• 明德学院耶鲁大学的研究人员从事了一项新的研究,他们各种来源汇集数据,构成各个行业环境污染造成损害美元价值

    A new study by researchers at Yale and Middlebury College brings together data from a variety of sources to put a dollar value on the environmental damage various industries inflict.


  • 中心汇集三个主要功能普适传感器数据管理分析师协作

    This is accomplished by bringing together three primary capabilities: pervasive sensors, data management and analyst collaboration.


  • 使数据引用实际代码实现内联从而提供引用本地性,使所有事物汇集一个地方

    Having the metadata inlined with the actual code it references provides locality of reference, so that everything is in one place.


  • 为了帮助用户能快速浏览这些信息他们就开发了一个先进搜索引擎汇集不同网站来的各种实时数据

    To help members scour through all this information, the company developed an advanced search engine that pulls in real-time data from many different sites around the Web.


  • 研究员表示如果汇集所有研究数据结果显示旅行使风险加倍

    The researchers say that if you pool all the data from the studies, it shows that travel doubles the risk of blood clots.


  • 我们应该更多尝试多任务方法有效方式汇集所有可用数据形成更好产品

    We should try more to look at multi-mission approaches, bringing together all the available data in a more effective way to make better products.


  • 其发布研究报告中,汇集了大量2009年2010年采集数据

    The results reported in this article represent an aggregate of data collected in 2009 and 2010.


  • 现在,在数据用于创建扇形以前可以切换数据系列甚至应用汇集转换数据

    Now you can switch data series and even apply aggregation to transform the data before it is used to create the pie chart.


  • 这种装置汇集专门化芯片块芯片都是为了分析来自某种特定类型传感器数据而量身打造的。

    This is a collection of specialised chips, each tailor-made to analyse data from a certain type of sensor.


  • 一个十分引人关注结果所有数据都一致支持。”补充道,“该证据一系列不同指标汇集到一起,因而清晰的。”

    "That's a very remarkable result, that all those data sets agree," he added. "It's the clearest evidence in one place from a range of different indices."


  • 通过使用汇集数据另一个协作调用Web服务,它使用AdobeLiveCycle Forms生成包含策略详细信息PDF表单

    Using the gathered data, another collaboration invokes a Web service that uses Adobe LiveCycle Forms to generate a PDF form containing policy details.


  • 开发人员带来了过多的开发工作,他们必须内容进行反向工程处理、开发数据模型分析提供者站点汇集原始数据

    This leads to large development overheads as designers are forced to reverse-engineer content, develop data models, parse, and aggregate raw data from the provider's site.


  • 很少有人使用人工智能通常数据挖掘只是搜索并汇集大型数据查找有用的信息

    Few people work with artificial intelligence; most commonly, data mining simply entails the ingesting of large data sets and searching through them to find information that is useful.


  • 编写报告开展研究方法上的不同汇集比较统计数据带来困难

    The different methods used to produce reports and studies also make compiling and comparing statistics difficult.


  • Atos作为提供电力通讯数据处理基础设施科技公司之一奥运会成功起到决定性作用。它们汇集了一份奥运会十大科技事实清单

    Atos, one of the tech firms providing the huge power, communications and computing and infrastructure that will be crucial to the games' success has compiled a list of ten technology facts.


  • BraddockFreshDirect的优势在于拥有个规模庞大的数据,这个数据汇集大量关于购买方式行为信息正是传统实体店铺无法比拟的优势之一。

    The edge for FreshDirect, says Braddock, is its extensive database where it can gather more information about shopping patterns and behavior than a traditional bricks-and-mortar grocery store can.


  • 本书系统地汇集图像处理数据分析分子生物学领域推动这一重要领域中的艺术状态

    This book systematically brings together the fields of image processing, data analysis, and molecular biology to advance the state of the art in this important area.


  • 这些判断是从汇集横截面分析因此他们所描述数据关联

    These judgments are from pooled cross-section analysis, so they describe associations in the data.


  • 地震工程汇集地震历史数据趋势分析目的协调一致努力

    The Earthquake Project is a concerted effort to bring together historical data on earthquakes for purposes of trend analysis.


  • 事实上所有这些有价值癌症统计数据癌症登记处汇集提供

    In fact, all these valuable cancer statistics are collected and provided by the cancer registry.


  • 上述数据是从家里至少一个18岁以下孩子的11,800个双亲家庭3,350个单亲家庭汇集来的。

    The data is compiled based on spending by 11,800 two-parent families and 3,350 single parents with at least one child under 18 living at home.


  • 汇集商业情报架构时,您需要具备主要条件之一能够提供快速灵活数据分析

    When you put together a business intelligence architecture, one of the main requirements you will want to address is being able to provide fast and flexible data analysis.


  • 介绍了电信电话公网信道,以数传数据采集传输基础设备中间汇集的星形远程自动报汛通信网。

    The communication net depends on telephone as warning flood channel; data transmission instrument as data collection transmission base equipment; middle station as merged point.


  • 汇集每天财经资讯实时更新股票基金债券资料数据精彩内参消息,一时间境外早报

    Every day brings together financial information, real-time updates of stock, funds, bonds database, excellent reference, the first time outside China Morning Post.


  • 系统内测阶段成功集成1t数据说明本文给出网络科技资源汇集模型应用效果良好

    In the inner testing stage, the system successfully integrates 1t data, which indicates that the practical application of resource integration model runs well.


  • 系统内测阶段成功集成1t数据说明本文给出网络科技资源汇集模型应用效果良好

    In the inner testing stage, the system successfully integrates 1t data, which indicates that the practical application of resource integration model runs well.


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