Starting next week, we're going to be looking at Plato's dialogue, the Phaedo.
Even there, I won't be spending time reading out loud long passages from the Phaedo.
The particular dialogue that we're going to reading, the Phaedo, is set at the death scene of Socrates.
But, in some sense, I'll be giving a closer commentary of the Phaedo than I'll do for the other readings.
We'll be talking about the Phaedo starting some time next week and we'll continue the discussion of the Phaedo for at least a bit of, maybe all of, the week after that.
Thus the existence of essences, and our capacity to apprehend them, proves the pre-existence of the soul with knowledge.
Now, the objection I've just raised is not the objection that Plato raised in the Phaedo, but he does raise a different objection.
Now, the objection I've just raised is not the objection that Plato raised in the Phaedo, but he does raise a different objection.