• 含糊地朝房子方向了挥手。

    She waved vaguely in the direction of the house.


  • 行星轨道方向不断变化

    The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously.


  • 这位总统从未确定这个问题自己要朝哪个方向

    The president has never been sure which direction he wanted to go in on this issue.


  • 他们楼梯顶头停了下来,不知道下一步哪个方向

    They paused at the top of the stairs, doubtful as to which way to go next.


  • 虽然这只是小小的改进至少是朝正确方向迈出一步

    It's only a small improvement, but at least it's a step in the right direction.


  • 钻进玛吉汽车摇晃着开上马路,朝拉里商店方向驶去。

    He got into Margie's car and swung out onto the road in the direction of Larry's shop.


  • 如果他们我们方向采取了任何行动的话,我们就会进行反制

    If they had made any sort of move that was in our direction we would have made a countermove already.


  • 这个通告受到欢迎,被认为是向正确方向迈进一步普遍看作装装样子。

    The announcement was welcomed as a step in the right direction, but was widely seen as a token gesture.


  • 总是沿着一个方向越长越大

    It keeps growing in one direction.


  • 他们不同方向走去

    They walked to different directions.


  • 不问问题,不问方向

    Don’t ask for directions and don’t ask questions.


  • 感到头晕目眩,找不到方向

    I feel dizzy and disorientated.


  • 猛打方向中间掉了个头。

    He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.


  • 我们教的学生都是理科方向的。

    Our students are oriented towards science subjects.


  • 长江东北方向一道天然屏障

    The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.


  • 警察从四面八方向恐怖分子进逼。

    The police moved in on the terrorists.


  • 预测经济发展方向吗?

    Can you forecast where the economy is heading?


  • 伸手来方向推开了

    He snatched at the steering wheel but I pushed him away.


  • 把球发对方正手方向

    He served to his opponent's forehand.


  • 故意记者们指错了方向

    He had deliberately misdirected the reporters.


  • 急速打着方向盘,我们跟着左摇右摆。

    He spun the steering-wheel so that we yawed from side to side.


  • 紧紧握住方向,握得指关节都变白了。

    He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened.


  • 片低洼的沼泽地沿海方向延伸英里。

    The low, marshy land runs out for miles toward the gulf.


  • 一个孩子使得他们生活有了新的方向

    Having a child gave new meaning to their lives.


  • 震动了东南方向90英里远加尔维斯顿的建筑物

    It shook buildings as far away as Galveston, 90 miles to the southeast.


  • 采取了管制措施来重新分配资源转变资源投放方向

    Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.


  • 这位船长愿意冒险不见方向之前开过海峡

    The skipper was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going.


  • 我们东北方向,”葆拉他们出发告诉他们

    "We're going northeast," Paula told them, before they started.


  • 安全气囊碰撞时立刻膨胀,司机方向之间形成一个缓冲

    Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact to form a cushion between the driver and the steering column.


  • 如果方向右侧美国有可能这些岛屿销售更多车辆

    America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right.


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