How can I store metadata about columns in my database in a normalized fashion?
In normalization theory of relation database, finding candidate key and primary attribute is always a difficult problem.
Note that this is an extremely informal discussion of the topic of database normalization, and does not cover all of the issues in depth.
Database normalization is a data design and organization process applied to data structures based on rules that help building relational databases.
The paper also extends the content of computer-aided database designing system and realizes a system of auto-detecting and auto-producing database Normal Form in view of the theory o...
To demonstrate, let's apply a little database normalization to the previous example, splitting the owner field of PhoneNumber into a separate person table.
This differs greatly from relational databases, which rely heavily on relationships to normalize data storage.
Sometimes people try to save XML documents into Normalized Relational Database tables by mapping the document nodes into Relational format.
The objective is not to limit data modeling to a single database and its related physical data model.
Rather, the canonical data model is the reference for all of the entities and their relationships across all of the databases and related legacy applications that the SOA encompasses.
Further detailed information on normalization can be found in most books whose main subject is relational databases.
Fully normalized database designs may cause performance challenges.
To ensure the database is normalized (see Note 1), a new table SUBJECTS_SUBSCRIPTIONS will be created to join the SUBJECTS and SUBSCRIPTIONS tables.
You may have successfully normalized the database (see Resources), but now the columns in the table are out of sync with your software model.
在将报告发送到mail - in数据库之前,ADC负责对这些差异进行规范化。
ADC takes care of normalizing these differences before sending the report to the mail-in database.
You may have successfully normalized the database (see Resources), but now the columns in the table are out of sync with your software model.
Normalization usually involves dividing a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables.
In relational database design, the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization.
A true relational DBMS would allow for a fully normalized database at the logical level, while providing physical storage of data that is tuned for high performance.
Discusses the designs of concept models, logic models, physical models and standardization of the database in timetable planning system.
The relational standardization theory is the relational database development and the design important part.
The logical model for a relational database normalizes the entities and relationships into tables with foreign key constraints.
To solve these problems, we can adopt the methods of pinyin to establish the data base of "terms association".
The measurements are compared against a normative database giving provisional diagnostic classifications.
This paper introduces the appliance of anti-normalization in database design, which gives some examples based on the implement of anti-normalization to optimize the database design.
It gets normalized storage schemas, and the normalized storage of XML in relational databases is implemented.
In this paper, the application of normalization and denormalization in the optimization of relational database design are discussed.
Discussing the construction of ancient cases database, searching a feasible method for standardization of data processing.
Research and realizaion of data structure and database design of commerce information processing system is disscused, take warehouse for example, based on normalization theory of data structure.
Database design is reasonable, this requires database in the design to ensure the consistency of the data, reasonable redundancy, rational choice data type, data storage standardized.