• 今天燧石敲击者加拿大西蒙·弗雷泽大学考古学丹尼斯·桑德·加特。

    Her flint-knapper today is Dennis Sandgathe, an archaeologist from Simon Fraser University in Canada.


  • 这套系统可以探测铁板敲击声,又能分辨出具体击打的铁板,从而指示敲击者处位置

    The system could detect if a plate was being hammered and which one, thus indicating the location of the person hitting it.


  • 酒吧有些笑道既然背山》这么受欢迎,也应该一部名为足尖敲击者》的电影了。

    Some people at the bar joked that a new movie entitled the Toe Tapper should be filmed since Brokeback Mountain became a big hit.


  • 为了定位那些地下商店,搜集们用挖掘敲击地面底部空洞的声音来寻找洞穴

    To locate the underground stores, gatherers looked for entryways to burrows or thumped the ground and listened for hollows.


  • 中午下午6研究测量组人以下测试中的表现——面部记忆测试手指敲击记忆测试和警觉性测试。

    At noon and 6 p.m., researchers measured how both groups performed in facial memory tests, finger tapping memory tests and an alertness test.


  • 舞蹈脚后跟断续地敲击地板,伴随着响亮掌声,更加深演唱萦绕悲叹

    The staccato of the dancer's heels against the floor, and the sharp bursts of clapping punctuate the singer's haunting wail.


  • 研究发现只有研究参与测试前在观看12小时视频睡着时,观看段手指敲击任务的视频能导致首次尝试特定顺势敲击更快精确

    Watching a video of the finger-tapping task led to faster and more accurate first attempts at the target sequence only when study participants slept within 12 hours of the video, before being tested.


  • 敲击重金属音乐可以随意获得虽然利害音乐恐吓可能甚至选择试验爵士乐马耳他民乐

    Rap and heavy metal music is freely available though more fiendish musical terroriser might even choose experimental jazz or Maltese folk music.


  • 具有人脸识别键盘敲击节奏识别的软件,杜绝了应试使用专业考试替身参加考试的可能。

    Software that recognises facial features and keystroke rhythms stops candidates being impersonated by professional exam sitters.


  • 快捷键爱好对于能够使用简单的键盘敲击完成大多数的Read -Me功能

    Keyboard-shortcut fans will be pleased to learn that many of Read-Me's features can be initiated via a few key taps.


  • 中午下午6点,研究测量组人以下测试中的表现——面部记忆测试手指敲击记忆测试和警觉性测试。

    At noon and 6 p. m., researchers measured how both groups performed in facial memory tests, finger tapping memory tests and an alertness test.


  • 打拍巡游演出一端敲击木制响板的

    Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show.


  • 钢琴演奏开始急速地奏起“圆舞曲”,神奇双手敲击琴键节奏地点着

    The piano player, Began to Belt out "waltz", Beating the keys with magic andes, nodding his head in rhythm.


  • 心理学家发现使用手机敲击电脑键盘发送或接收电子信息会暂时降低使用约十个百分点的智商

    That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to ten points off the users IQ.


  • 心理学家发现使用手机敲击电脑键盘发送或接收电子信息会暂时降低使用约十个百分点的智商

    That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to ten points off the user's IQ.


  • 营救人员受到很大阻碍找到幸存希望似乎很渺茫了。直到上周五,救援人员察觉到了井下敲击管道声音

    Rescuers were largely stymied and there appeared little chance of finding survivors until last Friday, when the sound of tapping on pipes was detected from underground.


  • 参加根据另一个人大声读出要求敲击键盘对应的,后已经实验事先串通好。

    Participants were asked to press keys on a keyboard as they were read aloud by another person, who was secretly in cahoots with the experimenter.


  • 确实今天恐怖行动不仅仅来自几个穿自杀背心极端主义而是计算机敲击键盘一个大规模破坏性武器

    Indeed, in today's world, ACTS of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vests, but from a few keystrokes on the computer, a weapon of mass disruption.


  • 确实今天恐怖行动不仅仅来自几个穿自杀背心极端主义而是计算机敲击键盘一个大规模破坏性武器

    Indeed, in today's world, ACTS of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vests, but from a few keystrokes on the computer, a weapon of mass disruption.


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