We need to take a firm position against all forms of protectionism and strongly advocate and support free trade.
They say: 'he can't be conservative, he doesn't believe in free trade.' I don't believe in free trade.
If Obama wants bipartisan successes, he could reach out to the Republicans who still support free trade, tempering the shrill rhetoric on both sides.
They also signed a memorandum on climate change, energy and the environment without setting any firm goals, and pledged their support for free trade.
Overall, a majority of Americans still support the principles of free trade and globalization, but that support is waning, according to the survey.
The time has therefore come for the Asians-who are clearly the new winners in today's global economy-to provide more intellectual leadership in supporting free trade.
The gap between western enthusiasm for free trade in principle and its selective application in practice has not gone unnoticed in emerging markets.
And it makes little sense for free-traders to use taxes to buy off people from voting for protectionism, when doing so would in any case be against their interests.
Even the most ardent free-marketeers do not support free trade in children, with blonde female babies attracting a hefty premium.
If the export lobby gets its way, freer trade will follow, further strengthening the mercantilists at the expense of the protectionists.
Surveys show that a majority of South Koreans support a free - trade deal with the United States.
例如,《韩国与美国自由贸易协定》(Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement)将在五年内取消美国95%的消费品和工业出口产品关税,支持大约7万个美国就业岗位。
For instance, the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement will eliminate tariffs on 95 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial exports within five years and support an estimated 70, 000 American jobs.
But even as they curb their enthusiasm for Doha, proponents of freer trade argue that CGE models do not show their cause to its best advantage.
We were hosted by my longtime friend Governor Ann Richards, who was also a big supporter of NAFTA.
Mr Obama's support for free trade remains lukewarm, a failing that could yet undermine hopes for export-led growth.
The Nordics are freetraders who joined late and believe their national standards to be higher than Europe's.
If the export lobby gets its way, freer trade will follow, further strengthening the mercantilists at the expense of the protectionists.
But supporters of the deal point out that Jordan quickly moved to negotiate a free-trade deal despite the expansion of its QIZs.
During their news conference, Obama and Lee also expressed support for a stalled U. S. -south Korea free trade agreement.
He has warned that the dialogue must produce results during the process in order to preserve U. S. support for free trade.
Proponents of trade hope the broader circle, and congressional Republicans, will exert a moderating influence.
Clinton favors the treaty, which would bring Mexico into U. S. -canada free trade alliance, although he wants to negotiate labor and environment issues before agreement to it.
I express the sincere appreciation to friends and the media, national and international, who have been concerned and supporting "China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Legal Affairs Forum".
I express the sincere appreciation to friends and the media, national and international, who have been concerned and supporting "China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Legal Affairs Forum".