Database hostname: Set to the same hostname as for the Lotus Foundations server.
Enter the database host name, the port number, and the database name, and then click Test connection.
Use your correct database name, user ID and password, hostname, and port number.
在这样的场景中,如果通过TDS特性来发现IBMNAS服务器,那么您只需要进行最少的更改,比如在LDAP数据库中对新的IBM NAS服务器的主机名进行更新。
In such scenarios, using IBM NAS server discovery by TDS feature, you are only required to do minimal changes, such as updating the new IBM NAS server's hostname in the LDAP database.
Select the SQL server instance given to you by your database administrator, in this format: hostname \ instance name.
The SPECjAppServer application USES the IP addresses to host names mapping in the OS hosts file to resolve the database, emulator, and delivery system.
For the server field, enter the hostname of the database server.
In the example, the pttuser user has read and write access to the database (only from the hostname of the web server) and therefore can access and modify each table in it.
承载数据库的LDAP的主机名在WebSphere 中配置,并作为二进制条目包含在事务日志中。
The host name of the LPAR that hosts the database is configured in WebSphere and is contained as a binary entry in the transaction logs.
这要求将外部可见的主机名的凭证存储在一个CryptographicMessageSyntax (CMS)密钥数据库文件中。
This requires that a certificate for the externally visible hostname be stored in a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) key database file.
The host name of the database that is configured to be used by WebSphere must also be carefully managed.
There are two types of host names that you will need to consider: the host names where WebSphere is installed and the host names of the database.
Connection configuration-a set of required property values used to create database connections, including the database version, database vendor, port number, and host name.
Determine the host name, host IP address, and the service name or port number for both the primary and the standby database server.
This batch program takes the following parameters: Control Database Name, Hostname, Userid, Password
首先,必须在OracleResponseFile . txt文件中指定Oracle数据库名称、JDBC驱动程序位置、驱动程序类型、数据库服务器主机名和oracle端口号属性。
You must first specify the Oracle database name, JDBC driver location, driver type, database server host name, and Oracle port number attributes in the OracleResponseFile.txt file.
服务器的主机名和数据库的文件名早已在web部署描述符(web . xml)中定义了。
The host name of the server and the filename of the database is already defined by the web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml).
Select JDBC driver type 4 and provide the database server host name and port number. Then click next.
Please pay careful attention when creating a database and write down your database name, username, password, and host somewhere.
In between, we initialize some connection information, including the database name, the host name, the user name, and the password.
In between, we initialize some connection information, including the database name, the host name, the user name, and the password.