• 她们拿了本书概念英语3》,一是《走遍美国》。

    They both took two books, one was New Concept English 3 and the other was Family Album USA.


  • 概念英语配套磁带和美音的

    "New Concept English" the necessary magnetic tape has the English sound and the beautiful sound two kinds.


  • 概念英语改变了生活——很多方面都是如此!

    NCE changed my life - in more ways than one! The NCE Teacher's Book trained me.


  • 概念英语改变了生活——很多方面都如此!

    NCE changed my lifein more ways than one!


  • 上学期末,我们学习概念英语》第二大部分课程

    By the end of last term we had been learning most of the lessons of New Concept English, Book2.


  • 高中投师“西毒派”,《概念英语学过学校制定参考书);

    In my senior high school I learned New Concept English of the Xidu Sect because it was ruled by the school.


  • 网络红人芙蓉姐姐近日微博中自己漫画肖像登上了《概念英语教材

    Internet celebrity Furong Jiejie (Sister Hibiscus) said in her micro-blog that a caricature of her has been used as an illustration in an English language textbook, "New Concept English."


  • 沪江新概念英语一无所知,因为这里许多学习小组活动

    No one can plead ignorance of NCE in HJ any longer, for there are numerous study teams and activities.


  • 沪江新概念英语一无所知,因为这里许多学习小组活动

    No one can plead ignorance of nce in HJ any longer, for there are a multitude of study circles and activities.


  • 没有关系可以概念英语”通过她帮助,你可以把英语掌握好。

    It doesn't matter, you can buy the "New Concept English" to help you to achieve the goal of having a good master of English.


  • 经过时间努力完成了概念英语34册的学习梦想很快成了现实。

    With long time preparation, I completed learning New Concept English (book 3 and book 4) and my dream comes true rapidly, I successfully obtained the master degree.


  • 因此一旦决定学习外语每天坚持学习!学习新概念英语也是一样的!

    So, once you have decided to learn a foreign language, you really should study it every day.


  • 如果喜欢新概念英语王牌教程,你就上面花费很多时间,你也会规律地去做

    If you enjoy learning English, you will spend more time on it, and you will do it regularly.


  • 在业余时间学习了概念英语走遍美国》,所以根本不用担心英语水平

    I studied the New Concept English and the Travel Around American. So, you don't worry about my English level at all.


  • 昨天因为一些耽误了没有及时来博客。学了概念英语第五两课。

    I have something to do yesterday so that I didn't update my blog. in the past two days, i learned lesson lesson 5 and lesson 7 of NCE.


  • 2008年开始学习概念英语现在学的一级,我的业余时间喜欢看书英文歌曲

    I was the start of 2008 as new concept English learning, now is the level of his spare time, I like to read and listen to English songs.


  • 2006年北京外国语大学外语教学研究出版社授予全国概念英语课程培训示范校”称号

    In 2006, it was awarded the title of "National Model Training School of New Concept English" by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press of Beijing Foreign Studies University.


  • 因为女儿今年开始学习新概念英语》(第一)了,所以花了大量的时间那些课程编辑学习文本

    As my daughter began to learn BOOK one this year, I spent much time in editing the learning texts for those lessons.


  • 即将成为大二学生的决定概念英语课程当然得是第四啦。这次我想拥有一个不一样的暑假。

    To be a sophomore I decide to pick up my New Concept English course, book 4 of course, and I want to have an unusual summer holiday this time.


  • 从学音标和单词开始。基础打牢。可以概念英语,从第一册开始。不要急,基础打不好会吃力的。

    Everyone has trouble starting with new things, but nothing is impossible for one to overcome. Here is some advice for you on learning English.


  • 如果觉得自己时间精力允许再学其他东西的话,建议你可以去概念英语牛津少儿英语或是剑桥少儿英语

    But do not give yourself too much pressure. If you think you have enough time and energy, I suggest you study New Concept English, Oxford English for Teenagers, or Cambridge English for Teenagers.


  • G亚历山大,世界著名语言学家、“概念英语主编也是个共同倡导听力口语优先一基本想法的作者。

    Louis Alexander who is the world-renowned linguist of ENGLISH teaching and the editor of NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH. He is a co-author of advocating this fundamental idea of listening and speaking first.


  • G亚历山大,世界著名语言学家、“概念英语主编也是个共同倡导听力口语优先一基本想法的作者。

    Louis Alexander who is the world-renowned linguist of ENGLISH teaching and the editor of NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH. He is a co-author of advocating this fundamental idea of listening and speaking first.


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