• 拒绝收回自己老板贬抑之言。

    He refused to withdraw derogatory remarks made about his boss.


  • 那些银行拼命急于收回成本,但困难重重。

    The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.


  • 经过数月讨价还价他们收回借出的3/4。

    After months of haggling, they recovered only three-quarters of what they had lent.


  • 不要房子上花费太多,别指望卖掉房子这笔收回来。

    Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.


  • 收回开发费用之前它们必须运作一段时间

    They have to operate for long periods of time before the costs of development have been recovered.


  • 意大利正在进行一项私人浴场收回大片海滩运动这些私人浴场通常收取使用费

    A campaign is getting underway in Italy to take back large stretches of the country's beaches from private bathing clubs which usually charge to use them.


  • 某一时刻债务收回所有这些服务——地球免费我们那些事情——将慢慢终止

    At some point the debt will be called in, and all those servicethe things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.


  • 为什么没有告诉我们除非旅行社预订酒店旅游巴士公司地方收回乘客费用,否则旅行社不能退款

    Why hadn't anyone advised us that the travel agency can't refund your money unless the tour operator can get the passengers' fees back from the reserved hotels, the tour bus company and so on?


  • 要求完全收回针对言论

    He demanded a full retraction of the allegations against him.


  • 收回未付款商品的举动吓跑了买主们。

    Repossessions have frightened buyers off.


  • 拍卖会购买收回商品最佳地方

    Auctions are the best place for buying repossessions.


  • 军官打算收回该市一些军事管制区

    Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.


  • 希望如果使感到愧疚就会收回自己的话

    He's hoping that if he makes me feel guilty, I'll retract.


  • 皮尔斯小姐希望24小时内无条件收回言论

    Miss Pearce said she expected an unqualified retraction of his comments within twenty-four hours.


  • 14天时间此期间可以取消合同收回

    You have 14 days in which you can cancel the contract and get your money back.


  • 史密斯先生急忙试图收回声明刚刚已经国家电台播出了。

    Mr. Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.


  • 对该行业来说好消息投资者们似乎急于要求收回他们

    The good news for the industry was that investors don't seem to be in any hurry to reclaim their money.


  • 终结者2》的最终票房为两亿美元,认为收回了制作成本。

    "Terminator 2" finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.


  • 迅速地收回双臂,开始尖叫,希望引起注意。

    In one quick movement, she took back her arms and started to scream for attention.


  • 生产厂家定期店里收回质量问题退回相机

    The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras returned to our shop for quality problems.


  • 预测不会产生任何影响施维茨格贝尔也收回前言。

    Schwitzgebel—who had predicted no effectwill be eating his words.


  • 令人尴尬丑闻共和党左派最近欧洲选举中的受欢迎程度迫使收回前言退位

    Embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down.


  • 使用鱼鳍时,会将它们折叠起来,收回特殊沟槽或者凹陷部位;这样鱼鳍就可以身体保持齐平,以维持它们平滑外形

    When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours.


  • 已清偿债务必须收回财产作为担保

    The discharged obligation must be secured by the property you repossess.


  • 软件巨头收回雅虎的收购

    The software giant withdraws its bid for Yahoo!


  • 他们收回一地区并且这里定居

    They withdrew and settled in this area.


  • 给出大把激励然后收回

    Bundles of incentives were given and withdrawn.


  • 然后,收回自己,眼里闪烁着火花

    Then she pulls back, eyes sparkling.


  • 然后,收回自己,眼里闪烁着火花

    Then she pulls back, eyes sparkling.


- 来自原声例句

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