• 实验表明测试系统运行可靠操作快捷方便

    The practice indicates that the test system runs credibly, is operated swiftly and conveniently.


  • 发生器具有频率精度,频率范围宽操作快捷方便优点

    This generator, has such advantages as high frequency precision, wide frequency range, and quickly facilitate and so on.


  • RFID技术识别高速运动物体同时识别多个标签操作快捷方便

    RFID technology can identify fast moving objects and can also identify multiple tags, the operation quickly and conveniently.


  • RFID技术识别高速运动物体同时识别多个标签操作快捷方便

    RFID technology can identify the high-speed movement of objects and at the same time to identify a number of labels, fast and convenient operation.


  • 控制台重新设计,导航更加方便并且添加了许多指导任务快速路径对话框可以更加快捷配置管理通用操作

    The console has been redesigned to make navigation easier and a number of guided tasks and fast path dialogs have been added to make configuration and administration of common operations much faster.


  • Eclipse提供一个方便使用的快捷可以简化操作ctrl +e组合键,然后选项卡中的右上角显示弹出菜单并列所有打开编辑器(参见2)。

    Eclipse has a nice shortcut that makes this easier: press Ctrl + e, and a pop-up menu appears at upper right in the row of tabs and lists all the open editors (see Figure 2).


  • 具有中文菜单液晶操作屏幕使用极为快捷方便准确

    It has the "Chinese menu" type LC operation screen and is fast, convenient and precise for use.


  • 游戏中的界面都有相应快捷玩家自己可以每个技能设置快捷键,从而方便玩家操作

    Game interface have corresponding shortcut keys, players can also set shortcut keys for each skill in order to facilitate the player's operation.


  • 软件采用典型环节作为基本操作单元快捷方便实现结构图绘制处理

    With the typical element as basic operated unit, the software can draw and dispose the block diagram rapidly and conveniently.


  • 配备全自动上下装置操作方便快捷

    Provide full auto and unload apparatus, handiness and immediacy.


  • 服装企业需要数据管理维护提供方便快捷操作平台

    It is Provided to Garment enterprises a a convenient and efficient operating platform of data management and maintenance.


  • 改造后的内径千分尺操作方便快捷测量准确率便于车辆检修过程数字化管理

    The reformed in - side micrometer is convenient and rapid in operation, the accuracy is high in measurement, and convenient for digital administration during inspection and repair of vehicles.


  • 用户系统能够进行添加删除查询操作管理工作带来方便快捷

    Users in the system can add, delete, inquires the operation management, bring convenience and fast for work.


  • 系统总体方面实现了快捷方便简单查询管理操作

    In the general, the system is rapid, convenient and simple to be queried and managed.


  • 研制出可调风口应用双屑化铁炉冲天炉上,能使熔炼操作方便快捷,提高熔炼效果。

    A type of adjustable tuyere, which applied on the cupola, makes smelting operation more conveniency and rapid, smelting effect more elevated.


  • 采用树形节点显示直观方便操作快捷提高滨海经济开发区城市管理力度工作效率

    Using tree nodes display, intuitive and convenient, quick operation, coastal economic development zone will increase the strength and efficiency of urban management.


  • 程序界面简单操作方便快捷交通运输量预测提供了一个有效的工具并且满足实际工程需要

    With simple desks and easy operation, this software provides traffic volume forecast with a useful tool and meets the needs in reality.


  • 靴筒每个部位高温蒸气平,除皱更完美操作方便快捷

    With simple and easy operation, each part of boots can be ironed by heat and steam, making wrinkle-removal perfect.


  • 比例精密,用料更上乘采用包装设计打包投料即可无需称量使操作方便、更快捷

    More precise proportion, with more excellent, the use of three packaging design, packaging even release can, need not weighing, the operation is more convenient and more quickly.


  • 电控箱采用四位按钮独特的人性化设计单键操作方便快捷

    Electric control box with four buttons a unique user-friendly design of one-touch operation, convenient and quick.


  • UPS行业为了使测试快捷方便建立测试环境需要相应的UPS电路板测试平台,包括信号测量、动作执行、故障诊断、数据存储以及操作界面等。

    In the UPS industry, in order to create the test environment for testers quickly and conveniently, it's necessary to have the test platform for UPS printed circuits boards.


  • 发明化学气相沉积清洁方法可以代替湿法清洁方法实现沉积室的全面清洁,操作方便快捷,并减少设备闲置时间提高生产效率。

    The method can substitute a wet cleaning method to clean completely the deposition chamber, is easy and rapid to operate, can reduce the idle time of equipment and improve the productivity.


  • 在要使用测定器回测定器拉手 即可,操作简单方便快捷

    When the tester is used, the counter weight can be just sheathed with a small ring of a pull handle of the tester again, and the operation is simple, convenient and quick.


  • 实用新型实现了安装方便快捷操作简单适用范围广能够提高工作效率目的

    The beam clamp achieves the purposes of convenient and fast installation, simple operation, wide application range and being capable of increasing the working efficiency.


  • 发明提供了一种结构简单操作方便省力快捷拖布

    The washing and drying machine of the mop cloth has simple structure and convenient operations, and is labor-saving and fast.


  • 还将UG常用快捷归纳一起,如何进行快捷设置进行了详细的论述,解决鼠标点击菜单问题,节约了时间,方便操作

    Shortcut keys in common use of UG were made to be inductive and how to set up shortcut keys was discussed to solve problems on slowly using the mouse to click the menu.


  • 存取快捷方便适合存储各类货物企业仓库最常用货架类型,适合于堆高机或叉车操作作用。

    This type of rack is suitable for storage of all kinds of goods with the feature of fast in picking and withdrawing, suitable for operation by forklift.


  • 但是有一些操作通过菜单不能实现这时就需要快捷完成,而且快捷使用起来比较方便

    But some operations cannot be realized through the menu, at this time it is convenient to use the shortcut key.


  • 计算实例表明,方法具有较高准确性操作性,能方便快捷、较准确地确定影响地基单位因素权重

    Case study results indicate that this method provides an easy, quick and accurate assessment of factor weights affecting the unit grouting absorption capacity.


  • 计算实例表明,方法具有较高准确性操作性,能方便快捷、较准确地确定影响地基单位因素权重

    Case study results indicate that this method provides an easy, quick and accurate assessment of factor weights affecting the unit grouting absorption capacity.


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