• 贝德福德整个夏天举办许多欢快有趣艺术节

    New Bedford hosts a number of lively festivals throughout the summer months.


  • 我们希望整个夏天在这里工作常驻魔术师帮上忙,他们这个主意感兴趣

    We had hoped that the resident magician who worked here through the summer would be able to help out, but they weren't keen on that idea.


  • 整个夏天贝尔法斯特北部宗派局势紧张冲突不时爆发

    The violence has erupted sporadically throughout a summer of sectarian tension in north Belfast.


  • 德国人、意大利人和法国相比算不什么。整个夏天他们不同日子里一个半小时,就是为了世界杯

    That was nothing though, compared to German, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup.


  • 德国人、意大利人和法国相比算不什么。整个夏天他们不同日子里熬夜一个半小时,就是为了世界杯

    That was nothing, though, compared to German, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup.


  • 这些花会整个夏天增添一片亮丽的色彩

    These flowers will give a splash of colour throughout the summer.


  • 一个充满不满情绪夏天因为尽管政府做出努力,但暴利沐浴俱乐部却垄断了整个海岸线

    This has been a summer of discontent because despite government efforts, an entire coastline has been monopolised by profiteering bathing clubs.


  • 星期六早晨到了整个夏天都是明媚清新充满生机的

    Saturday morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life.


  • 整个夏天的夜晚都这样读书。

    He spent all of his summer nights reading like this.


  • 开始相信通过整个世界迎来春天夏天绿色导火线本质上一种文学能量

    I came to believe the green fuse that drives spring and summer through the world is essentially a literary energy.


  • 每年夏天整个埃莫森家族都要聚庄园湖边野餐,多数时间帕蒂都不喜欢这些假日野餐。

    Every summer, the entire Emerson clan gathered by the lake at the estate for holiday picnics that Patty mostly failed to enjoy.


  • 去年春天由于州里缩减了财政预算的工作时数减少了整个夏天才拿到薪水九月份则根本没有进账

    Last spring, because of state budget cuts, his hours were reduced: over the summer, he got only two weeks pay, and in September he got no paycheck at all.


  • 决定选修门很难课程,结果整个夏天忙得不亦乐乎

    He decided to take this difficult course, which had made him extremely busy during the summer.


  • 美国小孩拥有整个夏天假期六月七月八月,都不用上学。

    C American children have the entire summer months, June, July and August, for vacation from school.


  • 2003年整个夏季之中,上一个夏天冰架崩塌残留碎片逐渐分解,这些冰山更小冰块混合物开始渐渐漂

    Throughout the summer of 2003, remaining fragments of the shelf broke away, and the melange of icebergs and smaller ice pieces from the previous summer's collapse began to drift away.


  • 整个夏天西班牙田地里多角度摄像机跟踪了152只蟋蟀

    The multiple cameras tracked 152 crickets in a Spanish field for an entire summer.


  • 整个夏天蒙特雷中产阶级惊吓不已。年轻有名居民不断遭到绑架

    Over the summer Monterrey’s middle class was shocked by the apparently random kidnapping of young, affluent residents.


  • 夏天更多融化最终房屋乃至整个村庄,会被海水吞没

    Eventually, homes will belost as more ice melts each summer, and maybe all of Bykovsky, too.


  • 整个夏天生物钟都有自己时间表传统用餐时间接近

    During the summer his internal clock went on its own schedule, rendering references to traditional mealtimes (and, it must be said, menus) approximations at best.


  • 这些石子孩子整个夏天收集的。

    I also add in random stones and rocks that my boys have collected through the summer.


  • Coontz教授回忆起70年代时他家隔壁一对夫妇,他们如此不喜欢对方,以至于整个夏天他们都各自坐在房子两侧草坪上。

    Professor Coontz recalls living next door to a couple in their 70s who disliked each other so much that during the summer, they sat outside in lawn chairs on the opposite sides of the house.


  • 知道如果整个夏天在这里编写程序能够人们创造财富节省他们时间,那么,我的工作是有意义的

    I realized that the programs I had spent all summer writing were great, if they could make people money and save them time.


  • 天热的时候他们牛群赶到山里凉快牧场去,而且通常就是整个夏天

    Whenever it got hot, they would take their cows up to a cool, green pasture in the mountains. Usually they stayed there with the cows all summer.


  • 皇马最终大发慈悲,接受贝尼特斯整个夏天一直不肯降低报价阿隆索明天西班牙首都体检。

    Alonso will undergo a medical in the Spanish capital tomorrow after Real finally relented over an asking price that benitez had steadfastly refused to lower all summer.


  • 歇尔夫计划现在开始为满院艺术品重新上一道油漆,这会花整个夏天的时间。

    Schaefer said he plans to spend this summer repainting the works of art that are featured in his yard right now.


  • 皇家霍洛威学院研究小组整个夏天伦敦科学博物馆示范他们的调查,500个参观者尝试了他们的测试

    Royal Holloway's research group ran demonstrations of their research studies in the London Science Museum over the summer where 500 visitors tried their tests.


  • 整个夏天他们都热切地盼望着丰收到来他们深知自己生存以及殖民地的存在与否都将取决于即将到来收成

    All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest.


  • 法国中场转会至曼城传闻整个夏天都不大被人关注,但最终纳斯里获准离开效力了酋长球场

    The France international's switch to Manchester City was back-page news during the summer and, eventually, Nasri was allowed to depart after spending three years at Emirates Stadium.


  • 法国中场转会至曼城传闻整个夏天都不大被人关注,但最终纳斯里获准离开效力了酋长球场

    The France international's switch to Manchester City was back-page news during the summer and, eventually, Nasri was allowed to depart after spending three years at Emirates Stadium.


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