• 新药研发具有费用周期风险的特点,尤其是新药临床研究阶段

    Drug development is characterized by high costs, long cycle and big risk, especially in clinical trial.


  • 方法参照中药新药临床研究指导原则治疗高脂血症的临床研究指导原则。

    Methods:Reference to Chinese medicine clinical research of new drugs guiding principles for hyperlipidemia clinical research guidelines.


  • 西医诊断标准参照中药新药临床研究指导原则》中关于失眠诊断标准制定

    Western Medicine diagnostic criteria: refer to the diagnostic criteria of insomnia from Guidelines for the Clinical Research of Chinese Medicine New Drugs.


  • 参考《中药新药临床研究指导原则》其它候诊断标准作为非脾胃湿热证诊断标准。

    Diagnostic standard of other syndrome is those described in Chinese traditional medicine new drug clinical research guiding principle.


  • 中医新药临床研究指导原则(试行)》2002版准设计调查表,准确填写临床资料

    Refer to Directions of new drugs clinical research (try out) 2002, we designed the measuring scale and collected the clinical data.


  • 大多数参与一个新药研究临床试验有序系列步骤进行的,称之为分期

    Most clinical research that involves the testing of a new drug progresses in an orderly series of steps, called phases.


  • Duflo女士同事们所说随机试验像极了他们为了证明一个新药疗效而进行的临床试验研究

    The randomistas, as Ms Duflo and her comrades are called, liken their studies to the clinical trials that prove the efficacy of new drugs.


  • 研究人员相信大脑也存在类似开关并且认为用于临床新药10之后便开发出来。

    The researchers are confident that a similar switch exists in the human brain - and say that drugs that capitalise on their discovery could be in use in ten years.


  • 然而研究人员制药大幅削减用于对进行评价临床试验资金

    However, researchers and pharmaceutical manufacturers have significantly cut back on funds for the evaluation and clinical testing of new agents.


  • 对于医学研究人员也是同样情形。他们招募志愿者参加临床试验主要是将首次使用于人体的第一阶段试验。

    The same is true of medical researchers recruiting volunteers for clinical trials, especially those known as phase I trials, in which a new drug is tested on people for the first time.


  • 回答写2005年的篇题目为“多数”的论文中,论点新药临床实验前沿遗传学研究生物医学研究充满错误结论

    His answer, in a 2005 paper: "the majority." From clinical trials of new drugs to cutting-edge genetics, biomedical research is riddled with incorrect findings, he argued.


  • 据此,人们开发出了甲基药物应用临床治疗研究结果证实去甲基化药物一类安全有效抗肿瘤新药

    Accordingly, the demethylation drugs were developed and they have been used in clinical treatment and research, which confirmed that the drug is a kind of safe and effective anti-tumor drug.


  • 本文介绍了他们作用机理及其临床研究,叙述了他们肝素相比的优越之外,认为水蛭水蛭肽类非常有前途抗栓新药

    This paper introduces their mechanism function and clinical research illustrates their advantages compated with heparin believing that both hirudin and hirulog are new promising antithrombotic agents.


  • 医生能够通过计算机获得信息,包括新药他们相互反应诊疗记录新的医学研究以及临床试验,也能将病人记录存在身边。

    Doctors can access information on new drugs and interactions, new medical studies, and clinical trials, and keep patient records stored at their fingertips.


  • 近年治疗药物研究开发非常活跃出现多种新药但是临床应用情况调查来看总的效率

    In recent years the treatment of drug research and development is very active in a variety of new drugs, but from the clinical application of the survey, the overall efficiency was not high.


  • 摘要:对近年来川芎嗪抗组织粘连作用,临床研究研发新药提供参考

    Abstract: Recent studies of anti-adhesion mechanism of tetramethylpyrazine were reviewed to provide reference for clinical study and new drug development.


  • 抗逆转录病毒治疗(art)仍目前艾滋病治疗的最佳方法,近年一些ART新药应用临床新的ART方案探索研究取得进展

    Antiretroviral therapy is optimal regime in AIDS patients now, during the past few years some new ART drugs are in clinical application, some new ART regimes are in research and expanding rapidly.


  • 文章理学研究进展临床应用现状进行了综述。

    Here reviewed were recent progress in its pharmacological research and current events of its clinical application.


  • 研究基本完成了国家一类新药制剂学部分的临床前资料,处方申请专利

    The preclinical study of it as lnd category new drug of China have been finished basically and the formulation has been patented.


  • 新药安全性实验实施质量监督检查药物非临床研究质量管理规范(GLP)赋予质量保证部门(QAU)的重要职责

    Study inspection of preclinical safety evaluation of drug is an important responsibility for quality assurance unit (QAU) with good laboratory practice (GLP).


  • 临床药代动力学研究新药开发重要组成部分,专属、准确灵敏分析方法是研究的基础。

    Preclinical metabolism and pharmacokinetics study is important in drug discovery program and the basis of the study is a specific, sensitive method with good accuracy and precision.


  • 研究机制及开发新药同时,研究调整抗菌药物使用方法临床值得重视的问题。

    Resistance mechanisms have been studying for some drugs, new strategies are being developed. It has been paid much attention to changing the usage of antibacterial drugs.


  • 晚期胃癌临床研究中,泰索帝普拓(CPT-11)奥沙利铂、S-1其他正在进行早期研究新药显得更有发达前景

    Taxotere and CPT-11 appear to hold more promise in the investigation of patients with AGC than drugs like oxaliplatin, S-1, or many new classes of compounds that are under early investigation.


  • 第一美国食品药物管理局临床登记越来越有兴趣,将作为市场监测研究服务

    Number 1, the US Food and drug Administration is increasingly interested in having clinical registries serve as the post market surveillance studies once a new drug.


  • 新药研究剂量效应关系研究贯穿各期临床试验中,可变剂量设计具有一定优势。

    Titration to optimal effect is the central principle in the treatment of diseases with medications, and an important approach for the study of dose-response relationship.


  • 根据中药治疗特长临床所需建议将稽延戒断症状的改善作为戒毒中药新药研究目标适应证

    According to the treatment characteristics and the clinical needs, it is recommended that the protracted abstinent symptoms can be used as target indications of new tr...


  • 根据中药治疗特长临床所需建议将稽延戒断症状的改善作为戒毒中药新药研究目标适应证

    According to the treatment characteristics and the clinical needs, it is recommended that the protracted abstinent symptoms can be used as target indications of new tr...


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