• 茜在新年前夕亲自为她的大家庭做了一顿饭。

    Jessie cooked a meal for her big family by herself on New Year's Eve.


  • 新年前夕俄罗斯人保持着世界上晚的就寝时间记录——大约在凌晨3:30。

    On New Year's Eve, Russians have the world's latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.


  • 尽情欢乐新年前夕开始,持续午夜

    Merrymaking begins on New Year's Eve and builds up to midnight.


  • 一直离开地洞新年前夕吞灭人民

    Years from its burrow on New Year's eve to devour people.


  • 一个圣诞节新年前夕过后的派对消磨剩余的时间。

    Throw a pre-Christmas party or a post-New Year's Eve party to finish all the leftovers.


  • 喜欢因为收到一些礼物很多新年前夕

    I like it because I can receive some gifts and much money on the New Years' Eve.


  • 新年前夕每个家庭会聚在一起吃饭谈话电视几乎整个晚上

    On New Year Eve, each family will gather together eating, talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.


  • 台北101大楼底层购物中心已经开业了,但是整座大楼新年前夕才正式开业。

    The shopping mall at the base of Taipei 101 has already opened for business, but the building will be officially opened on New Year's eve.


  • 对于新的必不可少的,这次新年前夕时代广场舞会已经准备就绪

    And it wouldn't be a New Year without this. The famous New Year's Eve Times Square ball is already in place.


  • 年前哈里斯解除了婚约新年前夕86海夫纳宣誓结婚

    She broke off the engagement a year ago but exchanged vows with the 86-year-old Hef. on New Year's eve.


  • 普通中国人节日实际上开始农历新年前夕结束第五农历第一个

    To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.


  • 第三中国新年前夕朋友家人相聚吃顿团圆饭,那是场盛大的欢庆飨宴。

    Step three: get together with friends and family on the eve of Chinese New Year for a reunion dinner, a large, celebratory feast.


  • 德国新年前夕村镇单位高达大树砍掉主干

    Germany: New Year's eve, to towns and villages as a unit, the election of up to thirty feet Several Strains of trees, cut down the number of branches, leaving only the trunk.


  • 就我个人来说希望新年前夕·布劳恩在一起,不过青菜萝卜各有所爱。

    Personally, I would rather ring in the New Year with Eva Braun, but everyone to his taste.


  • 新年前夕人们都习惯于家人或者朋友家里或者酒店吃大餐新年钟声敲响。

    On New Year's Eve, it is common to have a big dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.


  • 该国消费力量农历新年前夕—是购物高峰期与英国美国圣诞前夕疯狂购物类似

    The country's consumer power has been particularly evident in the runup to the start of the lunar New Year - a peak of shopping similar to the pre-Christmas splurge in the UK and US.


  • 运气真好,生日十二月三十一号,刚好新年前夕全世界庆祝一天

    I'm luckymy birthday is a real red letter day. It's on December 31, New Year's eve and all over the world people are out celebrating it.


  • 今年,人们的信心尤其不足,不想看到就是某个银行新年前夕为了现金争个你死我活。

    This year confidence is especially fragile. The last thing the world needs is for some big bank to be scrabbling for cash on New year's Eve.


  • 来到沙滩之前个月,本来,应该新年前夕晚会上很开心的,但是,我却哭,无理由地哭。

    It's four months before my walk on the beach, and I should be loving this New Year's Eve party.


  • 情侣圣诞节分开新年前夕纽约重聚,并且新年一起乘飞机属维京群岛度假

    After spending Christmas apart the pair reunited in New York City for New Year's Eve, before jetting off to the British Virgin Islands on New Year's Day to spend some time together.


  • 新年前夕,在印度洋,海军编队又向后1小时北京时间凌晨3点迎接了属于他们新年

    Then on the Eve of the New Year, the navy put their clocks one more hour behind and saluted the New Year at 3 am Beijing Time.


  • 丹麦拥有奇特庆祝那里新年前夕人们亲朋好友的里面盘子以此作为友谊标志

    Denmark has the strangest celebrations. There, on New Year's Eve, people throw plates at their friends' homes as a sign of friendship!


  • 新年前夕怀孕妻子兴高采烈地准备孩子出生丈夫可能更诡秘家庭计划

    On the eve of the hottest New Year on record, a young pregnant wife happily prepares for the birth of her child. But her secretive husband may have darker plans for the family.


  • 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司表示准备搁置的钻井机岩石中拖出来,该钻井机新年前夕便困在了岩石中。

    Royal Dutch Shell says its grounded drill rig is ready to be towed off the rocks where it's been stranded since New Year's Eve.


  • 周六开始新年前夕演讲春风一般吹遍中原大地到达每个家庭中国人带来温暖

    Love should reach to every family and bring warmth to all Chinese like a spring breeze blowing across the nation, he said in his speech ahead of the Lunar New Year, which starts on Saturday.


  • 位读者来信回顾澳大利亚悉尼新年前夕。那天夜里,他解手,来到片矮树丛边,树丛那边是一所豪宅

    One writer recalled the New Year's Eve on which he went to relieve himself against some bushes bordering an expensive home in Sydney, Australia.


  • 位读者来信回顾澳大利亚悉尼新年前夕。那天夜里,他解手,来到片矮树丛边,树丛那边是一所豪宅

    One writer recalled the New Year's Eve on which he went to relieve himself against some bushes bordering an expensive home in Sydney, Australia.


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