• 不可思议经历,它改变了世界教会了如何建立健康家庭

    This was an incredible experience that taught me a great deal about my worldview and how to develop a healthy family.


  • 生日快乐在今天告诉心情美丽改变了我世界审美快乐改变了世界认识,你的笑声改变了我疲惫心灵

    Happy birthday, today I want to tell you my heart, thy beauty changed my aesthetic of the world, your happiness has changed my understanding of the world, your laughter changed my weary heart.


  • 寻找探索故事过程中,发现了这些的故事以及他们生活如何改变了世界看法

    In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.


  • 虽然找到工作,但是改变了世界方式

    It didn't get me a job, but it changed the way I saw the world.


  • 并不是学位来说没用不能带来工作,改变了我看待这个世界方法

    I don't mean to suggest that my degree hasn't served me well. It didn't get me a job, but it changed the way I saw the world.


  • 下意识地使自己改变这种想法以及世界的固有看法,最后真改变自己

    I made a conscious effort to change what I believed about myself and what I believed about the world and it has literally changed my life.


  • 安妮日记改变了世界看法

    The diary of Anne Frank transformed my perspective of the world around me.


  • 最喜欢的事情是:当说服某个人去阅读这些中的一并且他就像一样喜欢这本书时候所以着这个想法列举了一个简短的书单,这些改变了我世界方法

    So keeping that in mind, here’s a short list of books that transformed the way I see the world.


  • 认为只要这座大楼,就看到这个城市怎样不仅改变这个地区而且确实改变了中国世界整体形象

    Well, I think we have only to step outside of this building to see how this city has transformed not only the area here but, indeed, the whole image of China in the world.


  • 能够改变了世界一些东西,一些他人生活自己活得意义,远远超过简单地照顾好自己。

    Being able to say I changed something in the world, in the lives of others, gives meaning to my being here beyond simply looking after myself.


  • 努力成为别人朋友支持那些令人尊敬的伟大事业认识我的努力一些细枝末节改变这个世界

    I try to be a good friend to the people I know and support causes with broader goals that I respect, but recognize that my efforts have changed the world only in small ways.


  • 间低语着,也许在我的注意力转移到了我的内心世界——一些东西改变

    He's whispering something into my hair and I'm listening but not, noting instead the inner geography - landmasses have altered.


  • 大概年前彻底放弃了那个世界的生活,永远地改变了视野意识到为了别人看,为了给别人留下好印象忽视了自己需求并且为此付出了太多时间精力

    And when I quit that world almost 3 years ago, it changed my outlook forever, as I realized how much time and effort I put into trying to impress other people while ignoring my own needs.


  • 由于旅游世界看法改变了

    My views of the world have changed because of traveling.


  • 是一年轻辩手虽然说不上辩论使改变世界不过肯定它改变了我

    I was also a young debater, and although I can't say that it helped me change the world, it certainly helped change me.


  • 大约之前发现这个发现深深的改变了对于曾经认为这个世界如何工作观点

    About three and a half years ago I made a discovery, and this discovery profoundly changed my view on how I thought the world worked.


  • 因为改变习惯心底爱着你,也许世界而言,你只是普通的一个人而言,你是整个世界

    Because of you change my manner. I am loving you from my heart. To the world you maybe a person but to one person you maybe the world. As time goes by.


  • 一瞬间世界改变了,对自己的怀疑消失了

    And at that moment my world changed and my self-doubt disappeared.


  • 改变38通过这样做,一次不愉快经历变成人生中了不起39。对于发现这个世界感到非常兴奋。

    I had changed my 38. And by doing so, I changed an unhappy experience into the most amazing 39 of my life. I was excited by this new world that I had discovered.


  • 在那碰到了太多不同类型,他们有着独特而又令人称颂的设法改变了我世界方法

    I met so many different types of people there with weird and wonderful ideas and it changed the way I see the world.


  • 仍然能用这块碎片反射光世界黑暗地方,到人类心中黑暗地方,并且改变一些的生活。

    Nevertheless, with what I have I can reflect light into the dark places of this world---into the black places in the hearts of men---and change some things in some people.


  • 但是美国财政部工作的时候,看到了科技公司在很大程度影响世界,于是改变了自己想法

    But when I was working at the U. S. Treasury Department, I saw from afar how much impact technology companies were having on the world and I changed my mind.


  • 公交车上拒绝让座那天,你,姐妹罗莎改变了我人生轨道世界其它无数生活

    That day that you refused to give up your seat on the bus, you, Sister Rosa, changed the trajectory of my life and the lives of so many other people in the world.


  • 可以说北大改变一生地方,是提升了自己的地方,使一个农村孩子最后走向世界的地方。

    Can say, the north is changed my life, is my own place, make me from a rural children finally moved toward the world.


  • 希望番话不要世界杯决赛前传南非否则担心球员心态影响,从而改变历史

    Hope my words will not travel to South Africa before the final, or else I worry about this affecting players' mentality, and changes the history.


  • 接着发明家站了起来调整肩带说道: :“世界聪明发明改变了成千上万人的生活

    Thee inventor rose, already adjusting the straps. "I'm the smartest man in the world. My inventions have transformed the lives of millions."


  • 接着发明家站了起来调整带说道道“:世界聪明发明改变了成千上万人的生活。”

    Thee inventor rose, already adjusting the straps. "I'm the smartest man in the world. My inventions have transformed the lives of millions."


  • 接着发明家站了起来调整带说道道“:世界聪明发明改变了成千上万人的生活。”

    Thee inventor rose, already adjusting the straps. "I'm the smartest man in the world. My inventions have transformed the lives of millions."


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