• 需要改变生活方式

    I needed to revamp my lifestyle!


  • 改变生活方式首先工作所以3月24日我的经理老板递交了辞职信

    I want to change my life style, First of all, I want to change my job. So, I hand in my resignation to my Mgr. and boss on Mar. 24!


  • 如果持有这种心态“节食”,停下来节食没有作用的,只有生活方式改变才能起作用。

    If you have the mentality of "I need to go on a diet," stop it. Diets don't work, only lifestyle changes do.


  • 虽然跑步开始于酒醉后的迷迷糊糊,但跑步已经促成了生活方式改变总是在跑步时经过每个人分享

    Though my running began as a dare during a drunken stupor, running has become a life changing lifestyle that I try to share with anyone and everyone I come across.


  • 一直致力于改变生活方式充满希望重新回到工作上时,更加精力充沛地投入天的日程中。

    I've focused on changing my lifestyle, so hopefully when I go back into the workforce I will have gotten into a much healthier daily routine.


  • 本地人生活方式孩童时代一样,妇女没什么工作机会还小的时候就不喜欢这些想着改变一下。。。。。。

    The locals' way of life resembled my own childhood, where women had little opportunity, and I hated that as a girl, and I always wanted to change it....


  • 来说,两者皆有,加上好书最终说服改变一种带给快乐不同生活方式

    For me, it was a combination of these, plus some good books which eventually persuaded me to change my lifestyle to a different way of living that brings me happiness.


  • 忍受个星期疼痛明白时候改变生活方式中的某些行为了。

    After 2 weeks of pain and suffering I understood that it was time to change something in my lifestyle.


  • 但是用了新版iPhone4s之后Siri就已经生活方式发生了改变

    But after two weeks with my new iPhone 4s, Siri has already changed the way I live my life.


  • 因为没有领悟当前的世界暗示或许应该未来着想,改变那种不可持续的生活方式

    It's my fault because I haven't digested the world's in-your-face hints that maybe I ought to think about the future and change the unsustainable way I live my life.


  • 劝告所有病人为了‘小弟弟健康改变这些不良的生活方式

    I counsel all of my patients about making these lifestyle changes for 'penile health.'


  • 认为斯科特故事确实印证12年前做法-改变饮食生活方式提高癌症生存几率

    I felt that Scott's story really reconfirmed what I did 12 years agochanging my diet and lifestyle to increase my odds of survival from cancer.


  • 设计住宅之前委托人表示并不喜欢居住河边现在他们幢住宅已经改变他们生活方式儿子非常喜欢呆花园里

    "Before I designed this house, the owners didn't like the idea of living on a canal, but now they say it has changed their life, and their son is always in the garden," he added.


  • 相信如此知道时代需要不能改变生活方式

    I believe so. I knew that the times need him and I can't change his way of life.


  • 当然是每天必须坚守的30分钟,用来改变生活方式

    Of course Im talking about a solid 30 minutes committed to changing the way you live your life.


  • 他们接受筛查如果可能应该首先给予他们改变生活方式处理

    I think they should be screened and if it is possible I think they should be treated first with lifestyle change.


  • 强迫人家改变生活方式搬离家园放弃信仰,反而理直气壮的在帮”。

    We are forcing people to change their lifestyles, to resettle their homes, and to dispose their beliefs, telling them "we are doing you a big favor" as if we are righteous to do so.


  • 瑞典,60%以上电能来自地区电网但是可能只有不到1%的日常生活能源(天然气做饭热水等)来自于太阳能。生活方式需要改变

    In Sweden, you have more than 60% of griding electricity from region power, but maybe less 1% of daily life energy, I mean gas, I mean cooking, I mean hot water.


  • 事实上生活方式改变影响危险因素预防糖尿病有效方法认为危险因素改变减轻体重适当增加运动

    In fact lifestyle changes is the most effective way to modify risk favors to prevent diabetes and by risk factor modification I mean often weight loss and certainly increased exercise.


  • 高润霖教授遗传可能部分原因,但是认为生活方式生活方式改变非常重要的。

    Prof. Gao: Genetics may be of some issue, but I think that lifestyle and lifestyle change is very significant.


  • 完工之后人们机会看到希望他们喜欢有所启发,也能改变自己生活方式

    When it's finished, people will have the chance to see it and I hope they will like it and be inspired by it so they can make changes in their own lives.


  • 打算改变生活方式更多地聆听声音而非阅读文字或许还需要一条更大通行世界的时候,图却开始更加需要了。

    Just as I contemplated a different life of listening more than reading, of possibly needing a larger dog to help me navigate the world, Patou began needing me more.


  • 但是自己目标——拥有自己的生意乡下并且从根本上改变生活方式

    But, I had my goals - to own our own small business, to live in the country, basically to change our lifestyle.


  • 再也改变全世界人民生活方式更高目标了,相信因特网能够一样,成为一个均衡 器。

    There can be no higher goal in life than changing people's lives on a global basis, and I believe the Internet is that equaliser along with education.


  • 所以今天如果活出一个感恩生命可否建议你,生活方式以下改变?。

    So today, if you want to live a life of thankfulness to God, may I suggest that you think about the following changes to your lifestyle?


  • 如果试图改变所爱,仅仅因为觉得应该这样,就等于是掠夺了他的一项珍贵的权利,即他自己生命责任生活方式选择权

    If I try to change someone I love because I feel I know how that person should be, I rob him of a precious right, the right to take responsibility for ones own life and choices and way of being.


  • 目前,已经阻止癌症扩散8之久了,自己活下来功劳大部分归功于饮食以及生活方式改变

    I've kept cancer at bay for 8 years now, and I attribute my survival largely to the changes I've made in my diet and lifestyle.


  • 目前,已经阻止癌症扩散8之久了,自己活下来功劳大部分归功于饮食以及生活方式改变

    I've kept cancer at bay for 8 years now, and I attribute my survival largely to the changes I've made in my diet and lifestyle.


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