• 首先全球经济结构性力量在于新兴市场经济体

    First, the structural strength in the global economy resides in the emerging market economies.


  • 新兴市场经济体增速放缓,外部风险挑战增加

    Emerging market economies have slowed down and now face more external risks and challenges.


  • 近年来,新兴市场经济体资本流动构成发生显著变化

    Recent years have seen a dramatic shift in the composition of capital flows to the emerging-market economies.


  • 显然这意味着新兴市场经济体需要允许本币美元进一步升值

    This, obviously, means the EMEs allowing the dollar to fall further against their currencies.


  • 亚洲新兴市场经济体世界其他经济体恢复更快,但经济恢复保持下去么?

    Asia's emerging economies are recovering much more quickly than economies in other parts of the world. Can they keep it up?


  • 他说,美联储措施没有考虑这种过剩流动性新兴市场经济体影响

    The Fed's move doesn't 'take into account the effect of this excessive liquidity on emerging-market economies.


  • 新兴市场经济体尽管目前正处于经济困境,但是来年定出现强劲增长的局面。

    Emerging market economies are still slated to see robust growth next year despite the current headwinds.


  • 第二分析新兴市场经济体危机的处理方式可能会国际社会带来的挑战

    The second analyses the challenges for the international community that may stem from the crisis resolution in emerging market economies.


  • 最新报道流向新兴市场经济体私人资本第二季度有所攀升,显不足

    A new report found that net private capital flows to emerging-market economies had picked up in the second quarter, but remain weak.


  • 三国似乎不仅正跟西方经济体脱钩正跟很多规模较小新兴市场经济体脱钩。

    The giants seem to be decoupling not only from the West but from many of their smaller emerging brethren, too.


  • 新兴市场经济体印度经济通胀率最高经济体之一而且面临经济过热危险。

    The Indian economy has one of the highest inflation rates among emerging market economies and is in danger of overheating.


  • 离开了发达国家市场的强劲增长以及需求扩张,新兴市场经济体的增长速度可能会放缓

    Without robust growth in, and greater demand from, these markets, growth in emerging economies is likely to subside.


  • 第二大宗商品价格下跌之际,改善供应下游需求增长主要新兴市场经济体尤其是中国

    Second, commodity prices have fallen amid improved supply and lower demand growth from key emerging market economies, notably China.


  • 我们预期多数发达经济体的经济活动继续温和扩张主要新兴市场经济体增长将保持强劲

    We expect activity to continue to expand at a moderate pace in most advanced economies, and growth in key emerging market economies remains strong.


  • 在美国失业率居高不下增长停滞不前时候新兴市场经济体强劲增长,燃料需求也在增加。

    S. and emerging market economies. While the U. S. labors under stubbornly high unemployment and sluggish growth, emerging-market economies are growing strongly, bolstering demand for fuel.


  • 中国干预外汇市场实行资本控制利率管制这些政策其实绝大多数新兴市场经济体没有什么不同

    China is no different from most emerging market economies in adopting policies of foreign exchange market intervention, capital controls and interest rate regulation.


  • 法国财长克里斯蒂娜·拉加德继续新兴市场经济体使用魅力攻势,以求获得他们支持竞选国际货币基金组织总裁。

    CHRISTINE LAGARDE is continuing her charm offensive to win support from the major emerging-market economies for her candidacy to lead the IMF.


  • 文章目的评估全球化新兴市场经济体影响双刃剑无论是一个机会威胁他们成长

    The aim of this essay is to assess the impacts of globalisation on the emerging market economies in a double edged-sword, whether it is an opportunity or a threat for their growth.


  • 次级抵押贷款危机亚洲股市产生严重影响,人们想知道是不是新兴市场经济体新一轮金融危机开始。

    The sub-prime loan crisis has taken a heavy toll on the equity markets in Asia, making one of a new round of financial crisis in the emerging market economies.


  • 其它新兴市场经济体呼吁变革即将召开的4月2号伦敦20集团峰会俄罗斯将提出一项关于货币动议

    Other emerging-market economies are also calling for change; Russia is proposing a motion on a currency at the G20 meeting in London on April 2nd.


  • 过去这个月里美元兑新兴市场经济体货币的汇率涨有跌,一些投资者认为,一些新兴市场货币维持强势

    The dollar has been mixed in the past month against currencies from some fast-growing emerging economies, and some investors expect those currencies to stay strong.


  • 如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国其他大型新兴市场经济体一道,成为全球越来越重要的消费者最后贷款人

    THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world’s consumer as well as lender of last resort.


  • 2010年7月8日国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测新兴市场经济体2011年增长率为6.4%,比发达国家高得多。

    On July 8, the International Monetary Fund forecast that emerging economies would grow by 6.4% in 2011, well above the pace of the developed world.


  • 投资者似乎尽早一个长期前景上:新兴市场经济体恢复最佳状态远远先于欧美摆脱全球经济危机的时刻。

    Investors appear to be trying to get in early on a long-term bet: Emerging-market economies will get back into their grooves long before the U. s. or Europe shake off the global crisis.


  • 如今的世界的确十分依赖中国。 中国其他大型新兴市场经济体一道,成为全球越来越重要消费者最后贷款人

    THE world is indeed highly dependent on China which, along with other large emerging market economies, is increasingly playing the role of the world's consumer as well as lender of last resort.


  • 达德利指出新兴市场经济体高速增长推动国内工资上涨,从而同时提升了国际商品以及他们自己的出口商品价格

    Mr Dudley notes that surging EME growth has driven up prices of both commodities and their own exports as domestic wages rise.


  • 新兴市场经济体我们可以发现比较优势以及全球竞争力并非只是国家天然禀赋使然,而是可以由国家自己掌握主动

    As EMEs have shown us, comparative advantage and global competitiveness are not inevitable consequences of factor endowments-they are the result of the choices we make as nations.


  • 新兴市场经济体我们可以发现比较优势以及全球竞争力并非只是国家天然禀赋使然,而是可以由国家自己掌握主动

    As EMEs have shown us, comparative advantage and global competitiveness are not inevitable consequences of factor endowments-they are the result of the choices we make as nations.


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