• 我国披碱草属植物种类繁多对于野生资源收集保护,可以用于改良新品种培育的重要种质材料

    In China, there are many kinds of Elymus L., the protection and collection of wild resources which are used for its artificial cultivating.


  • "结果表明这些(菌类)高度多样化的:似乎蚂蚁不停地培育新品种

    These turned out to be highly diverse: it seems that ants are continually domesticating new species.


  • 除研制大蒜提取物饲料添加物外现在他们正准备培育新品种植物以及高糖分饲料

    They will now look into breeding new plants and feed with high sources of fat and sugar, as well as dietary additives such as garlic extract.


  • 总的来说,意味着玫瑰经受住时间考验那些新品种健康培育的。

    By and large, this means very old roses that have stood the test of time, or very new roses, which have been bred for health.


  • 很多眼里,憨态鞠的豚鼠通常被当作宠物饲养的。然而,秘鲁科学家培育一种专供食用的豚鼠新品种,而且这种豚鼠马上就会被作为特色菜肴端上英国人餐桌

    To most people they are lovable pets, but guinea pigs could soon be on the menu at British restaurants after the development of a "superpig" designed to offer diners a nutritious low-fat meal.


  • 天然异质群体中选择优良个体进而培育新品种方法

    Heterogeneous groups from natural selection fine individual, and then fostered into a new variety of methods.


  • Embrapa公司培育出了一种普通大豆耐酸新品种经过石灰粉处理,塞拉多农田酸性)。

    Embrapa also created varieties of soya that are more tolerant than usual of acid soils (even after the vast application of lime, the cerrado is still somewhat acidic).


  • 介绍了丰产核桃选苗、培育管理等栽培技术,初步探索出早实核桃新品种丰产高效模式

    Introduces the breed management technology of high yield Walnut, explores the a suit of breed management pattern high yield Walnut early bore fruit.


  • 科研人员多年潜心研究,合力攻关终于培育鸭梨一鸭梨新品种

    "After years of painstaking research scientists work together to tackle key problems, and finally cultivated" calabash pear states, "This pear new varieties."


  • 培育新品种蔬菜中心

    It is the centre for cultivating new varieties and kinds of vegetables.


  • 农作物生物技术世界范围内取得了飞速发展,成功培育了一批优质高产新品种

    The worldwide success in crop biotechnology has been made and a considerable mount of genetically engineered plants with high quality and quantity have been produced.


  • 原生质体培养体系建立对各种遗传操作利用生物技术培育新品种具有重要意义

    The formation of the system of protoplast culture has an important significance in various kinds of genetic operations and in utilizing biological technology to cultivate new varieties.


  • 苜蓿性状对于培育根蘖放牧型苜蓿新品种具有重要价值。

    Creeping-rooted character was very important for breeding and selection of the new variety of creeping-rooted types and grazing types alfalfa.


  • 人们通过常规杂交育种辐射育种、组织培养育种、多倍体育种、航天育种手段培育大量花卉新品种

    Breeders have bred a great deal of new flower varieties by taking routine cross breeding, radiation breeding, tissue culture breeding, polyploidy breeding, and spaceflight breeding etc.


  • 因此,培育广谱抗病新品种是育种学首选目标

    Creating a new broad-spectrum resistant variety has become the goal of potato breeders.


  • 实验室培育了抗病的小麦新品种

    And he worked in the laboratory to breed new wheat varieties that could resist disease.


  • 采用生物技术常规育种方法结合,分离棉花抗病相关基因,定向培育抗病新品种控制病害简单易行且行之有效的途径

    Applied with combination of biotechnology and traditional breeding, we can screen cotton resistance-related genes, cultivate new breed directionally which is the easiest way to control disease.


  • 研究培育新品种改进栽培措施提供参考依据

    This research provided a reference for developing new varieties and improving cultivation treasures.


  • 采用粘度速测仪分析了浙江省新近培育早籼稻新品种()淀粉粘滞特性,结果表明不同品种(系)具有特征性RVA谱。

    By Rapid visco Analyzer (RVA), the starch viscosity properties of early indica rice varieties (lines), which were recently released in Zhejiang Province were analyzed.


  • 培育唐菖蒲抗真菌病新品种奠定基础,为子叶花卉植物遗传转化提供了理论依据

    Stablished the foundation for cultivation of new disease-resistant gladiolus variety, Offered the theoretical foundation for genetic transformation of the monocotyledon.


  • 测定结果南瓜新品种培育南瓜产品开发提供了重要的科学依据

    The results will provide scientific data for the study on pumpkin breeding and on new product development of pumpkin.


  • 通过花粉单倍体育种培育二个粳稻新品种生产繁殖推广。

    Two new varieties of keng rice were obtained by means of pollen haploid plant breeding and have been put into-seeds propagation and distribution for practical production.


  • 植物新品种一部规定人们培育植物新品种权利的法令,其目的还在于规定其他相关事项。

    This is an Act to provide for the granting of proprietary rights to persons originating certain new plant varieties, and for related purposes.


  • 利用转基因技术培育杨树新品种成为当前植物遗传改良重要手段

    It is important to cultivate poplar that can resist insect. Transgenosis technology has become main means to improve the quality of insect-resistant of present plant by creating new varieties.


  • 由于西瓜遗传资源非常狭窄培育新品种方面受到很大限制

    However, the watermelon is very narrow genetic resources in the breeding of new varieties are largely limited.


  • 利用转基因技术培育杨树新品种成为当前植物遗传改良重要手段

    It is important to cultivate poplar that can resist insect. Transgenic technology has become main means to improve the quality of insect-resistant of present plant by creating new varieties.


  • 国内外利用航天诱变育种技术培育了粮食作物、经济作物、花卉抗生菌等高产优质新品种(系)。

    A lot of new high-produced and well qualitative cereals, flowers and antibiotics have been bred by the technique of spaceflight mutation breeding home and abroad.


  • 创建近等基因导入系(群体)目标基因发掘新品种培育提供重要的材料基础

    The created ILs not only provide a basis of breeding materials for developing new rice cultivars, but also unique genetic stocks for discovery of genes of interest.


  • 创建近等基因导入系(群体)目标基因发掘新品种培育提供重要的材料基础

    The created ILs not only provide a basis of breeding materials for developing new rice cultivars, but also unique genetic stocks for discovery of genes of interest.


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