• 果你有自我意识,你可能知道你喜欢演奏哪一种乐器,因为你擅长它,并且音乐使你快乐,或者你喜欢独自看电视,因为它有助于你放松

    If you're self-aware, you may know that you love playing an instrument because you do well in it, and music makes you happy, or that you prefer watching TV on your own because it helps you relax.


  • 只要多实践这些选择会帮你造就放松自我

    With practice, making these choices will translate into a more relaxed self.


  • 或许已经其他一些方法获得自我放松,来生活寻求那份安宁

    You may already have some other methods that help you relax and find peace in your life.


  • 不时地提醒自己冷静放松自我情绪控制重要性特别是感到焦躁不安注意力不集中时

    Remind yourself every now and then how important it is to be calm, relaxed and in control of yourself, your mind and moods, especially when you feel agitated or unfocused.


  • 帕博斯特博士这些圆环位置总结道,纹身治疗可能为了放松自我缓解颈部疼痛

    From the location of the circles, Pabst concludes that the tattoo treatment may have been intended to relax the subject or to relieve neck pain.


  • 事实说话:可悲的是这个理论有非常的拥趸,他们认为普通感冒无关大碍因为只要好好休息自我放松能万事大吉

    The facts: Sadly this is believed by many people, and though it certainly can't hurt for the common cold, since rest and relaxation are the best things for it after all.


  • 25弗里森以前是个保姆这些放松自我想像技巧参加一个催眠培训班时学会,目的是为了尽可能减少分娩痛苦

    The 25-year-old former nanny learned these relaxation and visualization techniques in a hypnotherapy course she took in hopes of minimizing the pain of childbirth.


  • 我们应该对这种游戏,“与其随波逐流自己显得‘有效率所有人都知道多么重要,我还不如找到心灵宁静放松自我真正地享受生活。”

    We should say, "I'd rather find peace of mind, and be able to relax, and really enjoy life, than allow it to pass me by just so I can be 'productive' and show everyone how important I am."


  • 每一个参与者都会参加自我催眠治疗过程,包括男孩通过自我催眠训练录影带学习一些放松技巧

    Each of the participants took part in self-hypnosis sessions that included watching a video of a boy going through self-hypnosis training and relaxation techniques.


  • 在嬉戏般的对待这些答案过程,我们更加放松更加容易得到我们内心智慧进入可能性自我理解的

    Being playful with the answering step allows us to relax, and more easily access our inner wisdom—this will open up a treasure chest of possibilities and self-understanding.


  • 首先,确定好目标是自我振作,然后可以别人一起出去彻夜放松了。

    Focus on cheering yourself up first and then head out another night to look for a guy.


  • 最终来说,有女人就是自我感觉放松,当僵化沉闷时可能放松的,所以改变自己:做一个无忧无虑乐天派

    Ultimately, being feminine is about feeling at ease with yourself, and you can't feel at ease if you're too stiff and somber, so be the opposite: lighthearted and playful.


  • 喜爱放学运动可是很多作业,我没有太多时间放松自我

    I like doing exercise after school but I have a lot of homework to do, I don't have much time to relaxed myself.


  • 尽管我们倾向认为放松自我的要求将会导致严重的拖沓,Wohl等人发现事实刚好相反

    Although we tend to think that letting ourselves off easy will lead to more procrastination, Wohl et al. found the reverse.


  • 空闲时间经常自行车市区或者乡村到处走走,为的是自我放松

    In my free time, I often ride my bicycle to get around in the downtown area or in the countryside, so as to relax myself.


  • 空闲时间经常自行车市区或者乡村到处走走,为的是自我放松

    In my free time, I often ride my bicycle to get around in the down town area or in the countryside, so as to relax myself.


  • 当你回去的时候,精神饱满放松充满喜悦随时可以开始一个40自我练习

    You will go back home recharged and relaxed, full of joy and ready for a 40 days practice on your own.


  • 有时音乐一个放松自我方法

    Sometimes I listen to the music for a while which is a good way to relax myself.


  • 必须充分放松自我享受舒适生活大学

    I was bound to relax myself to the fullest and enjoy my comfortable life in college I thought.


  • 只有真正放松才能我们体会到,也许我们更喜欢通过同龄人他们热忱地事物而自我成长。

    Only after relaxing can we know if we prefer educating ourselves simply through talking with peers about their passions.


  • 学会一次盛大宴会放松休息饥饿感过去时巩固自我控制

    Learn to relax and rest before a big party. It will fortify your self-control when the munchies are passed.


  • 电影院人们放松自我地方特别情侣们来说他们电影院当做最佳约会场所

    Theater is a good place for people to relax themselves, especially for the couples, they will treat the theater as the best dating place.


  • 机会兴趣许多原因身体健康自我改善,自我改善,自我的兴趣,作为一种方式放松工作

    Chances are you're interested in karate for many reasons - physical fitness, self-improvement, self-defense, or as a way to unwind after work.


  • 那个放松还原本来的面目带来自我认识。

    In that relaxation you have fallen into your own source, and that brings self-knowledge.


  • 沿途蔚蓝天空苍翠山峦新鲜空气放松自我机会

    With blue skies, verdant mountains and fresh air along the whole way, it's a good chance to relax and refresh yourself.


  • 酒精饮料美国聚会上很大作用人们以喝酒放松自己,轻轻松松地自我享受一下。不管怎么说,事情应该这样

    Alcohol plays a big part in most American parties. People drink to relax, unwind and enjoy themselves. Anyhow that's the way it should be.


  • 酒精饮料美国聚会上很大作用人们以喝酒放松自己,轻轻松松地自我享受一下。不管怎么说,事情应该这样

    Alcohol plays a big part in most American parties. People drink to relax, unwind and enjoy themselves. Anyhow that's the way it should be.


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