• 借由“正”,我们有效地改变我们世界朝向更好的明天。

    With clear comprehension we effectively alter our world for the better.


  • 有效率建筑汽车飞机计算机其它产品可能改变我们世界

    More efficient buildings, cars, airplanes, computers and other products have the potential to change our world.


  • 婴儿潮世代即一鲍勃同龄人改变我们世界

    Baby boomers, that group of people, according to Bob Dylan and his peers who were going to change the world.


  • 一些为此类行径辩护企业家为了改变我们世界必须这么做记者不以为然

    There are those who defend such practices, saying that is what entrepreneurs have to do to change the world. Your correspondent disagrees.


  • 他们的工作医学计算交流电子纳米以及更多的科技,这些正在改变我们世界

    Their work--spanning medicine, computing, communications, electronics, nanotechnology, and more--is changing our world.


  • 一个真正具有创造性'的事业,他可以改变我们世界,说:”伦敦·雷尼

    "He's a really creative person and I love him 'cause he can change the world for us," said London Rainey.


  • 我们内在力量祈祷,希望我们积极的方式聚集力量改变我们世界,使之变得更美好

    Her prayings are addressed to our inner energy, that we can gather in positive way to change the world for better.


  • 全球化自生成以来已经并正在深刻改变我们世界影响我们每个人生活,成为我们的时代特征

    Since the globalization, it has been changing our world, and influencing our life deeply, and becoming the characteristic of modern time.


  • 如果我们承认我们无法阻止科学技术改变我们世界我们至少可以努力确保科技带来变化方向正确

    If we accept that we cannot prevent science and technology from changing our world, we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions.


  • 随着技术进步,人类梦想逐渐变成现实,越来越多工程奇迹不仅在改变我们世界也在改变我们自己。

    As technology evolves to meet the demands of our dreams, more and more wondrous feats of engineering will transform our world; and us with it.


  • 史蒂夫-乔布斯式的人物在改变我们世界诚挚地亲友以及所有欣赏智慧才华的人表示慰问

    People like Steve Jobs change our world. My sincere condolences to his loved ones and to everyone who admired his intellect and talent.


  • 世界范围竞赛已经开始,以求开发新的吸收剂,催化剂膜结构使我们得以大规模实现人工光和,这个永久改变我们世界想法

    Here and across the world the race is on to develop new absorbers, catalysts and membranes that will permit the large-scale realisation of an idea that could change the world for good.


  • 世界范围竞赛已经开始,以求开发新的吸收剂,催化剂膜结构使我们得以大规模实现人工光和,这个永久改变我们的世界想法

    Here and across the world the race is on to develop new absorbers, catalysts and membranes that will permit the large-scale realisation of an idea that could change the world for good. Nate lewis.


  • 美元不再买到所有东西我们慢慢地开始意识我们世界扮演的角色正在改变

    American dollars no longer buy all good things, and we are slowly beginning to realize that our proper role in the world is changing.


  • 颠覆了所有这些思维习惯从根本上改变我们世界体验影响政治宗教商业文化行为

    It overturned all of those habits of mind, fundamentally changing our experience of the world, affecting the conduct of politics, religion, business, and culture.


  • 寻找探索故事过程中,发现了这些的故事以及他们生活如何改变我们世界看法

    In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.


  • 通过鼓励他们探索直接经验之外世界并让他们改变世界而做好准备我们可以获得一切

    We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their turn at shaping that world.


  • 国速度改变我们的国家,给世界留下了深刻印象。

    China speed has changed our country and impressed the world.


  • 像20世纪90年代互联网发展的早期一样,鲜少有人能预见互联网将如何改变我们的生活和世界

    Just as in the early days of the Internet in the 1990s, few could see how it could change our life and the world.


  • 在信的结尾提出了这样一个问题:“我们无法真正改变我们生活的这个疯狂的世界,对吗?”

    He ended his letter with this question: "We can't really change this crazy world we live in, can we?"


  • 这不是个时髦演示我们知道可是能完全改变世界的。

    This is not about snazzy demos, this is about completely changing the world we know it.


  • 我们妈妈改变这个世界

    We feminist mothers were going to change the world.


  • 但是好的代码能够改变世界我们意想不到的方式使我们卓有成效

    But clever code can change the world and make us productive in ways we never imagined.


  • 事实上正是阅读的,所穿着的,所食用改变我们世界食用科技的方式,”陈说道。

    "It's what you read, what you wear, and, in fact, what you can eat that will change our world using technology," Chen says.


  • 这种焦虑反过来又会影响我们做出选择、进而改变世界能力

    This anxiety has, in turn, affected our ability to make choices that lead to social change.


  • 过去的已经过去,我们不能回溯时间去改变,那么,我们还可不可以做到改变我们生活的现实或者我们世界看法吗?

    Since the past is the past, and we can’t go back and change it ,is it possible to change our reality and our perception of the world?


  • 内部世界可以改变我们外部行为并不意味着必须——并不意味我们要请所原谅的人过来晚餐才行。

    Our inner world can change how we behave externally, but it does not have to - it does not mean we invite them over for dinner.


  • 这些袭击以及全球反应已经深刻改变我们生活世界因此观看这些图片以及记住那个黑暗一天发生的事情仍然有着重要的意义。

    These attacks and the global reaction to them have profoundly shaped the world we live in, so it remains important to see the images and remember just what happened on that dark day.


  • 我们需要改变世界魔法我们已经自己内心深处所需要的力量我们力量更好想象

    We do not need magic to transform our world; we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: We have the power to imagine better.


  • 借用世界主义作家皮柯·艾耶创造的一个就是那种我们需要的“世界”,引导我们进入一个正在改变世界,也正在被世界改变中国

    She is, to borrow a term coined by another cosmopolitan writer, Pico Iyer, just the sort of "global soul" we need to guide us into a China that is transforming and being transformed by the world.


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