成隔热层。

    Heat could be retained as debris fall back into impact craters, creating an insulating blanket.


  • 火星表面显示广泛地质特征包括巨大的火山——太阳系已知最大的火山——广阔的撞击

    The surface of Mars shows a wide range of geologic features, including huge volcanoesthe largest known in the solar system—and extensive impact cratering.


  • 克莱门廷数据显示:南极撞击预期反射强。

    Clementine's data indicated that the wall of the south-polar crater was more reflective than expected.


  • 不过也有有很多撞击平原

    Some of the plains are heavily cratered while others are not.


  • 撞击坑引起的摇晃可能也发生月球上。

    Crater-triggered rolling might have happened to the Moon as well.


  • 然而撞击底部暴露浅色断裂岩石

    However, a pit in the floor of the crater has exposed light-toned, fractured rock.


  • 火卫二因碎屑风华覆盖而表面光滑除了最近撞击

    Deimos has a smooth surface due to a blanket of fragmental rock or regolith, except for the most recent impact craters.


  • 太平洋就是巨大撞击大西洋撞击产生的地球背面的S形裂谷

    The Pacific Ocean is a giant hollow resulting from a collision and the Atlantic Ocean is a rift valley shaping like a huge "S".


  • 土卫一土星较小卫星,却炫耀着太阳系最大撞击之一的赫歇尔环形山

    Mimas, one of the smaller round moons of Saturn, sports Herschel crater, one of the larger impact craters in the entire Solar System.


  • 基于月球对比可以认为一些直径至少500公里撞击地球形成

    Based on a lunar analogy, one might expect several impact craters of at least 500km diameter to have been formed on Earth.


  • 尽管看起来像是个陨石撞击,它是在一个火山穹丘硬化逐步侵蚀中剥离出洋葱状岩石层结果。

    Although it resembles an impact crater, it formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion-like layers of rock.


  • 撞击残片撞击坑周围沉积下来可将撞击产生稳定和晃动抵消或者减少

    After that debris settles back down around the rim of the crater, it could even out any instabilities, reducing any resulting tumbling by as much as a factor of five.


  • 做到这点理论上我们可以通过研究一个巨大的撞击比如南极ak盆底,位于月球南极地区

    We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater, known as the south Pole AK basin. It's located in the moon's south polar region.


  • 撞击来源多样,比如亚利桑那州的陨石西伯利亚爆炸发生地面上空,摧毁了爆炸中心数千公里的树木。

    Craters form in some cases, such as Meteor Crater in Arizona, but in many cases, including Siberia, impactors explode far above the ground.


  • 来自NASA火星轨道观察图像显示了位于火星南方高地巨大Hellas撞击盆地北侧地表上的一个撞击

    This observation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the floor of a large impact crater in the southern highlands, north of the giant Hellas impact basin.


  • 根据美国航空航天局勇气探测器矿物质分析火星有些地方——比如古瑟夫撞击坑——和地球上的差不多。

    There are places on Mars, like Gusev Crater, which resemble soda lakes on Earth, according to an analysis of minerals by NASA's Spirit rover.


  • 乍看上去,斯特恩斯就是颗5公里钻石它擦身而过,撞击更多扩展形状变得更为清晰了。

    At first glance, Steins looked like a 5-kilometer wide diamond, but as Rosetta shot by, craters and a more extended shape become evident.


  • 这个夏天,美国宇航局火星探测器机遇抵达奋进撞击坑,这里是火星粘土岩石来源处,显示出区域适于居住

    NASA's Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.


  • 撞击几百万之前一颗陨石撞击形成的,如果当时颗星球上这些可能已经聚集到了撞击坑里,使变成蒸发

    The crater was formed by a meteorite impact billions of years ago, and if there were water on the planet back then, it would have accumulated in the crater, turning it into an evaporative lake.


  • 科学家相信存有结冰希望通过撞击可以掀起。

    Scientists believe the crater may contain frozen water and expected it to be kicked up by the impact.


  • 2009年10月lro通过观测月球观测与遥感卫星(LCROSS)撞击月球表面发现,月球上隐藏着

    LRO helped discover the moon's hidden water by watching its partner probe LCROSS crash into the lunar surface in October 2009.


  • 架名为“智能1号”探测飞船月速度每秒2公里。按照此速度,这次撞击预计会在月球表面留下一个直径3米、深10米的,而且会月面激起几公里高的尘埃

    Hitting at 2 kilometers per second, the impact of the SMART-1 spacecraft was expected to leave a 3-meter-by-10-meter crater and send dust kilometers above the surface.


  • 10月9日艘NASA太空船lcross刻意撞击月球南极环形在那儿可能存在冻结

    On October 9, a NASA spacecraft called LCROSS will deliberately crash into a cratered area of the moon's South Pole, where frozen water likely resides.


  • 不过对于空间探索来说更具意义是,在被撞击布斯月球底部发现了大量的

    More importantly from the point of view of space exploration, largeamounts of water were discovered at the bottom of the Cabeus crater.


  • 科学家认为地下熔岩洞顶部坍塌或流星撞击,都是这些月球形成原因

    Scientists believe these holes form when the ceiling of a subterranean lava tube collapses, possibly due to a meteorite strike.


  • 去年美国航空航天局利用服役到期的半人马座火箭撞击阴影区的月球,轰第一明确迹象-月球内部充满

    Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a Shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.


  • 去年10月9日火箭按计划成功撞击月球产生了一个直径为70-100英尺6英尺的大洞。

    When the rocket struck the bottom of the crater on October 9 last year it blasted out a hole 70ft to 100ft indiameter and 6ft deep.


  • 中心可能由于不同寻常的下层地质结构导致的,有可能因为幸运二次撞击而形成的。

    The central crater could be formed by unusual layers below the surface, or from a lucky second impact.


  • 称为Lcross(英文读作L-cross探月卫星个月撞击位于月球南极附近的一个月

    The satellite, known as Lcross (pronounced L-cross), crashed into a crater near the Moon’s south pole a month ago.


  • 称为Lcross(英文读作L-cross探月卫星个月撞击位于月球南极附近的一个月

    The satellite, known as Lcross (pronounced L-cross), crashed into a crater near the Moon’s south pole a month ago.


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